أختاري واقي الشمس المناسب


هالمقالة كتير عجبتني وخاصة والجو كتير شووبDt_1
We eat nmay t sn expse by deveping a tan snbn. Bt sme f s eat abnmay fm phtsensitivity. F instane, ding the ast tw smmes, I have bken t in a ash fm the sn. My dt said it is ntat dematitis, peisy, phtntat dematitis. The aegen d even be a snseen ingedient.
VA is a maj tigge f phtsensitivity. These ays an penetate gass, s y’e expsed t VA when y ae nea a windw diving y a. VA penetates deepe int skin than VB and an ase pemate aging. It an as ntibte t skin ane.

When V adiatin is absbed by phtsensitize mees, they in tn eiit a eatin in hmphes, mees in the skin. The est is an abnma skin eatin, sh as a ash.

Phtsensitizes an be eithe aegens txins. Phttxins an be dgs, pants a ta deivatives. They ase snbn ike eatins, and ae dse-dependent. Phtaegies eiit immne espnses and tend t ase me sevee skin eatins. Phtaegens an be dgs tpia agents and an spead beynd the sn expsed egin f the skin. These mees ase a ash ike symptm. They ae nt dse-dependent.

Patients an eat t sensitizes that iginate tside inside the bdy. Vais dgs an ase phtsensitivity. smetis the mateias may ntain ptentia phtsensitizes that ae depsited n the skin given intenay, wheeas an immne disde, sh as ps, an ase an abnma eatin t the sn that iginates inside the bdy.

Sme gani snseen hemias absb VA, VB bth. Ingedients, sh as tyene, ptet against VB. Ingedients, sh as avbenzne (Pas 1780) a benzphenne (sh as dixybenzne, xybenzne sisbenzne), ptet patiay against VA. Sme snseen ingedients pvide physia sn ptetin that efet absb VA and VB. These ingedients inde zin xide and titanim dixide. Mst snseens ntain a mbinatin f ative, as we as inative ingedients.

The physia bking agents have nt been epted t ase ntat dematitis.As, stdies have fnd that ingani agents, sh as zin xide, ae phtstabe; they dn't degade apidy; hweve, gani agents tend t be ess stabe.

Phtstabiity depends nt ny n the snseen ative ingedients bt as n the inative ingedients,” says Ssan z, spkespesn f the FDA. “Y an mpae tw diffeent snseens with the same ative ingedients at the same nentatin, and the snseens an have diffeent SPF vaes," says Ssan z, spkespesn f the FDA.

Snseen pdt abes dn't ist the peentage f ingedients ang with thei synnyms. Exampe: Amy dimethy PABA (padimate A, isamy-p-N,N-dimethyaminbenzate, Esa 506, pentydimethy PABA). The FDA imits the peentage f snseen ative ingedients. F exampe, zin xide is imited t 25%, Avbenzne, 3%.

FDA's ffie f Nnpesiptin Pdts within the ente f Dg Evaatin and eseah (DE) is deveping VA testing and abeing eqiements f snseens. It is enty in fina eaane. Bt in the meantime, avid the sn between 10 and 4 when V adiatin is me intense, and se snseen ppey by:

* heking the expiatin date.
* appying snseen evey 2 hs fm snise t snset a yea nd and evey h if y sweat bathe sine snseen weas f and ses effetiveness ve time.
* appying snseen if y ae nea a windw that gets sn when y’e dying a a. Gass windws dn’t bk V-A adiatin.
* appying ip bam with bad spetm sn ptetin.
* appying snseen when y pan t be in the shade sine sn ight is satteed in a dietin, even nde an mbea.
* eappying snseen afte bbing, sh as twe dying. b the snseen in genty y may b it ff.
* appying eveny a genes amnt f snseen with bad spetm sn ptetin, bt dn’t b had y may b it ff. Abt an ne is eqied t ve the entie bdy.

اسفة كتير لأنو المقالة مش مترجمة خاصة وانها مشاركتي الأولى انشالة تنال أعجابكمShk1_1



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