اختصارات الامراض

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
هذة اول مشاركة لى فى المنتدى

* A

AAA = abdmina ati aneysm
A-a = gadient avea t ateia gadient
AAD =antibiti-assiated diahea
AA = aet, awake, and iented
A& = aet & iented
AAS = ate abdmina seies
ABD = abdmen
ABG = ateia bd gas
A = befe eating
AS =advaned adia ife sppt
ATH =adentitpi hmne
ADH =anti-dieti hmne
AD =advese dg eatin. | ate dystni eatin
ad ib =as mh as needed
AED =antiepiepti dg
AF =atia fibiatin afebie
AFB =aid-fast baii
AFP =apha-fetptein
A G = abmingbin ati
AI = ati insffiieny
AKA =abve the knee amptatin
AD = ahi ive disease
A =ate ymphyti ekemia
amb =ambate
AM =ate myegens ekemia
ANA = antinea antibdy
ANS = atnmi nevs system
AB = ah n beath
ADM = adt nset diabetes meits
AP = antepstei abdmina - peinea
ADS = ate espiaty distess syndme
AF =ate ena faie
AS =ati stensis
ASAP= as sn as pssibe
ASVD= atheseti adivasa disease
ASD= atia septa defet
ASHD= atheseti heat disease
AV =ativentia
A-V =ateivens
A-V2= ateivens xygen

التعديل الأخير بواسطة المشرف:


BBB =bnde banh bk
BAA= banhed hain amin aids
BE= baim enema
BEE =basa enegy expendite
bid =twie a day
BKA= bew the knee amptatin
BM= bne maw bwe mvement
BM =basa metabi ate
BM= biatea titis media
BP =bd pesse
BPH= benign pstati hypetphy
BPM =beats pe minte
BBP= bight ed bd pe etm
BP= bathm piviedges
BS =bwe beath snds
BN =bd ea nitgen
BW =bdy weight
BX =bipsy


&S= te and sensitivity
A =ane
a =aim
AA =ystaine amin aids
ABG= nay atey bypass gaft
AD =nay atey disease
AT =mpteized axia tmgaphy
B =mpete bd nt
BG= apiay bd gas
=hief mpaint
=ean ath ine adia ae nit
V= itia sing vme
F= ysti fibsis
G =hni ganyti ekemia
HF =ngestive heat faie
H= abhydate
I =adia index
M =hni myegens ekemia
MV= ytmegavis
N =ania neves
NS = enta nevs system
=adia tpt
=mpaining f
D =hni bsttive ng disease
PD= hni bsttive pmnay disease
P =hest pain eeba pasy
PAP =ntins psitive aiway pesse
PK =eatinine phsphkinase
P =adipmnay essitatin
= eatinine eaane
F =hni ena faie
P =-eative ptein
SF =eebspina fid
T =mpteized tmgaphy
VA =eebvasa aident stveteba ange
VAT =VA tendeness
VP =enta vens pesse
X= hest X-ay



DAT =diet as teated
DAW= dispense as witten
D =disntine dishage
D& =diatin and ettage
DDx =diffeentia diagnsis
D5W 5%= dextse in wate
DI =diabetes insipids
DI =disseminated intavasa agpathy
DIP =dista intephaangea jint
DJD =degeneative jint disease
DKA= diabeti ketaidsis
d =deiite
DM =diabetes meits
DN =d nt essitate
DA =dead n aiva
DE =dyspnea n exetin
DP =diagnsti peitnea avage
DPT =diphtheia, petssis, tetans
DT =deep tendn efexes
DVT= deep vens thmbsis
DX= diagnsis


EAA= essentia amin aids
EB =estimated bd ss
EG =eetadigam
ET =eetnvsive theapy
EFAD =essentia fatty aid defiieny
EMG= Eetmygam
EMV =eyes, mt, veba espnse (Gasgw ma sae)
ENT= eas, nse, and that
EM =extaa mses
ES =eythyte sedimentatin ate
ET =endtahea
ETT =endtahea tbe
EP= endspi etgade hangi -paneatgaphy
ETH =ethan
EA =examinatin nde anesthesia


FBS =fasting bd sga
FEV =fed expiaty vme
FFP =fesh fzen pasma
F =fntina esida apaity
FTT= faie t thive
F= fw-p
F =feve f nknwn igin
FV= fed vita apaity
Fx= fate


G =gnhea
GETT= genea by endtahea tbe
GF =gmea fitatin ate
GI =gastintestina
g gain; 1 gain = 65mg. Theefe Vg = 325mg
GSW =gn sht wnd
gt gtt= dps
GTT =gse teane test
G =genitinay
GXT =gaded exeise teane (Stess test)


HA =headahe
HAA =hepatitis B sfae antigen
HAV =hepatitis A vis
HBP =high bd pesse
HG= hman hini gnadtpin
HT= hematit
HD =high density ipptein
HEENT= head, eyes, eas, nse, that
Hgb =hemgbin
HH= hendesn- hassebah eqatin hemgbin hematit
HIV =hman immndefiieny vis
HA =histmpatibiity s antigen
HJ =hepatjga efex
H= histy f
HB= head f bed
HPF= high pwe fied
HPI= histy f pesent iness
H= heat ate
HS =at bedtime
HSM= hepatspenmegay
HTV-III= hman ymphtpi vis, type III (AIDS agent, HIV)
HSV =hepes simpex vis
HTN= hypetensin
Hx= histy

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انشاء الله تكونين دوم في العليا
موضوع مميز جداااااااااااااااااا

بارك الله فيك يا ع

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