البكتيا المغلفه The sheathed bacteria

للي عندو كتب أو أي معلومه تفيدني أرجوكم أي معلومه عندي تسليم تقرير عن هذا النوع من البكتريا والتقرير عباره عن 3 صفحات eyes1;أنا دخت وانا ادور

انا كمان ابغى بحث زيو

sheathed bateia

Sheathed bateia ae bateia that gw as ng fiaments whse extei is veed by a aye knwn as a sheath. Within the sheath, the bateia an be apabe f gwth and divisin. Exampes f sheathed bateia inde eptthix dispha (as knwn as "in bateia"), and Sphaetis natans.
Sheathed bateia ae mmn f the bateia mmnities in wate and in si. In these envinments, the sheath is ften ated with peipitates f eements in the wate si envinments, sh as xides f in and manganese. The eements ae nstabe in stin, and ths wi eadiy me t f stin when pesented with an apppiate site.
The sheath that ves the bateia an be f vaied nsttin. Mh f the stta infmatin has been geaned fm the bsevatin f thin sies f
sampe sing the tansmissin
