البنج الموضعي والبنج العام

a anaesthesia

Thee ae tw methds f inding a anaesthesia.
· Syinge and hypdemi neede methd
This is the mst mmn methd f nting the dismft f denta teatment.

An anaestheti eam ge is fist sed t nmb the gm, and t make the injetin amst painess.

The anaestheti stin is injeted int the tisses, afte whih the teatment an be painess.

The ips, tnge and heek may as be nmbed, as they shae a mmn neve sppy.

The fae, ip and tnge may fee swen athgh they d nt atay swe.

D nt eat whie y sti fee nmb, bease y may bite y ip heek.

Avid ht dinks whie y mth is nmb as y d bn ysef witht eaising it.

The nmbness asts f 1-4 hs.
· High pesse jet methd
This speia devie deives the anaestheti stin nde pesse, witht sing a neede.
It may be sed as the se means f inding anaesthesia, t nmb the gm befe a nventina injetin.

Genea anaesthesia

· Genea Anaesthesia aws the dentist t wk n an nnsis patient.

· It may be neessay when the teatment is patiay painf diffit.

· If the patient's emtina behavia pbems make it impssibe f the dentist t ay t the teatment in the sgey, a genea anaestheti an sve the pbem.

· Genea anaesthesia shd ny be sed in a hspita simia envinment, and be administeed by a speiaist anaesthetist.

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