Why d sme ses advise waiting nge than 6 weeks f HIV testing?
Mst pepe wi test aatey f HIV afte 6 weeks have passed sine thei ast isk. In vey ae ases whee a pesn has a highy mpmised immne system, sh as thse in whih a pesn has eenty ndegne hemtheapy an gan tanspant, it may take 3-6 mnths f thei bdy t devep engh antibdies t test psitive. These ae vey exteme sitatins, hweve, and the me mmn nditins sh as ds the f, diabetes, asthma, and many thes, wi nt affet the bdy's devepment f HIV antibdies in that way. Thse wh sggest windw peids nge than 6 weeks ae tying t ant f a thse wh may as have mpmised immne systems
هذا الكلام من موقع امريكي يسمى AIDS ATIN MMITTEE
Mst pepe wi test aatey f HIV afte 6 weeks have passed sine thei ast isk. In vey ae ases whee a pesn has a highy mpmised immne system, sh as thse in whih a pesn has eenty ndegne hemtheapy an gan tanspant, it may take 3-6 mnths f thei bdy t devep engh antibdies t test psitive. These ae vey exteme sitatins, hweve, and the me mmn nditins sh as ds the f, diabetes, asthma, and many thes, wi nt affet the bdy's devepment f HIV antibdies in that way. Thse wh sggest windw peids nge than 6 weeks ae tying t ant f a thse wh may as have mpmised immne systems
هذا الكلام من موقع امريكي يسمى AIDS ATIN MMITTEE