برزنتيشن عن السكر بالنقلش

كان مطلوب مني برزنتيشن عن مرض السكر وبحثت عنه وضبطته وقدمته لاالدكتوره وعجبها واخذت عليه الفل مارك عشان كذا حبيت انزله لكم ممكن احد يستفيد منه ...

Definitin :Is a ise in bd sga de t ak f the hmne insin, that thee was esistane t the hmne, despite its pesene bth

Types :

Thee ae thee types f

1- D.M type 1

* ften affets yng

* Weight is nma we than nma

* The bdy is antibdies t the es that seete insin (Atantibdies) This is the ase f the disease

* Peid f nset f symptms nt exeeding ne mnth

* Thee is Kithnih antibdies in the ine (Ketnea)

2- D.M type 2

* Affets the edey ften

Weight is ps .. The sense f exessive besity (bese)*

* The bdy des nt have antibdies t the es that pde insin (N Atantibdies)

* Peid f nset f symptms fm mnth t ne yea

N bjets Kithnih in the ine (N Ketnea)*

3- Senday

The sense that y have diabetes, eithe bease f anthe disease sh as (shing syndme - Amegay) .. Be de t mediatin take him t anthe disease sh as (Thiazides) .. bease the eadiatin f the paneas …

ases :

1- Genetis

2- Atmati immne against insin

3- besity

4- Via infetins

isk fats f diabetes :

isk fats f diabetes- 1- Famiy histy with diabetes .. In the sense that thee is ne f y eatives aying the same disease

2- besity

3- pesse

4- ak f exeise

Symptms & signs :

1- Feqent ine (Pyia)

2- Feqent dinking wate (Pydipsia)

(3- eating t mh (Pyphagia

4- w pesse (Hyptensin)

5- Ineased heat ate (Tahyadia)

6- apid beathing (Hypeventiatin)

7- Weight ss

8- ineased fatige (Fatige)

9- bed visin (Bed visin)

Methds f ptetin

1- hse heathy fds .. Mtita fai is f f fibe, eding sweets and fds that ntain a high peentage f sgas

2- d spt egay

3- stp smking

4- stp the abse f ah

5- Weight ss

Tests the isis t make se that the pesene f diabetes

(1- Anaysis f bd sga (Bd gse test

2- Anaysis f sga ine (ine gse test)

- 3- Gysyated hemgbin measement

4- Gse Teane Test (GTT) is the mst imptant ne .. The way is thgh y make the patient fast fm the night and take his mning anaysis f bd and ine .. And then give the patient 75 gams f gse dissved in 300 m f wate t dink it in 5 mintes .. It then anayzes the patient again afte tw hs .. Hee ae the eading depending n the pesn in fnt f y if he is heathy nt .. Sppsed t be a nma vae afte tw hs .. Bt if the high Vsahbna has this disease
التعديل الأخير بواسطة المشرف:

Symptms f deine in the eve f sga in the bd

A feeing f weakness, dizziness, nfsin, hnge, paeness, headahes, tensin, his and sweating, apid heatbeat, and in sevee ases may se nsisness and bemes matse.

And this sitatin ften fm mpiatins f diabetes.

easns f the w eve f sga in the bd

*Ineasing the dse f insin pis

*Deaying deete ne f the meas

*Eat ess than eqied and nt mmensate with the dsage f the dg se.

The patie f physia efft is geaty exaggeated *

*The eve f sga eqied t aess it fm ne pesn t anthe depending n the age and sitatin

Teatment deease in the eve f sga in the bd

By eating dinking anything that ntains sga sh as sweets, jies, sft dinks

In seis ases may need a dt t injet the hmne gagn t teat the emegeny.

Y shd get media hep fast if the pesn des nt espnd apidy t teatment f the sitatin .

Symptms f high bd sga eve

Feqent inatin*


Bed in the eye*

*A sense f thist

*ss f appetite

*Abnma behavi and the ene f fainting


Diffity in beathing*

Heat in the feet*

* Batnmei feeing in the imbs and fae

*Sme ike the sme f aetne, a femented fit f the mth

* A feeing f pain in the stmah

Nasea and the desie t vmit*

Teatment f high bd sga

mmitment t mft, nt t exeise any msa efft*

Eating t mh sga-fee iqids*

egaity eating meas*

Eat sma meas evey tw hs thee hs if y fee sik*

nsisteny in taking mediatin pesibed by a dt*

When a vmiting des nt need t me t the hspita*

Give insin net in the event f ketnes as pesibed*

*hek bd sga and ketnes nstanty, and when y ise y shd nst a dt immediatey

Nsing management :

1-Maintaining the baane f fids :

A - fid enteing and eaving mst be meased and intavens fids given t patients as deed by the dt and the patient shd be enaged n iqids by mth.

B - ab tests, espeiay sdim and ptassim shd wk and ed

- vita signs mst be eded t detet symptms f dght stikes, a speed pse and w bd pesse

2- etin f metabi disdes :

A - the pptin f sga mst be meased befe the mea and at bedtime

B - insin is given ading t dt's des

- gse tabets sed t teat dp in bd sga

D - dse f insin shd give and nt me than evey 3-4 hs

E - the patient is enaged t eat f meas and ight

And - dinating with the ntitinist t give snaks befe physia ativity

G - imptant f the nse t emphasize that insin is hanged ading t need and ading t the diagnsti tests and the meases

3- Patient Edatin:

A - the patient mst ean the skis they ntain (t give insin - the enment f bd sga - the pptin f ketne - fd)

B - t identify the peventin f mpiatins

- t identify the atin f aess t teatment and when t ntat y dt

D - If the patient des nt have any signs f mpiatins f diabetes, the time f diagnsis f the disease mst ean peventive ae sh as ft ae and ntats

4-Teahing the patient hme ae:

A - Adat stm sed t teah speia skis sh as diabetes, a btte f insin and insin pepaatin

B - the famiy mst ean hw t hep the patient's metabism, in patia mbiizatin syinge and eding the pptin f diabetes in the bd

- the fw-p f the nse t the patient at hme

D - pt int nsideatin the physia nditins and physia f the patient

E - mst be pt int nsideatin sme patients, diffeent dates and meas fm Iemb evenings and seeps thgh the night

5- emva f nen:

Psyhgia ae t the patient and ty t answe a his qestins

Heathy fd f diabetis

Shd ntain fd f diabetes patients f a key ntients ae abhydates, fats and pteins in additin t vitamins, mineas and fibe.

Diabetis ae advised t distibte daiy aies (the amnt f fd daiy) n the thee main meas and the meas, inding ight and that abhydates nstitte the bk f the amnt f fd.

Ft ae f diabeti

1- Wash the feet daiy and dy p, patiay amng the finges

2- Make se that the wate tempeate is nt ht t d befe ptting the feet in it

3- The se f vegetabe is f mistizing dy paes. Nt t pt i eam t mistize between the tes

4- Nais t hizntay with the se f the fie instead f sisss t tim the nais

5- Examinatin f the feet egay and se a mi t hek the ses f the feet and t bseve any aks dy them and make se that the tempeate f the feet ae nma

6- Nn-se f naw shes pefeaby with syp f ttn make se that n bt fm shap bjets gave

7- Nt t wak baeft

8- Nt attempt t teat wnds emve the skin nai fssi ft witht nsting a theapist feet

9- Attendane t fw the insttins t maintain theapeti bd sga and heste in the nma ange

10- T efain fm smking

11- eview theapist feet in the appeaane f any wnds infetins f the feet
التعديل الأخير بواسطة المشرف: