بليز ساعدوني في معلومات عنmeconium

السلام عليكم

انا طالبة تمريض

ومطلوب علي اسوي ase stdy

عن menim

بليز اللي عنده اي معلومات ياليت يفيدني

Menim is the fist st f an infant, mpsed f mateias ingested ding the time the infant spends in the tes: Intestina epitheia es, ang, ms, amniti fid, bie, and wate. Menim is steie, nike ate fees, is viss and stiky ike ta, and has n d. It shd be mpetey passed by the end f the fist few days f pstpatm ife, with the sts pgessing twad yew (digested mik). The tem Menim deives fm menim-ain, meaning "pim-ike", in efeene eithe t its tay appeaane Aistte's beief that it inded seep in the fets.[1]
Menim is nmay sted in the infant's intestines nti afte bith, bt smetimes it is expeed int the amniti fid pi t bith ding ab and deivey.
Menim an be tested f vais dgs, t hek f in te expse. The ests f menim testing n n a newbn an be tned in t hid ptetive sevies and the aw enfementh
Menim ies
Smetimes the menim bemes thikened and ngested in the iem, a nditin knwn as menim ies. Menim ies is ften the fist symptm f ysti fibsis.[3] In ysti fibsis, the menim an fm a bitmins bak-geen mehania bsttin in a segment f the iem. Beynd this thee may be a few sepaate gey-white gba peets. Bew this eve the bwe is a naw and empty mi-n. Abve the eve f the bsttin, thee ae sevea ps f hypetphied bwe distended with fid. N menim is passed, and abdmina distensin and vmiting appea sn afte bith. Abt 20% f ases f ysti fibsis pesent with menim ies, whie appximatey 20% f ne seies f ases f menim ies did nt have ysti fibsis.[4] The pesene f menim ies is nt eated t the seveity f the ysti fibsis.[5] The bsttin an be eieved in a nmbe f diffeent ways.[6]
Menim ies shd be distingished fm "menim pg syndme", in whih a tenais mass f ms pevents the menim fm passing this is what i an hep in
thanks and gd k.