تاثير الاسبرين على الاطفال

hiden Shd Nt se Aspiin Ding Infenza Seasn :
n Febay 12, an Indian Heath Sevie (IHS) physiian epted a ase f eye syndme in a 14-yea-d Native mae admitted t the Aaska Native Media ente (ANM). Eight days eaie, the patient deveped an ppe espiaty iness with feve, gh, and myagias. Ding his iness, the patient tk bth aetaminphen and aspiin. n Febay 11, the patient began vmiting, deveped geneaized seizes, and was admitted t a sateite IHS hspita. His nditin deteiated and he was tansfeed t ANM n Febay 12, whee he was atenatey mbative, btnded, and smnent. The patient was intbated. n Febay 14, the patient's SGT was 1,291 nitsm and the SGPT was 1,847 nitsm. The sem ammnia was 561 µgd n Febay 13 and 271 µgd n Febay 14 (nma: 40-70 µgd). The eebspina fid ntained 7 WBmm3. n the basis f these findings, the diagnsis f eye syndme was made. n the evening f Febay 12, bainstem heniatin deveped, and n Febay 14, the patient died afte disntinatin f ife sppt. We ae nw investigating a send sspeted ase f eye syndme, as fata, in a 14-yea-d with ate hepatitis A.
eye syndme is a ae and sevee mpiatin f infenza and the via diseases, (vaiea, xsakievis, and ehvis infetin). The ate iness has been desibed in hiden p t 15 yeas f age. Within ne t thee days f the ate via infetin, pesistent vmiting with stp may with pgessin t nvsins and ma. Signs f hepati injy inde an enaged ive and eevated sem tansaminases and sem ammnia eves. Pthmbin time an be pnged. Jandie is haateistiay absent minima. Hypgyemia and ........................bi aidsis ae the maj abaty findings. Histpathgi hanges ae haateized by extensive fatty vaizatin f hepatytes and f ena tba epitheim. The ase and pathgenesis ae nknwn. Pgnsis depends n the seveity f enta nevs system depessin. The mtaity ate in eye syndme is appximatey 30%. Death say ests fm eeba edema, espiaty aest, ma.
Thee is epidemigi evidene inking eye syndme t aspiin se. F stdies between 1980 and 1982 demnstated an assiatin between eye syndme and the ingestin f aspiin ding an anteedent espiaty iness hikenpx. Fthe evidene indes a dse-espnse eatinship between isk f eye syndme and the dse f aspiin ingested ding the peeding iness. A maked deine in the se f aspiin amng hiden in the nited States has inided with a damati deine in the inidene f eye syndme.
In the nited States between 1976 and 1980, 250 t 550 ases pe yea wee epted t entes f Disease nt. Hweve, anna ase-nts sine 1983, ae as fws: 1983 (198), 1984 (204), 1985 (93), 1986 (101), 1987 (36) and 1988 (20). Anna ase-nts sine 1980 in Aaska ae as fws: 1980 (2), 1981-1983 (0), 1984 (3), 1985 (1), 1986 (2), 1987 (2), and 1988-1989 (0).
The 1989-90 infenza seasn in Aaska began in Nvembe with a dmented ase in Faibanks. T date, 85 infenza vis isates have been nfimed by the State Pbi Heath abaty-Faibanks. Eighty-ne (95%) f the isates have been AShanghai1187 (H3N2). Tw isates eah f ATaiwan186 (H1N1) and a B-Vitia-ike stain have been identified. High absenteeism ates have been epted in Anhage, Faibanks, Kethikan, and Baw shs. The f seasn in Aaska say asts thgh mid-Mah; ast seasn, the isates wee fnd thgh Api 15.
Bease f the pssibe inks between aspiin and eye syndme and the pesene f infenza thght the state, we ae advising physiians and the heath ae pvides that hiden p t age 15 yeas shd nt se aspiin ding the infenza seasn.
مختصر الموضوع
عاوز اقول ليكم انو الاطفال دون سن 12 سنة ما مفروض يستعملوا الاسبرين (الاسبرو) عندما يصابوا بالحمي عموما او الانفلونزا بشكل خاص لانو الاسبرين سيسبب ليهم حاجة اسمها تناذر راي و ده شيء خطير جدا باثر علي المخ.

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