السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
أعاني من تسارع دقات القلب دائما و أشعر بالتعب و ضيق تنفس
طلب مني الطبيب عمل فحص امالة الطاولة لكشف سبب
In the view of above, patient had symptoms of dizziness during tilt and she could tolerate tilt
only for 40 seconds. There was significant increase in BP and HR in response to the tilt.
Maximum BP recorded during tilt was 145/115mmHg. Autonomic profile and good
baroreceptor sensitivity for age indicated good modulation of hemodynamics with the
change of posture.
Patient had symptoms dizziness to head-up position which limited tilt to 40 seconds.
Increased HR and BP during tilt may be suggestive of Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia
Syndrome (POTS). Please correlate results clinically.
هل أعاني من تسارع دقات القلب الانتصابي الوضعي؟
أعاني من تسارع دقات القلب دائما و أشعر بالتعب و ضيق تنفس
طلب مني الطبيب عمل فحص امالة الطاولة لكشف سبب
In the view of above, patient had symptoms of dizziness during tilt and she could tolerate tilt
only for 40 seconds. There was significant increase in BP and HR in response to the tilt.
Maximum BP recorded during tilt was 145/115mmHg. Autonomic profile and good
baroreceptor sensitivity for age indicated good modulation of hemodynamics with the
change of posture.
Patient had symptoms dizziness to head-up position which limited tilt to 40 seconds.
Increased HR and BP during tilt may be suggestive of Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia
Syndrome (POTS). Please correlate results clinically.
هل أعاني من تسارع دقات القلب الانتصابي الوضعي؟
- الجنس
- أنثى
- الحالة الاجتماعية
- غير متزوج
- العمر
- 26
- الطول
- 155
- الوزن
- 66
- طبيعة العمل
- لا
- الحالة النفسية
- لا
- أمراض مزمنة
- لا
- أدوية مستخدمة
- Propranolol
- تشخيص الطبيب
- تسارع دقات القلب