دراسة جديدة تؤكد أن NSAIDs لها مخاطر على القلب والدورة الدموية

السلام عليكم
خبريؤكد أن كل المسكنات والتي تعرف بـ NSAIDs لديها مخاطر على القلب والدورة الدموية وإليكم النص كاملا وسوف أحاول ترجمته في وقت لاحق لكي يقرأه غير الأطباء من أصدقائنا المتواجدين في المنتدى .

A Nnsteida Anti-Infammaty Dgs Have adivasa isks

Janay 12, 2011 — New data shwing nnsteida anti-infammaty dgs (NSAIDs) have adivasa isks ae ptting the we-knwn pain eieves bak in the headines. Investigats evaating avaiabe evidene ept they have fnd itte t sggest that any f the investigated ptins ae safe.

egaty agenies have aeady pinted t adivasa signas with NSAIDs, bt these nens ae based mainy n bsevatina evidene. This new stdy pvides a mpehensive anaysis f a andmized nted tias f the dgs.

Ding an inteview with Medsape Media News, seni investigat Pete Jüni, MD, fm the nivesity f Ben in Switzeand, said his team expeted t see an ineased isk bt was spised by the magnitde f the signa. "We neve thght we'd see 2- and 4-fd ineased isks," he said. "The dses wee admittedy high," he pinted t, "hweve, this is eay iniay eevant."

Sevea eaie meta-anayses wee nabe t esve the debate ve isk bease they faied t inde a andmized evidene in 1 stdy. This new netwk meta-anaysis, pbished nine Janay 11 in BMJ, indes a avaiabe evidene.

The team ed by Sven Tee, MD, as at the nivesity f Ben, inded 31 tias and 116,429 patients taking napxen, ibpfen, difena, eexib, etixib, miaxib, fexib, paeb.

Investigats saw an inease in myadia infatins, stke, and adivasa death in patients taking a f these NSAIDs. Nt spisingy, fexib was assiated with the highest isk f myadia infatin, with a ate ati f 2.12. The dg's manfate, Mek, vntaiy withdew the pdt maketed as Vixx in 2004 bease f nens ve aditxiity.

miaxib had the next highest ate f myadia infatin in the ent stdy. Ibpfen was assiated with the highest isk f stke with a ate ati f 3.36 fwed by difena at 2.86. Etixib was inked t the highest ate f adivasa death at 4.07 fwed by difena at 3.98.

D. Jüni emmends that physiians take speia ae in evaating patients pne t adivasa events. Thse wh eqie teatment shd take the west pssibe dse f the shtest peid.

D. Jüni says he wd ike t see bak bx wanings added t dg pakaging f the pdts sti avaiabe n the maket.

f a the NSAIDs, napxen seemed east hamf in this stdy. The finding is in ageement with emmendatins made by egaty agenies when fexib was fist emved fm the maket and physiians wee evaating atenatives.

"I think we shd eseve fina jdgment n napxen nti afte we've mpeted the vea safety stdy," D. Jüni said. His team is enty stdying the gastintestina safety f the dg and weighing the benefits and isks fm that pespetive.

"With napxen, we tend t need a ptn pmp inhibit t ptet the stmah," D. Jüni added. "This is fa fm idea."

N ea ink Between Speifiity and isk

In an inteesting twist, investigats fnd n ea eatin between speifiity f yxygenase-2 inhibits and isk f adivasa events. This finding ntasts with pevis aims that ineased seetivity f yxygenase-2 inhibits is assiated with adivasa isk.

Sevea mehanisms have been ppsed, bt the hypthesis f an imbaane between pstayin and thmbxane A2 eading t an ineased isk f thmbti events is the mst we knwn.

The eseahes sggest the ak f a ea assiatin between speifiity f yxygenase-2 inhibits and adivasa isk impies that the mehanisms shd be nsideed. "Mtipe effets mst pbaby ntibte t the ineased isk f adivasa events, inding diffeentia effets n pstayin and thmbxane A2 synthesis, endtheia fntin, niti xide pdtin, bd pesse, vme etentin, and the ena effets," they nte.

Miins f Patients Taking NSAIDs

In an ampanying editia, Wayne ay, PhD, fm Vandebit in Nashvie, Tennessee, pinted t that miins f patients with hni msskeeta symptms ae ng-tem NSAID ses.

In the nited States, an estimated 5% f a visits t a physiian ae eated t pesiptins f anti-infammaties, and they ae amng the mst mmny sed mediatins.

"Given that bth mehanisti and inia data sggest that individa NSAIDs may have diffeent adivasa isk pfies," D. ay nted, "a nata qestin is, 'Whih NSAID is safest f patients with high adivasa isk?'"

He pints t the nging PEISIN tia, thewise knwn as the Pspetive andmized Evaatin f eexib Integated Safety vess Ibpfen Napxen, wi eventay pvide me infmatin n the eative adivasa safety f these ptins. "nti these ests beme avaiabe, napxen seems t be the best hie with egad t adivasa safety."

D. ay says the ntvesy and nfsin abt the adivasa safety f these pdts pvides an imptant essn. "Dgs f symptmati eief mst be evaated with egad t the taget symptms as we as ess feqent yet seis advese effets. NSAIDs ae nt an idea teatment with espet t effiay safety. Pehaps it is time f a age me systemati evaatin f a bade ange f atenatives."

This stdy was fnded by the Swiss Natina Siene Fndatin. The eseahes have dissed n eevant finania eatinships. Editiaist D. Wayne ay has eeived fnding fm Pfize. He seved as an expet f the State f Texas in a awsit fied against Mek. D. ay as wks as an expet f an insane mpany.

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