بناءا على المعلومات الي وفرها دكتور محمد
جبت قاموسي الxfd Media Ditinay
وطلعت منه هاي المعلومات إن شاء الله تكون مفيدة ،،
athetsis : a withing invntay mvement espeiay affeting the hands, fae, and tnge. It is say a fm f eeba pasy. It impais th hid's abiity t speak se his hands ; inteigene ais ften nafeeted. Sh mvements may as be ased by dgs sed t teat pakinsnism by withdawa f
pakinsnism : a inia pite haateized by tems , igidity , swness f mvement, and psta instabiity . The mmnest symptm is tem, whih ften affets ne hand , speading fist t the eg at the same side, and then t thethe imbs . It is mst pnned in esting imbs, intefeing with sh atins as hding a p. The patient has an expessiness fae, an nmdated vie , an inasing tenedeny t stp and a shfing wak. It is a disease pess affeting the basa gangia f the bain and assiated with a defiieny f dpamine .
Smetmes distintin is made between Pakinsn's disease, a degeneative disde assiated with ageing & pakinsnism de t the ases . F exampe , it may be inded by the ng-tem se f
anti-psyhti dgs & nmmny it a be attibted t the ate effets f enephaitis a-gas pisning t Wisn's disease