
انا طالب تمريض سنة رابعة اي في الكورس الاخير
بحث تخرجي اخترته وهو :
w Bak Pain Amng Nses
الم اسفل الظهر عند الممرضين
فأرجو مساعدتكم

dea amzi
stat eading ab y eseah tpi fm textbk, jna and se the iteates
ty t appy the eseah pess steps n y pbem statement
make evey thing ea
ask y sef
what is the what d i mean by w bak pain
wh i wi investigate, staff nses, patie nses thes
what is my hypthesis
whee i wi ndt the eseah in whih hspita
what is the type f the sampe
what is the nmbe f my sampe
what is the design? is it expeimenta desiptive?
when y eah t answeing these qestin then g n
gd k
stat witing and if y have any qestin i an hep
gd bye