سلسلة الأدوية 18

atvastatin aim
(ah t' va stah tin)

Pegnany ategy X

Dg asses
HMG A inhibit

Theapeti atins
Inhibits HMG -enzyme A, the enzyme that atayzes the fist step in the heste synthesis pathway, esting in a deease in sem heste, sem Ds (assiated with ineased isk f AD), and ineases sem HDs (assiated with deeased isk f AD); ineases hepati D eapte sites, enhanes eptake and atabism f D; wes tigyeide eves.

· Adjnt t diet in teatment f eevated tta heste, sem tigyeides, and D heste in patients with pimay hypehesteemia (types IIa and IIb) and mixed dysipidemia, pimay dysbetaippteinemia, and hmzygs famiia hypehesteemia whse espnse t dietay estitin f satated fat and heste and the nnphamagi meases has nt been adeqate
· T inease HD- in patients with pimay hypehesteemia and mixed dysipidemia
· Adjnt t diet in teatment f bys and pstmenaha gis 10–17 y, with hetezygs famiia hesteemia if diet ane is nt adeqate t nt ipid eves and D- eves ae > 190 mgd if D- eve is > 160 mgd and thee is a famiy histy f pemate adivasa disease the hid has tw me isk fats f the devepment f nay disease

ntaindiatins and atins
· ntaindiated with aegy t atvastatin, fnga bypdts, ative ive disease nexpained and pesistent eevatins f tansaminase eves, pegnany, atatin.
· se atisy with impaied endine fntin.

Avaiabe fms
Tabets--10, 20, 40, 80 mg

Initia: 10 mg P ne daiy witht egad t meas; maintenane: 10–80 mg P daiy. May be mbined with bie aid binding esin.
Stating dse: 10 mg P daiy. Maximm dsage: 10 mgday.

1–2 h

Metabism: Hepati and ea; T12: 14 h
Distibtin: sses paenta; passes int beast mik
Exetin: Bie

Advese effets
· NS: Headahe, asthenia
· GI: Fatene, abdmina pain, amps, nstipatin, nasea, dyspepsia, heatbn, ive faie
· espiaty: Sinsitis, phayngitis
· the: habdmyysis with ate ena faie, athagia, myagia

· Pssibe sevee mypathy habdmyysis with eythmyin, yspine, niain, antifngas, the HMG-A edtase inhibits
· Ineased digxin eves with pssibe txiity if taken tgethe; mnit digxin eves
· Ineased estgen eves with a ntaeptives; mnit patients n this mbinatin
· Deeased metabism and isk f txi effets if mbined with gapefit jie; avid this mbinatin.

Nsing nsideatins
· Histy: Aegy t atvastatin, fnga bypdts; ative hepati disease; ate seis iness; pegnany, atatin
· Physia: ientatin, affet, mse stength; ive evaatin, abdmina exam; ipid stdies, ive and ena fntin tests

· btain ive fntin tests as a baseine and peidiay ding theapy; disntine dg if AST AT eves inease t 3 times nma eves.
· Withhd atvastatin in any ate, seis nditin (sevee infetin, hyptensin, maj sgey, tama, sevee metabi endine disde, seizes) that may sggest mypathy seve as isk fat f devepment f ena faie.
· Ense that patient has tied heste-weing diet egimen f 3–6 m befe beginning theapy.
· Administe dg witht egad t fd, bt at same time eah day.
· Atvastatin may be mbined with a bie aid binding agent. D nt mbine with the HMG-A edtase inhibits fibates.
· nst dietitian egading w-heste diets.
· Ense that patient is nt pegnant and has apppiate ntaeptives avaiabe ding theapy; seis feta damage has been assiated with this dg.

Teahing pints
· Take this dg ne a day, at abt the same time eah day; may be taken with fd. D nt dink gapefit jie whie n this dg.
· Institte apppiate dietay hanges that need t be made.
· These side effets may : nasea (eat sma, feqent meas); headahe, mse and jint ahes and pains (may essen ve time).
· Aange t have peidi bd tests whie y ae n this dg.
· Aet any heath ae pvide that y ae n this dg; it wi need t be disntined if ate injy iness s.
· D nt beme pegnant whie y ae n this dg; se baie ntaeptives. If y wish t beme pegnant think y ae pegnant, nst y heath ae pvide.
· ept mse pain, weakness, tendeness; maaise; feve; hanges in f ine st; sweing.

Advese effets in Itai ae mst mmn; thse in Bd ae ife-theatening.