سلسلة الأدوية 3

abte sfate
(a by' te e)
ANeb, Nv-Sam (AN), Pventi, Pventi HFA, Pventi epetabs, Sabtam (AN), Ventdisk (AN), Ventin, Ventin HFA, Vmax

Pegnany ategy

Dg asses
Sympathmimeti dg
Beta2-seetive adenegi agnist
Antiasthmati dg

Theapeti atins
In w dses, ats eativey seetivey at beta2-adenegi eepts t ase bnhdiatin and vasdiatin; at highe dses, beta2 seetivity is st, and the dg ats at beta2 eepts t ase typia sympathmimeti adia effets.

· eief and peventin f bnhspasm in patients with evesibe bsttive aiway disease
· Teatment f ate attaks f bnhspasm (inhaatin)
· Peventin f exeise-inded bnhspasm
· nabeed se: adjnt in teating seis hypekaemia in diaysis patients; seems t we ptassim nentatins when inhaed by patients n hemdiaysis

ntaindiatins and atins
· ntaindiated with hypesensitivity t abte; tahyahythmias, tahyadia ased by digitais intxiatin; genea anesthesia with hagenated hydabns yppane (these sensitize the myadim t atehamines); nstabe vasmt system disdes; hypetensin; nay insffiieny, AD; histy f stke; PD patients with degeneative heat disease.
· se atisy with diabetes meits (age IV dses an aggavate diabetes and ketaidsis); hypethyidism; histy f seize disdes; psyhneti individas; ab and deivey (a se has deayed send stage f ab; paentea se f beta2-adenegi agnists an aeeate feta heat beat and ase hypgyemia, hypkaemia, pmnay edema in the mthe and hypgyemia in the nenate); atatin.

Avaiabe fms
Tabets--2, 4 mg; S tabets--4, 8 mg; syp--2 mg5 m; aes--90 mgatatin; stin f inhaatin--0.083%, 0.5%, 1.25 mg3 m, 0.63 mg3 m; apses f inhaatin--200 mg

Initiay, 2 4 mg (1–2 tsp syp) tid–qid P; may atisy inease dsage if neessay t 4 8 mg qid, nt t exeed 32 mgday. Extended eease tabets: 8 mg q 12 h (Vmax); 4–8 mg q 12 h (Pventi)
Eah atatin f aes dispense deives 90 mg abte; 2 inhaatins q 4–6 h; sme patients may eqie ny 1 inhaatin q 4 h; me feqent administatin age nmbe f inhaatins nt emmended.
· Peventin f exeise-inded bnhspasm: 2 inhaatins 15 min pi t exeise.
· Stin f inhaatin: 2.5 mg tid t qid by nebizatin.
· Inhaatin apses: ne 200 mg apse q 4–6 h p t tw 200 mg apses q 4–6 h.
· Peventin f exeise-inded asthma: ne 200 mg apse inhaed 15 min befe exeise.
a, tabets
· 12 y de: Same as adt.
· 6–12 y: 2 mg tid–qid. D nt exeed 24 mgday.
Extended eease tabets
· 6–12 y: 4 mg q 12 h (Vmax).
· 6–11 y: 4 mg q 12 h (Pventi).
a, syp
· > 14 y: Same as adt.
· 6–14 y: 2 mg (1 tsp) tid–qid; if neessay, atisy inease dsage. D nt exeed 24 mgday in divided dses.
· 2–6 y: Initiay, 0.1 mgkg tid, nt t exeed 2 mg (1 tsp) tid; if neessay, atisy inease stepwise t 0.2 mgkg tid. D nt exeed 4 mg (2 tsp) tid.
· < 2 y: Safety and effiay nt estabished.
· 12 y de: Same as adt.
· 2–12 y: 10–15 kg--1.25 mg; > 15 kg--2.5 mg
Stin f inhaatin
· 10–15 kg: 1.25 mg bid–tid by nebizatin.
· > 15 kg: 2.5 mg bid–tid by nebizatin.
Inhaatin apses
· 4 y de: ne 200 mg apse inhaed q 4–6 h.
· Peventin f exeise-inded asthma: ne 200 mg apse inhaed 15 min befe exeise.
estit initia dse t 2 mg tid–qid; individaize dsage theeafte. Patients > 60 y ae me ikey t devep advese effets.

30 min
2–2.5 h
4–8 h
5 min
1.5–2 h
3–8 h

Metabism: Hepati; T12: 2–4 h
Distibtin: sses paenta; passes int beast mik
Exetin: ine

Advese effets
· NS: estessness, appehensin, anxiety, fea, NS stimatin, hypekinesia, insmnia, tem, dwsiness, iitabiity, weakness, vetig, headahe
· V: adia ahythmias, tahyadia, papitatins, PVs (ae), angina pain
· Dematgi: Sweating, pa, fshing
· GI: Nasea, vmiting, heatbn, nsa bad taste
· G: Ineased inidene f eimymas f tes when given in highe than hman dses in peinia stdies
· espiaty: espiaty diffities, pmnay edema, ghing, bnhspasm, paadxia aiway esistane with epeated, exessive se f inhaatin pepaatins

· Ineased sympathmimeti effets with the sympathmimeti dgs
· Ineased isk f txiity, espeiay adia, when sed with thephyine, aminphyine, xtiphyine
· Deeased bnhdiating effets with beta-adenegi bkes (eg, ppan)
· Deeased effetiveness f insin, a hypgyemi dgs
· Deeased sem eves and theapeti effets f digxin

Nsing nsideatins
· Histy: Hypesensitivity t abte; tahyahythmias, tahyadia ased by digitais intxiatin; genea anesthesia with hagenated hydabns yppane; nstabe vasmt system disdes; hypetensin; nay insffiieny, AD; histy f stke; PD patients wh have deveped degeneative heat disease; diabetes meits; hypethyidism; histy f seize disdes; psyhneti individas; atatin
· Physia: Weight; skin , tempeate, tg; ientatin, efexes, affet; P, BP; , adventitis snds; bd and ine gse, sem eetytes, thyid fntin tests, EG

· se minima dses f minima peids; dg teane an with pnged se.
· Maintain a beta-adenegi bke (adiseetive beta-bke, sh as aten, shd be sed with espiaty distess) n standby in ase adia ahythmias .
· Pepae stin f inhaatin by diting 0.5 m 0.5% stin with 2.5 m nma saine; deive ve 5–15 min by nebizatin.
· D nt exeed emmended dsage; administe pessized inhaatin dg fms ding send haf f inspiatin, bease the aiways ae pen wide and the aes distibtin is me extensive.

Teahing pints
· D nt exeed emmended dsage; advese effets ss f effetiveness may est. ead the insttins that me with espiaty inhaant.
· These may : dizziness, dwsiness, fatige, headahe (se atin if diving pefming tasks that eqie aetness); nasea, vmiting, hange in taste (sma, feqent meas may hep); apid heat ate, anxiety, sweating, fshing.
· ept hest pain, dizziness, insmnia, weakness, tems iega heat beat, diffity beathing, pdtive gh, faie t espnd t sa dsage.

Advese effets in Itai ae mst mmn; thse in Bd ae ife-theatening.