سلسلة الأدوية 5

(a h pe' i ne)
Ap-Apin (AN), Pin (AN), Zypim

Pegnany ategy

Dg ass
Antigt dg

Theapeti atins
Inhibits the enzyme espnsibe f the nvesin f pines t i aid, ths eding the pdtin f i aid with a deease in sem and smetimes in inay i aid eves, eieving the signs and symptms f gt

· Management f the signs and symptms f pimay and senday gt
· Management f patients with maignanies that est in eevatins f sem and inay i aid
· Management f patients with eent aim xaate ai whse daiy i aid exetin exeeds 800 mgday (maes) 750 mgday (femaes)
· phan dg se: teatment f hagas' disease; tanes and visea eishmaniasis
· nabeed ses: ameiatin f ganyte sppessin with fai; as a mthwash t pevent fai-inded stmatitis

ntaindiatins and atins
· ntaindiated with aegy t apin, bd dysasias.
· se atisy with ive disease, ena faie, atatin, pegnany.

Avaiabe fms
Tabets--100, 300 mg

· Gt and hypeiemia: 100–800 mgday P in divided dses, depending n the seveity f the disease (200–300 mgday is sa dse).
· Maintenane: Estabish dse that maintains sem i aid eves within nma imits.
· Peventin f ate gty attaks: 100 mgday P; inease the dse by 100 mg at weeky intevas nti i aid eves ae within nma imits.
· Peventin f i aid nephpathy in etain maignanies: 600–800 mgday P f 2–3 days; maintenane dse shd then be estabished as abve.
· eent aim xaate stnes: 200–300 mgday P; adjst dse p dwn based n 24-h inay ate deteminatins.
· Senday hypeiemia assiated with vais maignanies:
6–10 y: 300 mgday P.
< 6 y: 150 mgday; adjst dsage afte 48 h f teatment based n sem i aid eves.
eatinine eaane 10–20 mmin--200 mgday; eatinine eaane < 10 mmin--100 mgday; eatinine eaane < 3 mmin--intevas between dses wi need t be extended, based n patient's sem i aid eves.

Advese effets
NS: Headahe, dwsiness, peiphea nepathy, neitis, paesthesias
Dematgi: ashes--mapapa, say exfiative--smetimes fata
GI: Nasea, vmiting, diahea, abdmina pain, gastitis, hepatmegay, hypebiibinemia, hestati jandie
G: Exaebatin f gt and ena ai, ena faie
Hematgi: Anemia, ekpenia, aganytsis, thmbytpenia, apasti anemia, bne maw depessin

· Ineased isk f hypesensitivity eatin with AE inhibits
· Ineased txiity with thiazide dietis
· Ineased isk f ash with ampiiin
· Ineased isk f bne maw sppessin with yphsphamide, the yttxi agents
· Ineased haf-ife f a antiagants
· Ineased sem eves f thephyine
· Ineased isk f txi effets with thipines, 6-MP (azathipine dse and dse f 6-MP shd be eded t ne-thid t ne-fth the sa dse)

Nsing nsideatins
· Histy: Aegy t apin, bd dysasias, ive disease, ena faie, atatin
· Physia: Skin esins, ; ientatin, efexes; ive evaatin, nma inay tpt; nma tpt; B, ena and ive fntin tests, inaysis

· Administe dg fwing meas.
· Fe fids--2.5 t 3 day t deease the isk f ena stne devepment.
· hek ine akainity--ates ystaize in aid ine; sdim biabnate ptassim itate may be deed t akainize ine.
· Aange f ega media fw-p and bd tests.

Teahing pints
· Take the dg fwing meas.
· These side effets may : exaebatin f gty attak ena stnes (dink penty f fids whie n this dg, 2.5–3 day); nasea, vmiting, ss f appetite (take afte meas eat sma, feqent meas); dwsiness (se atin whie diving pefming hazads tasks).
· Avid T mediatins. Many f these pepaatins ntain vitamin the agents that might inease the ikeihd f kidney stne fmatin. If y need an T pepaatin, hek with y heath ae pvide.
· ept ash; nsa beeding bising; feve, his; gt attak; nmbness tinging; fank pain.

Advese effets in Itai ae mst mmn; thse in Bd ae ife-theatening.