سلسلة الأدوية 6

asetn hydhide
(ah ss' e tn)

Pegnany ategy B

Dg ass
5-HT3 antagnist

Theapeti atins
Bks 5-HT3 (setnin) eepts in the entei nevs system f the gastintestina tat; inteating with these eepts bks visea sensitivity, ineases ni tansit time, deeases GI mtiity, may as deease the peeptin f abdmina pain and dismft.

· Teatment f sevee diahea-pedminant iitabe bwe syndme (IBS) in wmen wh have hni IBS (nge than 6 m), have n anatmi bihemia abnmaities f the GI tat, and wh have faied t espnd t nventina theapy.

ntaindiatins and atins
· ntaindiated in the pesene f hypesensitivity t the dg, histy f hni sevee nstipatin seqeae fm nstipatin; histy f intestina bsttin, stite, txi megan, GI pefatin adhesins; histy f ishemi itis, impaied intestina iatin, thmbphebitis, hypeagabe state; histy f ent hn’s disease, eative itis, divetiitis; inabiity t ndestand mpy with the Physiian–Patient Ageement.
· se atin in the pesene f pegnany, atatin, and with edey patients.

Avaiabe fms
Tabets--1 mg

1 mgday P f 4 wk; may be ntined if dg is teated and symptms f IBS ae nde adeqate nt. Dse may be ineased p t 1 mg bid P afte 4 wk if we teated.
Safety and effiay nt estabished f hiden < 18 y.
These patients may be at ineased isk f txiity; mnit vey sey.

1 h

Metabism: Hepati; T12: 1.5 h
Distibtin: sses paenta; entes int beast mik
Exetin: ine and bie

Advese effets
· NS: Anxiety, tems, deams, headahe
· Dematgi: sweating, tiaia
· GI: Abdmina pain, nasea, nstipatin, ishemi itis
· the: Maaise, fatige, pain

· Ineased isk f nstipatin if taken with the dgs that ase deeased GI mtiity. If this mbinatin annt be avided, mnit patient vey aefy and disntine dg at fist sign f nstipatin ishemi itis.

Nsing nsideatins
· Histy: Pesene f hypesensitivity t the dg, histy f hni sevee nstipatin seqeae fm nstipatin; histy f intestina bsttin, stite, txi megan, GI pefatin adhesins; histy f ishemi itis, impaied intestina iatin, thmbphebitis, hypeagabe state; histy f hn’s disease, eative itis, divetiitis; inabiity t ndestand mpy with the Physiian–Patient Ageement, pegnany, atatin, edey patients.
· Physia: Skin esins; bdy tempeate; efexes, affet; inay tpt, abdmina exam; bwe pattens

· Ense that the patient has ead and ndestands the Physiian–Patient Ageement tining the isks assiated with the se f the dg and waning signs t ept.
· Ense that the Physiian–Patient Ageement is in the patient’s pemanent ed.
· Administe dg witht egad t fd.
· Aange f fthe evaatin f patient afte 4 wk f theapy t detemine effetiveness f dg.
· Enage the se f baie ntaeptives t pevent pegnany whie n this dg.
· Maintain spptive teatment as apppiate f ndeying pbem.
· Pvide additina mft meases t aeviate dismft fm GI effets, headahe, et.
· Mnit patient f any signs f nstipatin; disntine dg at fist sign f nstipatin ishemi itis and aet the pesibing physiian.

Teahing pints
· ead and sign the Physiian–Patient Ageement, whih tines the isks and benefits f theapy with this dg.
· Aange t have ega media fw-p whie y ae n this dg.
· se baie ntaeptives whie n this dg; seis advese effets d ding pegnany; if y beme wish t beme pegnant, nst with y physiian.
· Be awae that these side effets may : headahe (nst with y heath ae pvide if these beme bthesme, mediatins may be avaiabe t hep); nasea, vmiting (ppe ntitin is imptant, nst with y dietiian t maintain ntitin).
· Maintain a f the sa ativities and estitins that appy t y nditin. If this bemes diffit, nst with y heath ae pvide.
· ept: nstipatin, signs f ishemi itis--wsening abdmina pain, bdy diahea, bd in the st; ntinatin f IBS symptms witht eief.

Advese effets in Itai ae mst mmn; thse in Bd ae ife-theatening.