سلسلة الأدوية 7

(a pah' ze am)
Ap-Apaz (AN), Nv-Apaz (AN), N-Apaz (AN), Xanax, Xanax TS (AN)

Pegnany ategy D
-IV nted sbstane

Dg asses
Antianxiety dg

Theapeti atins
Exat mehanisms f atin nt ndestd; main sites f atin may be the imbi system and etia fmatin; ineases the effets f gamma-aminbtyate, an inhibity netansmitte; anxiety bking effets at dses we bew thse neessay t ase sedatin, ataxia.

· Management f anxiety disdes, sht-tem eief f symptms f anxiety; anxiety assiated with depessin.
· Teatment f pani attaks with witht agaphbia
· nabeed ses: sia phbia, pemensta syndme, depessin

ntaindiatins and atins
· ntaindiated with hypesensitivity t benzdiazepines, psyhses, ate naw-ange gama, shk, ma, ate ahi intxiatin with depessin f vita signs, pegnany (sses the paenta; isk f ngenita mafmatins, nenata withdawa syndme), ab and deivey ("fppy infant" syndme), atatin (seeted in beast mik; infants beme ethagi and se weight).
· se atisy with impaied ive kidney fntin, debiitatin.

Avaiabe fms
Tabets--0.25, 0.5, 1, 2 mg; a stin--0.5 mg5 m; intens stin--1 mgm

Individaize dsage; inease dsage gaday t avid advese effets.
· Anxiety disdes: Initiay, 0.25–0.5 mg P tid; adjst t maximm daiy dse f 4 mgday in divided dses.
· Pani disde: Initiay 0.5 mg P tid; inease dse at 3- t 4-day intevas in inements f n me than 1 mgday; anges f 1–10 mgday have been needed.
· Sia phbia: 2–8 mgday P.
· Pemensta syndme: 0.25 mg P tid.
Initiay 0.25 mg bid–tid P; gaday inease if needed and teated.

30 min
1–2 h
4–6 h

Metabism: Hepati; T12: 6.3–26.9 h
Distibtin: sses paenta; passes int beast mik
Exetin: ine

Advese effets
· NS: Tansient, mid dwsiness initiay; sedatin, depessin, ethagy, apathy, fatige, ight-headedness, disientatin, ange, hstiity, episdes f mania and hypmania, estessness, nfsin, ying, deiim, headahe, sed speeh, dysathia, stp, igidity, tem, dystnia, vetig, ephia, nevsness, diffity in nentatin, vivid deams, psyhmt etadatin, extapyamida symptms; mid paadxia exitaty eatins ding fist 2 weeks f teatment
· V: Badyadia, tahyadia, adivasa apse, hypetensin, hyptensin, papitatins, edema
· Dematgi: tiaia, pits, ash, dematitis
· EENT: Visa and adity distbanes, dippia, nystagms, depessed heaing, nasa ngestin
· GI: nstipatin, diahea, dy mth, saivatin, nasea, anexia, vmiting, diffity in swawing, gasti disdes, hepati dysfntin
· G: Inntinene, inay etentin, hanges in ibid, mensta iegaities
· Hematgi: Eevatins f bd enzymes--DH, akaine phsphatase, AST, AT; bd dysasias--aganytsis, ekpenia
· the: Hips, feve, diaphesis, paesthesias, msa distbanes, gynemastia. Dg dependene with withdawa syndme when dg is disntined; me mmn with abpt disntinatin f highe dsage sed f nge than 4 m

· Ineased NS depessin with ah, the NS depessants, ppxyphene
· Ineased effet with imetidine, disfiam, mepaze, isniazid, a ntaeptives, vapi aid
· Deeased effet with abamazepine, ifampin, thephyine
· Pssibe ineased isk f digitais txiity with digxin
· Deeased antipakinsn effetiveness f evdpa with benzdiazepines
· ntaindiated with ketnaze, itanaze; seis txiity an
· Deeased metabism and isk f txi effets if mbined with gapefit jie; avid this mbinatin.
Dg-atenative theapy
· isk f ma if mbined with kava theapy

Nsing nsideatins
Name nfsin has ed amng Xanax (apazam), eexa (itapam), and eebyx (fsphenytin), and between apazam and azepam; se atin.

· Histy: Hypesensitivity t benzdiazepines; psyhses; ate naw-ange gama; shk; ma; ate ahi intxiatin with depessin f vita signs; ab and deivey; atatin; impaied ive kidney fntin; debiitatin
· Physia: Skin , esins; T; ientatin, efexes, affet, phthamgi exam; P, BP; ive evaatin, abdmina exam, bwe snds, nma tpt; B, ive and ena fntin tests

· Aange t tape dsage gaday afte ng-tem theapy, espeiay in epiepti patients.

Teahing pints
· Take this dg exaty as pesibed.
· D nt dink gapefit jie whie n this dg.
· D nt stp taking dg (ng-tem theapy) witht nsting heath ae pvide.
· Avid ah, seep-inding, T dgs.
· These side effets may : dwsiness, dizziness (ess pnned afte a few days, avid diving a a engaging in the danges ativities if these ); GI pset (take dg with fd); fatige; depessin; deams; ying; nevsness.
· ept sevee dizziness, weakness, dwsiness that pesists, ash skin esins, diffity viding, papitatins, sweing in the extemities.

Advese effets in Itai ae mst mmn; thse in Bd ae ife-theatening.