ضهور الاسنان عند الاطفال

· Teething is the fina stage f the eptin pess.
It is ding this time that the teeth f infants t thgh the gm and beme visibe in the mth.
· The baby wi eventay have ten teeth in eah jaw, making
a tta f twenty teeth in the mth


· Eptin is the pess ding whih teeth gw thgh bne and psh thgh the gm int the mth.

· The eptin f teeth int the mth s between 6 mnths and 30 mnths f age.
The fist teeth t ept ae say the we fnt teeth.
The eptin hat shws the aveage age at whih teeth emege. This an vay nsideaby fm hid t hid. See pat 9 f this sbjet.
The aenda f tth gwth and devepment wi evea the miae f tth gwth and devepment at diffeent ages.
· The fina psitin f a tth is agey infened by the ips heeks and tnge:
The tnge exets an twad pesse n the teeth.
The ips and heeks pvide a baaning inwad fe.
When biting and hewing takes pae, the ppsing teeth in the the jaw pevent ntined vetia gwth f teeth

· infenes ae thmbsking and paifies:
The twad pesse f a thmb sking habit pshes the ppe fnt teeth and jaw fwad and t f aignment.
The extended se f paifies dmmies an have the same effet.

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