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حنبدا بكلام الكتب وبعدين نتكلم عن المعلومات اللي استقيناها من الحياة في المستشفى مع المرضىin10;...
hest pain
It's the midde f the night maybe the beginning f a bsy wkday when y sddeny fee pain in y hest. Y ty t igne it at fist, bt y hest pain has y saed and wied. d y be having a heat attak? Shd y g t the emegeny m?
hest pain is ne f the mst mmn easns pepe a f emegeny media hep. Evey yea emegeny m dts evaate and teat miins f pepe f hest pain.
Ftnatey, hest pain desn't aways signa a heat attak. ften hest pain is neated t any heat pbem. Bt even if the hest pain y expeiene has nthing t d with y adivasa system, the pbem may sti be imptant — and wth the time spent in an emegeny m t have y hest pain evaated.
hest pain has many pssibe ases, a f whih deseve media attentin. The ases f hest pain fa int tw maj ategies — adia and nnadia ases.
adia ases
§ Heat attak. A heat attak — a bd t that's bking bd fw t y heat mse — an ase pesse, fness a shing pain in y hest that asts me than a few mintes. The pain may adiate t y bak, nek, jaw, shdes and ams, espeiay y eft am. the signs and symptms may inde shtness f beath, sweating, dizziness and nasea. A, sme nne f these may ampany y hest pain.
§ Angina. Fatty depsits an bid p in the ateies p in the ateies that ay bd t y heat, nawing them and tempaiy estiting bd fw t y heat, espeiay ding times f exetin. estited bd fw t y heat an ase eent episdes f hest pain — angina petis, angina. Angina (an-JI-nh AN-jh-nh) is ften desibed as a pesse tightness in the hest. It's say bght n by physia emtina stess. The pain say ges away within mintes afte y stp the stessf ativity.
§ the adia ases. the pbems that an ase hest pain inde infammatin f the sa snding y heat (peiaditis), a sht-ived nditin ften eated t a via infetin. Peiaditis ases shap, pieing and entaized hest pain. Y may as have a feve and fee sik. A ae, ife-theatening ase f hest pain aed ati dissetin invves the main atey eading fm y heat — y ata. If the inne ayes f this bd vesse sepaate, fing bd fw between them, the est is sdden and teaing hest and bak pain. Ati dissetin an est fm a shap bw t y hest devep as a mpiatin f nnted high bd pesse. nay spasm, as knwn as Pinzmeta's angina, an ase vaying degees f hest dismft. In nay spasm, nay ateies — ateies that sppy bd t the heat — g int spasm, tempaiy sing dwn bd fw t the heat. Spasm f the nay ateies may spntanesy be tiggeed by a stimant, sh as nitine affeine. nay atey spasm, whih tends t ase episdes f hest pain, an with ativity at est. A spasm may even wake y fm seep. The nditin may exist with nay atey disease — a bidp f fatty depsits in the nay ateies. the pssibe heat-eated nditins that an ase hest pain ae metabi syndme and endtheia dysfntin.
Nnadia ases
Many nditins neated t y heat an ase hest pain. These inde:
§ Heatbn. Stmah aid that washes p fm y stmah int the tbe (esphags) that ns fm y mth t y stmah an ase heatbn — a painf, bning sensatin behind y beastbne (stenm). ften this feeing is ampanied by a s taste and the sensatin f fd e-enteing y mth (eggitatin). Heatbn-eated hest pain say fws a mea and may ast f hs. Signs and symptms me feqenty when y bend fwad at the waist ie dwn.
§ Pani attak. If y expeiene peids f intense fea ampanied by hest pain, apid heatbeat, apid beathing (hypeventiatin), pfse sweating and shtness f beath, y may be expeiening a pani attak — a fm f anxiety.
§ Peisy. Shap, aized hest pain that's made wse when y inhae gh may be ased by peisy. This nditin s when the membane that ines y hest avity and ves y ngs bemes infamed. Peisy may est fm a wide vaiety f ndeying nditins, inding pnemnia and, aey, atimmne nditins sh as ps. An atimmne disease is ne in whih y bdy's immne system mistakeny attaks heathy tisse.
§ sthnditis. In this nditin — as knwn as Tietze's syndme — the atiage f y ib age, patiay the atiage that jins y ibs t y beastbne, bemes infamed. The pain fm sthnditis (ks-te-KHN-di-tis) may sddeny and be intense, eading y t assme y'e having a heat attak. Yet the atin f the pain is diffeent. sthnditis ases y hest t ht when y psh n y stenm n the ibs nea y stenm. Heat attak pain is say me widespead, and the hest wa say isn't tende.
§ Pmnay embism. This nditin s when a bd t bemes dged in a ng atey, bking bd fw t ng tisse. Symptms f this ife-theatening nditin an inde sdden, shap hest pain that begins wsens with a deep beath gh. the signs and symptms an inde shtness f beath, apid heatbeat, anxiety and faintness. It's ae f pmnay embism t witht peeding isk fats, sh as eent sgey immbiizatin.
§ the ng nditins. A apsed ng (pnemthax), high bd pesse in the ateies aying bd t the ngs (pmnay hypetensin) and asthma as an pde hest pain.
§ Se mses. Mse-eated hest pain tends t me n when y twist side t side when y aise y ams. hni pain syndmes, sh as fibmyagia, an pde pesistent mse-eated hest pain.
§ Injed ibs pinhed neves. A bised bken ib, as we as a pinhed neve, an ase hest pain that tends t be aized and shap.
§ Swawing disdes. Sevea disdes f the esphags, the tbe that ns fm y mth t y stmah, an make swawing diffit and even painf. ne type is esphagea spasm, a nditin that affets a sma gp f pepe with hest pain. When pepe with this nditin swaw, the mses that nmay mve fd dwn the esphags ae ndinated. This ests in painf mse spasms. Bease esphagea spasms an be amed with the mediatin nitgyein — whih as apidy eieves sme heat-eated pain — this nditin is smetimes mistaken f a heat pbem. Anthe swawing disde, whih as affets a sma gp f pepe with hest pain, is ahaasia (ak-h-A-zhh). In this nditin, the vave in the we esphags desn't pen ppey t aw fd t ente y stmah. Instead, fd baks p int the esphags, asing pain. Pain with swawing as an ampany heatbn.
§ Shinges. This infetin f neves ased by the hikenpx vis an pde pain and a band f bistes n y bak and t y hest wa. This shap, bning pain may begin sevea hs t a day s befe bistes appea.
§ Gabadde paneas pbems. Gastnes infammatin f y gabadde (heystitis) paneas an ase ate abdmina pain that adiates t y hest.
§ ane. aey, ane invving the hest ane that has spead fm anthe pat f the bdy an ase hest pain.
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