للطلاب المرحلة الثانية محاضرة في مادة histology


the adi vasa system mpsed f tw iits
1-the pmney it2-the systemi iit
the adi vasa system is mpsed f the heat
whih is amsa gan that pmps the bd in t iit:1-the pmney iit whih aies bd t and fm
the ngs.2-systemati iit whih distibtes bd t and fm a gans and tisse f the bdy.

Vesses:1-atey2-vein 3-appiaies
the atey vein mpsed f thee ayes:1-tnia intima(T.intima)2-tnia media(T.media)3-tnia adventitia(T.adventitia)

T. intima]
The t.intima is mpsed f a simpe sqams epitheim and sbendtheia nnetive tisse.
The endtheia es (simpe sqams epitheim)
ining the men f the bd vesse est n a basa amina .these fattened es ae engatedin t sheets sh that thei ng axis is me ess paae t the ng axis f vesse.
Asb end theia aye ies immediatey beneath the end theia es. It is mpsed f se nnetive tisse and few satteed smth mse es bth aange ngitdinay.
Beneath the sb endtheia aye is an easti amina that is espeiay we deveped in msa ateies.
Sepaating the T.intima fm the T.media the intena easti amina. Is mpsed f eastin.


the T.media say the thikest aye f the vesses wa it mpsed f heiay dipsed ayes f smth mse.
The T.media is the thikest f vesse. The nenti e ayes fming the T.media mpise msty heiay aanged smth mse es. inte sepeesed with in the ayes f smth mse ae sme easti fibes type III agen and ptegyans.
age mse ateeis have an extena easti amina whih is me deiate than the intena easti amina and sepaates the T .media fm the ve aying T.adventitia.
appiaies and pst apiay venes d nt have a T.media in these sma vesses peiytes epae the T.media .


the T.advantitia is the te aye f the vesse wa bends int the snding nnetive tisse.
T.advantitia veing the vesses n thei tside sfae mpsed msty f fibbasts type I agen fibes and ngitdinay iented easti fibes.
The aye beme ntins with the nnetive tisse eements snding the vesses.

svasa vasm
vasa vasm fnish the msa was f bd vesses with a bd sppy.

assifiatin f ateies
Atey is divided in t thee maj type ading t size and mphgia haateistis bth :1-age atey (easti atey) sh as ata2-median size atey(msa atey)
sma size atey (msa atey)3-ateies
-Easti ateies
nenti aye f easti membanes knwn as fenestated membanes py mh f the T.media. the ata and the banhes iginating fm:
1-the ati ah (the mmn atid atey and sb avian atey)
2-the mmn iia ateies
-the pmnay tnk ae easti ateies
the wa f these vesses may be yew in fesh state bease f the abndane f eastin .
the T.intima f the easti ateies is mpsed f an endtheim that is sppted by naw aye f ndeying nnetive tisse ntains afew fib basts. asina smth mse es and agen fibes .the inte easti amina ae as pesent.
The endtheia es f the easti ateies ae 10-15 mi mete wide and 25-50mi mete ng……. thei ng axis ae iented paae t the ngitdina axis f the vesse.

Thei pasma membanes ntain sma vesies thght t be eated t tanspt f wate …ma mees and eetytes asina bnt pesses may extend fm the pasma membane

مع تحياتي مصطفى عماد



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مشكوور اخى الغالى د توفى

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تحياتي ..

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