مساعده يا دكاترة المنتدى / بأسرع وقت


i want t knw the defntin & in whih ategy is beng f sme heath speiaists sh as : (adigist, phthamgist, dentist, thpedis, pediatiian, pditist, demattgist, gastentegist, negist) …

i seah f ne speiaist whih is pmngist and i gt this infmatin “A pmngist, pmnay disease speiaist, is a physiian wh pssesses speiaized knwedge and ski in the diagnsis and teatment f pmnay (ng) nditins and diseases. Pmngy is assified as an intena mediine sbspeiaty” .

as if any ne wk in hspita I want t knw whih hspita and hw many speiaists they have fm eah ategy?!!


N Answe !!!!?

تم نقله الي قسم طلاب الطب البشري لان الموضوع استفسار عن تخصصات وليس استشاره طبيه .


اهلين اختي الغاليه
انا لقيتلك تعريف adigist

A adigist is a physiian wh is etified t teat pbems f the adivasa system>The heat, ateies, and veins. adigy is assified as an intena mediine sbspeiaty. Knwedge f intena mediine and the speiaties is eqied t btain etifiatin.

Edatin in adivasa Disease Mediine
A sbspeiaty edatina pgam in adigy mst pvide taining and spevised expeiene in the evaatin and management f a vaiety f patients with ate and hni adivasa nditins. The taining and expeiene mst be 3 yeas in datin and at a eve sffiient t aqie the
mpeteny f a speiaist in the fied.



An phthamgist is a physiian wh speiaizes in the media and sgia ae f the eyes and visa system and in the peventin f eye disease and injy. They pvide a f spetm f ae inding tine eye exams, diagnsis and media teatment f eye disdes and diseases, pesiptins f eyegasses, sgey, and management f eye pbems that ae ased by systemi inesses. phthamgists an be media dts (M.D.) dts f stepathy (D..).

أختي هل تسألين عن التخصص في الامارات؟؟؟؟
ولا في أي دولة عربية؟؟؟؟
وبالنسبة للتعريفات ...تقصدين تعريف علمي ولا التخصصات التابعة للقسم...

يعطيك العافيه خيوو باجث باثولجي على النقل

وتسلم خيوو سوسوستار على التعريفين

اخ أم أس سي
ابا التخصصات بمستشفيات الإمارات وبالنسبة للتعريفات مثل المثال لــ pmngist لان بعض المواقع تكون محظوره فما اقدر اظهرهن !؟



adigist: A adigist is a physiian wh is etified t teat pbems f the adivasa system>The heat, ateies, and veins. adigy is assified as an intena mediine sbspeiaty

A pmngist, pmnay disease speiaist, is a physiian wh pssesses speiaized knwedge and ski in the diagnsis and teatment f pmnay (ng) nditins and diseases. Pmngy is assified as an intena mediine sbspeiaty

phthamgist: An phthamgist is a physiian wh speiaizes in the media and sgia ae f the eyes and visa system and in the peventin f eye disease and injy. They pvide a f spetm f ae inding tine eye exams, diagnsis and media teatment f eye disdes and diseases, pesiptins f eyegasses, sgey, and management f eye pbems that ae ased by systemi inesses



hw many speiaists they have fm eah ategy in AE hspita ?!!

التعديل الأخير بواسطة المشرف:

i want it befe tesday .. pz



اهلين اختي انا بحاول بين فتره وفتره ابحثلك عن اجوبتهم
بس بجيبلك تعريف المصطلح
بالنسبه لعدد المتخصصين او زي هيك انا ما عندي اي علم
What is thpaedis?
The wd thpaedi, smetimes speed thpedi, mes fm tw Geek wds:

* th meaning staight
* paedia meaning hiden
thpaedis is the banh f mediine nened with diseases, injies, and nditins f the msskeeta system - eating t the bdy's mses and skeetn, and inding the jints, igaments, tendns, and neves.
The ppe tite f this media speiaty is thpaedi sgey, athgh thpaedis is a geneay aepted tem.

Wh teats thpaedi nditins?
thpaedi nditins may be teated by y physiian and the media speiaists and heathae pvides. Sevea physiians fm diffeent media speiaties may be invved in the teatment at the same time. This mtidisipinay team appah is patiay imptant in managing the symptms f an thpaedi nditin, espeiay as many symptms ae hni and hange in seveity ve time. Sme f the me mmn media pfessinas invved in the teatment f thpaedi nditins may inde the fwing:
Pimay ae Physiian*
thpaedi Sgen *
Physia Theapist*
patina Theapist*

f me infmatin see this ink:



Dematgists ae physiians (media dts) speiaizing in
the diagnsis and teatment f diseases and tms f the skin and its appendages. Thee ae media and sgia sides t the speiaty. Dematgi sgens patie skin ane sgey (inding Mhs' migaphi sgey), ase sgey, phtdynami theapy (PDT) and smeti pedes sing btinm txin ('Btx'), sft tisse fies, setheapy and ipstin. Dematpathgists intepet tisse nde the mispe (histpathgy). Pediati dematgists speiaize in the diagnses and teatment f skin disease in hiden. Immndematgists speiaize in the diagnsis and management f skin diseases diven by an ateed immne system inding bisteing (bs) diseases ike pemphigs. In additin, thee ae a wide ange f ngenita syndmes managed by dematgists.


pediatiian:the pesn wh speiaized in pediatis>>>
and pediatis is......
Pediatis (as speed paediatis) is the banh f mediine that deas with the media ae f infants, hiden, and adesents (fm newbn t age 16-21, depending n the nty). The wd pediatis is deived fm tw Geek wds paidi (παιδί) whih means "hid" and iats (ιατρός) whih means "dt".

The banh f mediine that deas with the ae f infants and hiden and the teatment f thei diseases

and its Media speiaty deaing with the devepment, heath, and diseases f hiden. It beame a speiaized aea f stdy in the 18th enty, when the fist hiden's hspitas wee fnded. Eay pediatiians stdied hidhd diseases > bt d d itte t e them. By the mid-20th enty, when antibitis and vaines had nted mst f these diseases in the deveped wd and infant and hid mtaity had faen, pediatis hanged its fs t nma gwth and hid devepment. eenty, behavia and sia aspets f hiden's heath have been inpated.


Gastentegists ae media dts wh speiaize in the diagnsis and teatment f diseases f the digestive system, sh as hepatitis, eative itis, hn's disease, and n eta ane.
Gastentegists may pefm many speiaized tests, sh as endspy, t diagnse teat diseases. When neessay, they may nst with sgens. Gastentegists may fthe speiaize in teating pepe in etain age gps, sh as pediati gastentegists, wh ny teat hiden.
Gastentegists an be bad-etified by the Bad f Intena Mediine, whih is egnized by the Ameian Bad f Media Speiaties.


A negist is a media dt stepath wh has tained in the diagnsis and teatment f nevs system disdes, inding diseases f the bain, spina d, neves, and mses.
Negists pefm negia examinatins f the neves f the head and nek; mse stength and mvement; baane, ambatin, and efexes; and sensatin, memy, speeh, angage, and the gnitive abiities.

يعيطك العافيه ربي خيوو sssta وعلى المعلومات بالنسبه للمستشفيات راح ادبرها ان شاء الله .. بس بغيت اعرف التخصصات beng t whih ategy ??


i want t knw f a speiaists beng t the ategy intena mediien nt ??


ماشالله عليكم بالتوفيق يارب.


اختي انا اسفه نسيت اضيفلك جواب السؤال لاي فرع بنضم كل مصطلح
بس بصراحه انا ما بعرف الا اللي ببحثلك عنه وبنزلك اياه
على كل حال خدي هاي الفروع الللي تندرج تحتintena mediine
الباقي صدقي ما بعرف لاي فرع
Sbspeiaties f intena mediine

The fwing ae the sbspeiaties egnized by the
Ameian Bad f Intena Mediine[1].

* adigy, deaing with disdes f the heat and bd vesses
* Endingy, deaing with disdes f the endine system and its speifi seetins aed hmnes
* Gastentegy, nened with the fied f digestive diseases
* Hematgy, nened with bd, the bd-fming gans and its disdes
* Infetis disease, nened with disease ased by a bigia agent sh as by a vis, bateim paasite
* Media ngy, deaing with the stdy and teatment f ane
* Nephgy,deaing with the stdy f the fntin and diseases f the kidney
* Negy, deaing with the stdy f the fntin and diseases f the bain
* Pmngy, deaing with diseases f the ngs and the espiaty tat
* hematgy, devted t the diagnsis and teatment f pbems invving the mses and jints.
The ABIM as egnizes additina qaifiatins in the fwing aeas

* Adesent mediine
* inia adia eetphysigy
* itia ae mediine
* Geiati mediine
* Inteventina adigy
* Spts mediine
* Tanspant hepatgy


على فكره اختي خدي هاي الموقع اللي طلعتلك منه معظم المصطلحات
هو موقع انسايكلوبيديا

Dentisty, me apppiatey "denta mediine", is the at and
siene f peventin, diagnsis, and teatment f nditins, diseases, and disdes f the a avity, the maxifaia egin, and its assiated sttes as it eates t hman beings. Whie the wk f dentists is ften sgia in nate, dentists an and d teat many diseases f the a avity and fae hemtheapetiay (i.e. with pesibed mediines).

مشكوووووور اخوي sssta على المعلومات تعبتك معاي ،، والحمد الله حصلت اعداد الدكاتره بالمستشفيات وتقريبا بديت اخلص الموضوع =)

واشكرك مره ثانيه خيووو



العفو اختي
ولو هاد واجبنا والله
يلا المهم شدي حيلك
وربنا يوفقك يااا رب

السموحه اختي على بالي انك شاب سووري والله

واشكرج مره ثانيه =)



العفو حبيبتي
معلش انا كنت احاول اخبرك اني بنت
بس ما قدرت غير اكتبلك اسمي
مش مشكله
ربي يوفقك ياا رب
واي مسااعده ترى احنا جاهزين
لا تستحي منا
نخدمك من عيونا