مستوى البوتاسيوم في الدم Potassium (K+) test and its level in blood

Abt 90% f ptassim is nentated within the es and the emainde is ntained in bd and bne. Pasma ptassim infenes neve ndtin, mse ativity, and, mst imptant, adia fntin. Minima hanges in pasma ptassim eves an have pfnd and advese affets n heat mse. Sine the kidneys d nt eabsb nseve ptassim, adeqate dietay intake is neessay t pevent ptassim defiieny.

Nma ange

Adt 3.5-5.0 mEq
hiden 3.4-4.7 mEq
Infant 4.1-5.3 mEq

Vaiatins fm Nma. An inease in pasma ptassim eves, hypekaemia, is say attibted t ena faie . the mmn ases f hypekaemia inde aidsis, Addisn's disease, intena hemhage, and massive tisse ea damage. Sine 90% f ptassim is ntained within the es, e damage as in ases f bns, hemtheapy, and disseminated intavasa agatin (DI) ests in the eease f ptassim int the bd.
Hypkaemia, a deease in pasma ptassim, is mst ften assiated with ss f fid fm the gastintestina tat.
Theefe, any disease pess that ases diahea sevee vmiting has the ptentia f eating ptassim defiieny. the disdes assiated with hypkaemia inde maabsptin syndmes, hypeadstenism (ineased seetin f adstene), shing's syndme, and ena tba aidsis.

Hypkaemia an ase seis adia pbems sh as pemate ventia ntatin, paxysma atia tahyadia, ventia tahyadia, and ventia fibiatin. Pasma ptassim eves f 2.5 mEq ess, 6 .5 mEq me an ase heat pbems that ead t death.

Intefeing imstanes. Venipnte, intavens fid administatin, and etain mediatins an ate pasma ptassim eves. The mmn patie f pening and sing the fist with a tniqet in pae pi t venipnte may inease ptassim eves. Intavens fid administatin witht adeqate ptassim sppements an ead t ptassim depetin. Mediatins that may ase an ineased ptassim eve inde hepain, histamine, mannit, and ithim. Dgs that may ase a deeased eve ae insin, aspiin, ispatin, and ptassim wasting dietis.

Dietay habits d nt say intefee with pasma ptassim eves. A eativey we-baaned diet wi pvide an adeqate sppy f ptassim. Hweve, exessive iie ingestin an ase a deease in pasma ptassim eves
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