معلومات قيمة عن mesothelioma

Mestheima Teatment

Mestheima teatment depends n sevea fats, inding the stage f mestheima, the atin f the tm, and the age and vea heath f the patient.
Sgey – emva f Mestheima
Sgia emva f the tm and snding tisse may be dne depending n hw fa the mestheima has spead (the stage). The me advaned the stage, the ess ikey that sgey wi be effetive in teating mestheima.

Sgey f maignant mestheima an be sed in etain ases t ty and e the disease. This is aggessive sgey. It an be sed t eieve pain and the symptms. This is aed paiative sgey.

Aggessive sgey
Aggessive mestheima sgey invves emva f the pea ining the hest wa, the diaphagm, and peiadim, as we as the entie ng n the side with the mestheima This i is aed extapea pnemnetmy. The ga is t emve as mh f the mestheima tm as pssibe. This type f sgey, typiay is pefmed n ynge patients in Stage 1 f mestheima. At east ne t f f patients has seis mpiatins afte this sgey. It is say fwed by hemtheapy and adiatin theapy.
Bease f the mpexity and the high isks invved with this type f sgey, sme mestheima hspitas d nt pefm the pede. As, diffeent mestheima teatment entes may have diffeent iteia f aepting patients f sgey. Theefe, it is imptant t hek with a mestheima hspita t see if y meet its iteia.

Paiative Sgey

Paiative sgey is typiay sed in the me advaned stages f mestheima. The ga is t eieve nt symptms ased by fid etin by the tm mpessing the ng the gans. It is nt intended t e mestheima.
Peetmydetizatin is say a paiative peatin. It is sed in sitatins whee the entie tm annt be emved, s it is aey thght f as a ative pende. It is effetive f nting the amatin f fid in the pea spae (aed a pea effsin), deeasing the pain ased by mestheima, as we as deeasing the diffity beatthing.
Thaentesis is as sed t teat pea effsins in pea mestheima. This teatment invves inseting a neede int the hest, int the spae between the tw ayes f pea, in de t dain the fid. Thaentesis des nt invve sgia emva f tm es.
the pedes ae dne f mestheimas f the peitnen, peiadim, tnia vaginais testis.

ead me abt mestheima sgey
adiatin - aditheapy
adiatin theapy ses high-enegy x-ays t ki mestheima ane es and t shink tms. Thee ae tw types f adiatin theapy.

Extena adiatin theapy ses a mahine tside the bdy that beams x-ays t the atin f the mestheima.

Bahytheapy invves ptting hemias that pde adiatin diety int the site f the mestheima ane. This is dne by inseting a thin pasti tbe int the hest abdmen.

Bease f the atin f maignant mestheima, it is vey diffit t deive high-engh dses f adiatin t ki the tm witht damaging snding gans. As a est, it is nea whethe adiatin theapy is a sessf methd f teating mestheima. It has, hweve, been effetive in kiing emaining tm es afte sgey has been pefmed.

adiatin theapy is as sed as a paiative theapy t eieve symptms f mestheima, sh as shtness f beath, hest pain, and intena beeding.

adiatin theapy has sevea side effets, sh as fatige, nasea, and vmiting. Athgh these side effets ae smetimes tempay, y shd et y dt knw, sine they ften an be nted.

ead me abt adiatin theapy

hemtheapy is the se f dgs t teat ane. hemtheapy an be administeeday (by mth) by injetin int the mses. Hweve, f mestheima, as with the anes hemtheapy agents ae say injeted int the veins (intavensy). Smetimes the hemtheapy agents an be pt diety int the hest avity (intapeay)in the ase f pea mestheima the abdmina avity (intapeitneay), in the ase f peitnea metheima. The ga f mestheima hemtheapy is f the dg desty the ane es whie spaing nma es as mh as pssiibe.

Sevea dgs have been sed, eithe individay in mbinatin with thes, t teat mestheima. Sme f the dgs inde:

a) Aimta (pemetexed) - The FDA (in 2004) appved pemetexed (band name Aimta) f teatment f maignant pea mestheima ang with ispatin..This mbinatin appeas t be vey effetive f mestheima. Pemetexed intefees with fi aid and vitamin B12 in the bdy, s these vitamins mst be taken. This is nw the mst mmn hemtheapy egimen f mestheima. At the ent time it may be nsideed the standad f ae. F me infmatin n Aimta, fw the inks bew.

b) Tmdex (atitexed) - In tbe 2005,eseahes epted that the mbinatin f Tmdex (atitexed) and Patin (ispatin) impves sviva f patients with maignant pea mestheima me than Patin ane.
) Vinebine - In ne stdy, 29 patients wee given vinebine ane. 7 (24%) patients had a patia espnse and 16 (55%) patients’ disease emained stabe. The qaity f ife impved f patients, and thee was w txiity. Vinebine is sef as paiative theapy.

d) Dxbiin - Pevisy, xbiin has nt been sef in teating mestheima, whih is esistant t this agent. In 2006, eseahesfnd that statins, dgs mmny sed t ede heste (sh as mevastatin and simvastatin) an evese the esistane f mestheima es t dxbiin in te. Fte eseah may be abe t disve if this is iniay signifiant. .

e) nnase (anpinase) inhibits e gwth and ases ea death. It is ndeging testing, mpaing the ests in teating mestheima with nnase and Dxbiin against Dxbiin ane.It has nt yet been appved f teatment f mestheima.

f) ispatin, a patinm-based hemtheapy dg sed t teat mestheima and the fms f ane, sws stps the gwth f ane es in the bdy. It is say given with pemetexed.(Aimta). Smetimes abpatin is sed instead, bt mst egimens se ispatin.

g) Gemitabine (difdexyytidine) is mmny sed t teat paneati, badde and beast ane bt is being stdied f mestheima.

hemtheapy ane with aditheapy is the sa teatment f mestheima that annt be sgiay emved. Whie it is nt ative, it an sw pgessin f the ane. hemtheapy an as be given befe afte sgey.
Bease f the eativey w espnse ate f singe-agent theapy in teating mestheima, mbinatins f these dgs have been sed t inease thei effetiveness. eseahes have epted gd espnse ates t sme f these theapies. eseah ntines t ty and find the best types f hemtheapy f mestheima.

hemtheapy dgs ae geneay vey txi. Theefe, patients mst be mnited vey sey. Sme f the me mmn side effets inde nasea, vmiting, ss f appetite, hai ss, mth ses, and fatige. hemtheapy an as est in w bd e nts,. A eded nmbe f ed es is aed anemia, and it may inease fatige. Deeased eve f white es an ead t ineased hane f infetin. Deeased eve f pateets an ead t beeding..

Side effets ike these geneay disappea afte teatment is mpeted. Thee is as mediatin t hep ede many f the side effets. Thee ae gd dgs t ede nasea and vmiting. Thee ae as mediatins that an hep teat anemia.

the side effets an be me ng-asting, even pemanent. The patia isks depend n whih dgs ae sed.

Depending n the stage f the mestheima, and the vea heath f the patient, anyne with stage 2 abve mestheima shd nside patiipating in a inia tia. Enaging ests ae ming fm many inia tias.

كمان هناك وسائل حديثة لعلاج ال mestheima وقد قرأت بعض المعلومات في احد المواقع المتخصصة بهذا المرض معلومات قيمة لزيارة هذا الموقع للفائدة
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