موضوع شيق للغايه.

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله و بركاته …
أما بعد …
هذا موضوع متواضع أتمنى أن ينال على إعجابكم .
Aessy gans f The Skin )) ))

A. Hai Fies :
1. hai an be fnd in neay a egins f the skin .
2. eah hai deveps fm epidema es at the base f a tbeike hai fie .
3. as new es ae fmed , d es ae pshed twad and beme keatinized , fming the hai shaft .
4. a bnde f smth mse es , aed the aet pii mse , is attahed t eah hai fie .
5. hai is detemined by genetis :
meanin fm meanytes is espnsibe f mst hai s bt ed hai as ntains the pigment tihsidein .
B. Sebaes Gands :
1. sedaes gands ( hine gands ) ae say assiated with hai fies .
2. they seete sebm , whih heps keep the and hai sft , mistized , and watepf .
. Nais :
1. nais ae ptetive veings ve the ends f finges and tes .
2. keatinized epidema es pde nais .
3. nais nsist f statified sqams epitheia es veying the nai bad , with the na as the mst ativey gwing egin f the nai t .
4. as new es ae pded , de nes ae pshed
twad and beme keatinized .
5. the keatin f nais is hade than that pded by the skins epidema as .
D. Sweat Gands :
1. sweat gands ( sdifes gands ) ae eithe eine , whih espnd t bdy tempeate , apine , whih espnd t emtina stess .
2. eah sweat gand is a ied tbe .
3. sweat is pimaiy wate bt as ntains sats pdts sats and waste pdts .
4. mdified sweat gands , eed emins gands ,
seete wax in the ea ana .
5. mammay gands , anthe mdified type f sweat gands , seete mik .