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Antipsyhti dgs, atypia

The atypia antipsyhti agents, smetimes aed the "nve" antipsyhti agents ae a gp f dgs whih ae diffeent hemiay fm the de dgs sed t teat psyhsis. The "nventina" antipsyhti dgs ae assified by thei hemia sttes as the phenthiazines, thixanthines (whih ae hemiay vey simia t the phenthiazines), btyphennes, diphenybtypipeadines and the indnes. A f the atypia antipsyhti agents ae hemiay assified as dibenzepines. They ae nsideed atypia nve bease they have diffeent side effets fm the nventina antipsyhti agents. The atypia dgs ae fa ess ikey t ase exta-pyammida side-effets(EPS), dg inded invntay mvements, than ae the de dgs. The atypia antipsyhti dgs may as be effetive in sme ases that ae esistant t de dgs.
The dgs in this gp ae zapine (zai), xapine (xitane), anzapine (Zypexa), and qetiapine (Seqe).

The antipsyhti dgs ae sed t teat sevee emtina disdes. Athgh thee may be diffeent names f these disdes, depending n seveity and hw ng the symptms ast, psyhti disdes a ase at east ne f the fwing symptms:
xapine has as been sed t teat anxiety with menta depessin.

emmended dsage
The emmended dse depends n the dg, the patient, and the nditin being teated. The nma patie is t stat eah patient at a w dse, and gaday inease the dse nti a satisfaty espnse is ahieved. The dse shd be hed at the west eve that gives satisfaty ests.
zapine say eqies dses between 300 and 600 miigams a day, bt sme pepe eqie as mh as 900 miigamsday. Dses highe than 900 migamsday ae nt emmended.
xapine is say effetive at dses f 60-100 miigamsday, bt may be sed in dses as high as 250 mgday if needed.
anzapine dses vay with the nditin being teated. The sa maximm dse is 20 miigamsday.
Qetiapine may be dsed anywhee fm 150-750 miigamsday, depending n hw we the patient espnds.

Athgh the atypia antipsyhtis ae geneay safe, zapine has been assiated with sevee aganytsis, a shtage f white bd es. F this easn, pepe wh may be teated with zapine shd have bd nts befe stating the dg, bd nts evey week f as ng as they ae sing zapine, and bd nts evey week f the fist 4 weeks afte they stp taking zapine. If thee is any evidene f a dp in the white bd nt whie sing zapine, the dg shd be stpped.
Atypia antipsyhtis shd nt be sed in patients with ive damage, bain iaty pbems, sme types f bd pbems.

Pepe wh have had an aegi eatin t ne f the atypia antipsyhtis shd nt se that mediatin again. Hweve, smetimes it is pssibe t se a diffeent dg fm the same gp safey.

The atypia antipsyhtis have nt been pved safe in pegnany. They shd be sed ny when eay needed and when ptentia benefits tweigh ptentia hazads t the fets. These dgs have nt been epted in hman mik.

Side effets
Athgh the atypia antipsyhtis ae ess ikey t ase invntay mvements than the de antipsyhti dgs, they sti have a age nmbe f advese effets. The fwing ist is nt mpete. eview eah dg individay f a f ist f pssibe advese effets.

Taking atypia antipsyhti mediatins with etain the dgs may affet the way the dgs wk may inease the hane f side effets. Whie taking antipsyhti dgs, d nt take any the pesiptin nnpesiptin (ve-the-nte) dgs witht fist heking with a physiian.
Bease the atypia antipsyhtis may ase weing f bd pesse, ae shd be sed when these dgs ae taken at the same time as the dgs whih we bd pesse.
Qetiapine has many inteatins. Dses shd be aefy adjsted when qetiapine is sed with ketnaze, itanaze, fnaze, eythmyin, abamazepine, babitates, ifampin gtiids inding pednisne, dexamethasne and methypednisne.
These dgs wi as eqie dse adjstments when sed with anti-Pakinsn mediatins.
Key Tems

An abnma and vewheming sense f appehensin and fea ften maked by physigia signs (as sweating, tensin, and ineased pse), by dbt nening the eaity and nate f the theat, and by sef-dbt abt ne's apaity t pe with it.

A fase beief egading the sef pesns bjets tside the sef that pesists despite the fats.

A state f being depessed maked espeiay by sadness, inativity, diffity with thinking and nentatin, a signifiant inease deease in appetite and time spent seeping, feeings f dejetin and hpeessness, and smetimes siida thghts an attempt t mmit siide.

Any f a gp f tisteids (as hydtisne dexamethasne) that ae anti-infammaty and immnsppessive, and that ae sed widey in mediine (as in the aeviatin f the symptms f hematid athitis).

A seis menta disde haateized by defetive st ntat with eaity ften with hainatins


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