هدية لعشاق المايكرو microbiology

كل ميكروب بيتكلم عن نفسه .... رائع جداً

He thee!
Y an a me S. aes.
I am a Gam Psitive i (nd) bateia.
I am as knwn as 'gden staph' bease I fm itte yew spts when I'm gwn in a ab.

Smetimes I an be a speia type aed "Methiiin esistant S. aes" ( MSA) and it is VEY VEY had t get id f.
I ive natay in the nses and thats f many pepe.

I ase ps fied infetins anywhee I an get int.
Speifiay, I ve skin, beasts, sgey wnds, heat vaves (endaditis) and bd.
I am the mst mmn ase f jint and bne infetins.
I an as ase Staphya saded skin syndme Staphya txi shk syndme.

He, my name is N. meningitidis.
Y an a me the menings.
I am a Gam Negative i (nd) bateia.
I'm aied in the nses and mths f 5-10% f pepe, bt I dn't make them sik.
They an give me t the pepe by kissing and shaing dinks.

I have 13 diffeent 'segps' - my mst deady gps ae A, B, and Y.
These an qiky ki heathy pepe.

Mst f the time, I ase meningitis and a speia ppe ash made f beeding in the skin.
I an as infet y bd.

He he.
I'm N. gnheae.
I'm Gam Negative bateia, bt I'm nt a d.
I'm a s, whih is a nd bateia, smetimes tw stk tgethe.
Mst pepe a me 'Gns'.

I am spead by sexa ntat and I ase the STD aed gnhea.
I an give y ethtis, phayngitis and eviitis - whih an ead t infetiity.
If I get int y bd I ase feve, skin esins, athitis and jint pain.
I an get int the eyes f infants when they'e bn, if thei mthe is infeted with me.

My name is B. meitensis.
I'm a Gam Negative bateia.
I am qite sma.
I ive in sheep and gats, bt sme f my sins ive in ws, pigs and dgs.

I ase a znti infetin aed Besis.
Znti means pepe an ny get me fm animas.
I ase feve, headahes, me pain and even depessin

Y an a me B. petssis.
I'm a Gam Negative bateia.
I am spead t pepe by espiaty dpets.
I ase whping gh, whih an be highy fata in infants.

Hw d I d this?
I get int the that and make txins.
Fist I give y a gh, then y that swes p.
If it swes p engh, it an bk y aiway, giving y beathing a "whping" snd

Ha. I'm . jejni.
I am a ved Gam Negative d.

Y an find me in ts f dmesti animas.
I am pat f the nma bateia fa f pty and atte.
I get int pepe thgh dity dinking wate ndeked meat, espeiay hiken.
I ase fd pisning, with a sef imiting bdy diahea, abdmina amps and feve

He thee.
Y an a me H. pyi.
I am a heia Gam Negative d.
I ive in the ms aye f the stmah.

I am fams f asing ddena and gasti es by making the stmah seete ts f aid.
I am as a isk fat t sme gasti anes.

Me than haf the pepe in the wd have me.
In 2005 tw sientists fm Peth, Westen Astaia - bin Waen and Bay Masha - wee given a Nbe pize f thei wk with me.
Masha even dank a dish f f me t give himsef stmah es and pve thei theies.
Befe that, eveyne thght stmah es wee ased by stess!

Hwdy, my name is H. aegyptis.
I'm a Gam negative bateia fm the Haemphis gens.
Sme pepe nside me t be a speia type f H. infenzae.

I ase njntivits, bt what I eay enjy giving t pepe is Baziian ppi feve.
It ases feve, abdmina pain, vmiting and a ppi ash.
It was vey mmn in Baziian hiden.

He, I'm H. deyi.
I'm a sma, gam negative d.
I am msty fnd in deveping nties.

I ase hanid, a disease whih is sexay tansmitted.
It has a sft hane made f genita es
Then I spead t y ingina (gin) ymph ndes and enage them.
Smetimes they fm absesses.



He thee.
My name is N. infenzae, jst ike my fiend befe me.
Bt we ae vey diffeent.
I dnt have a apse ike he des, s I an't be typed int a gp.

I am a sma, Gam negative d.
I an ase bnhitis, sinsitis and titis media in the ea.
I an as ase pnemnia in the mmnity.
Sientists sed t think that I ased f, bt then eaised that it was ased by a vis instead.

Geetings! My name is H. infenzea.
Bt nt jst any H. infenzae.
I have a speia pysahaide "apse", s I an be "typed" int a speifi gp.
f a the gps A t G, I am the mst imptant in tems f making y sik.

In kids wh ae nde 18 nths d, I tend t ase meningitis and septiaemia.
I an be apidy fata and even ase pbem if they svive.
In kid ve 18 mnths d, I say ase epigttitis, sweing and bking ff thei aiways.
I ike t give eveyne ese phayngitis and ayngtahebnhitis, whih ften bemes p.

Hwdy, I'm P. aginsa.
I'm a gam negative bateia.
Bt I'm nt an Entebateiaeae ike my fiends befe me.
Y an a me a nn-fementative d, meaning I dn't fement gse.
Y an msty find me in hspitas

I an ase ts and ts f things in pepe!

In pepe with inay athetes, I an ase TIs.
In intavens dg ses and tanspant patients, I an ase septiaemia.
If y have ysti fibsis ae n a espiat, I an ase a espiaty infetin.
I ase swimme's ea, ps nise skin es, infetins and bns, jst t name a few!

I'm as vey esistant t mst antibitis, s it's vey had t get id me.

I'm Y. Pestis.
I'm a Gam negative Entebateiaeae bateia.
I'm fm the Yesiniae tibe.

I am the ase f the Bak death and the bbni page.
I spead a thgh t Epe in the 14th enty and devastated the ppatin.
Sme pepe say I tk t a thid f Epe!!!

I get spead by feas that ae aied n ats, thee wee ts f them.
I'm sti endemi in a t f the wd, espeiay in Afia.

He, I'm B. anthais.
I'm a Gam Psitive d that an fm a spe.
I an ive in the si f yeas and sti be danges.
I ase anthax.
I ki atte and hses and hmans that th the animas.

I an at in thee diffeent ways.
When I get thgh y skin I make a bak sab and feve.
When I'm inhaed I k ike f, bt then I sddeny get y in 24 hs.
I get int y gt in nked meat.

If y dn't take antibitis, I'm amst aways fata.
Bease I ki qiky, I'm smetimes sed by amies as a bigia weapn

He, I'm E. faeais.
I'm a Gam Psitive s.
I ive in y intestines when y ae heathy.

Bt I an be bad when I get int the pats f y bdy.
If y intestines ae tn (ike sgey stabbing) I spi t and infet y abdmen.

I an as ase TIs if y have a athete.
I an infet eg es, bns and bd.
When I infet y heat vaves I'm vey had t get id f.

He, my name is . diffiie.
I'm an anaebi, Gam Psitive d that an make spes.
I ive in y digestive tat.

I ase psedmembans itis.
Smetimes if y take bad spetm antibitis (espeiay indamyin and the ephaspins) y ki ff y fiendy bateia.
That eaves ts f m f me.
I make txins that ase vey bad infammatin.
Y get diahea, abdmina pain and a feve.

I veed mysef in a white membane ike ating that an be seen n the inside f y intestines.

My name is . pefingens.
I'm a Gam Psitive d and anaebi.
I ive in si and an make spes t svive t f a ng time.

I an ase mynesis, "gas gene".
I get int y mses in wnds and make txins.
As I eat away at y mses, I et ff gases that bid p between them.

When I am "type A", I an ase fd pisning.
I ive in ndeked meat and make spes in y gt.
I make an entetxin that gives y amping and diahea.

My "type " fm ases "netising enteitis".
Y have t eat ndeked pk with me in it.
Y as have t eat at f fds ike sweet ptates, whih have a hemia aed typsin inhibit in them.
When they ae tgethe, I an make my β-txin and eat away at y es.



My name is . diphtheiae.
I'm a Gam Psitive d bateia that an't fm any spes.
I have an iega shape.
I sed t ive in ts f paes
Nw I msty ive whee pepe dn't have vaines f me.

I get int y that and aiway and make them swe p.
The sweing fms a veing, s y an't beath.
I give ff txins that ht y heat and neves.

Why, he he.
I'm knwn as . mnytgenes.
I'm a Gam Psitive d bateia that an't fm any spes.
I ive in many meats, vegetabes and daiy pdts.
My favite fds ae fany sft heeses, pate, esaw and sied meats.

I am espeiay danges f babies, the edey and thse witht a gd immne system.
In these pepe I ase isteisis, made p f bateaemia and meningitis.
In pegnant wmen I ase ganmatsis infantiseptia.
The fets bemes infeted and smetimes dies.

My name is . aidphis.
I am a Gam Psitive, d shaped bateia.
I have a nie, ega shape, bt I an't fm spes.

I'm neve eay danges.
In fat, I'm say vey hepf.
I an ive in y mth y gt.
I'm mst imptant in a wman's vagina aea, bease I make se it is aidi engh t be heathy.

My name is B. ees.
I'm a Gam Psitive d and I an fm spes if I want.

I ve ie!
ie is ne f my favite paes t ive, espeiay if it's been eheated ve and ve.
Y an get fd pisning fm me that wi give y diahea and vmiting.
I se a speia txin t make y sik.

Hey, my name is K. hinsematis.
I'm a Gam negative bateia, famiy entebateiaeae.
ike my sin K. pnemniae, I'm pat f tibe 6, Kebsieae.

I say ase hni ganmats infetin in the ms membanes f the ppe aiway.
I ase hinsema, a hadening f skin n the nse, mth and phaynx.
I'm mh me ae than than my sin

Hi, my name is K. pnemniae.
I'm Gam negative, in the Entebateiaeae famiy.
I'm pat f the Kebsieae tibe.

I ase a ba pnemnia in the mmnity.
Mst f the time, y find me in pepe with ahism, diabetes hni bsttive aiway disease.
My pnemnia is netising (e destying) and is sevee.
If y have my pnemnia, y sptm wi k ike "ant jey".


Hi, my name is S. enteitidis.
I'm pat f the entebateiaeae, fm tibe 3, Samneae.
I'm a Gam negative bateia.

When I have typhida stains pepe jst a me S. typhi.
My typhida stains ase typhid feve.
It's a seis systemi disease y get when I invade thgh y intestines t y bd.
It an be fata!

I have thsands f nn-typhida stains as we.
It an infet y thgh fd and wate and ase sef-imiting diahea.

My sins S. paatyphi ases paatyphid feve (bt I jst think he's pying me)

ne f my mst fams aies is Typhid May.
She was a k and was qaantined nti the day she died.

My name is S. dysenteiae.
I'm a Gam negative bateia in the Entebateiaeae famiy.
I'm as pat f tibe I, Esheihiae.
My sins S. fexnei, S. bydii, S. snnei and I ae a vey se.
We a ase bateia dysentey, a diahea with bd and ps.
We an d this bease we have Shiga txin.
We an be tansmitted n thes and fnite.

I was a and in wd wa II and I kied King
Heny V!

Hey, my name is E. i.
I'm a Gam negative bateia and I'm pat f the entebateiaeae famiy.
In my famiy I am pat f tibe I, Esheihieae.
My whe famiy is xidase negative.
I ive in the es.

My pathi stains ae the mst mmn ase f inay tat infetin. F teh win!
Sme f my stains have viene fats, s I an ase diahea.
The diahea an watey bdy, depending n whih stain y have

Hi thee, I'm V. vnifis.
I'm a Gam negative, xidase psitive femente bateia.
I'm the mst vient f the nn-hea Vibis.
ike my sins, I ive in the ean.
I an get int y n ntaminated seafd, whee I ss fm y gt t y bd steam.
Then I an ase septiaemia and neti es nde the skin, with 50% mtaity!
Dn't wy thgh, that's ny if y ae immnmpmised have ive disease.

Hey thee!
a me V. paahaemytis, pat f the Vibi gens.
I'm a Gam negative, xidase psitive femente bateia.
I ive in sat wate and y an get me by eating ntaminated seafd.

I ase gastenteitis with watey diahea, amps and feve.
Mst f the time my infetin is sef-imiting.

I even appea in a mi!!

Hi, I'm V. heae.
I'm a Gam negative, xidase psitive femente bateia.
Many f my stains ase hea, a sevee diahea iness.
I an be epidemi pandemi and I ve the deveping wd.
I have a high fataity in manished ppatins, whee pepe get vey dehydated.

T give y sevee diahea, my stains need t make the hea txin.
I have ts f stains!
Mst f my stains that ase tbeaks ae 'type-01' stains, bt thee ae as 139 'nn-type-01' stains.
Y an assify me int Inaba, gawa and Hikjima setypes if y want. y d assify me int assia and E T bitypes (y dn't see my E T mh anyme thgh).

I hpe y pik me

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