• المعدلات الطبيعية للتحاليل الطبية

Hematgy Vaes
Nma Adt Femae ange: 37 - 47%
ptima Adt Femae eading: 42%
Nma Adt Mae ange 40 - 54%
ptima Adt Mae eading: 47
Nma Newbn ange: 50 - 62%
ptima Newbn eading: 56

Nma Adt Femae ange: 12 - 16 gd
ptima Adt Femae eading: 14 gd
Nma Adt Mae ange: 14 - 18 gd
ptima Adt Mae eading: 16 gd
Nma Newbn ange: 14 - 20 gd
ptima Newbn eading: 17 gd

MH (Mean psa Hemgbin)
Nma Adt ange: 27 - 33 pg
ptima Adt eading: 30

MV (Mean psa Vme)
Nma Adt ange: 80 - 100 f
ptima Adt eading: 90
Highe anges ae fnd in newbns and infants

MH (Mean psa Hemgbin nentatin)
Nma Adt ange: 32 - 36 %
ptima Adt eading: 34
Highe anges ae fnd in newbns and infants

.B.. (ed Bd e nt)
Nma Adt Femae ange: 3.9 - 5.2 mim
ptima Adt Femae eading: 4.55
Nma Adt Mae ange: 4.2 - 5.6 mim
ptima Adt Mae eading: 4.9
we anges ae fnd in hiden, newbns and infants

W.B.. (White Bd e nt)
Nma Adt ange: 3.8 - 10.8 thsm
ptima Adt eading: 7.3
Highe anges ae fnd in hiden, newbns and infants.

Nma Adt ange: 130 - 400 thsm
ptima Adt eading: 265
Highe anges ae fnd in hiden, newbns and infants

NETPHIS and NETPHI NT - this is the main defende f the bdyagainst infetin and antigens. High eves may indiate an ative infetin.
Nma Adt ange: 48 - 73 %
ptima Adt eading: 60.5
Nma hiden’s ange: 30 - 60 %
ptima hiden’s eading: 45

YMPHYTES and YMPHYTE NT - Eevated eves may indiate an ative viainfetins sh as meases, bea, hikenpx, infetis mnnesis.
Nma Adt ange: 18 - 48 %
ptima Adt eading: 33
Nma hiden’s ange: 25 - 50 %
ptima hiden’s eading: 37.5

MNYTES and MNYTE NT - Eevated eves ae seen in tisse beakdwn hni infetins, ainmas, ekemia (mnyti) ymphmas.
Nma Adt ange: 0 - 9 %
ptima Adt eading: 4.5

ESINPHIS and ESINPHI NT - Eevated eves may indiate an aegieatins paasites.
Nma Adt ange: 0 - 5 %
ptima Adt eading: 2.5

BASPHIS and BASPHI NT - Basphii ativity is nt fy ndestd btit is knwn t ay histamine, hepain and setnin. High eves ae fnd inaegi eatins.
Nma Adt ange: 0 - 2 %
ptima Adt eading: 1
TP f Page

Eetyte Vaes
SDIM - Sdim is the mst abndant atin in the bd and its hief base. Itfntins in the bdy t maintain smti pesse, aid-base baane and ttansmit neve impses. Vey w vae: seize and Negi Sx.
Nma Adt ange: 135-146 mEq
ptima Adt eading: 140.5

PTASSIM - Ptassim is the maj intaea atin. Vey w vae:adia aythemia.
Nma ange: 3.5 - 5.5 mEq
ptima Adt eading: 4.5

HIDE - Eevated eves ae eated t aidsis as we as t mh watessing the e membane. Deeased eves with deeased sem abmin mayindiate wate defiieny ssing the e membane (edema).
Nma Adt ange: 95-112 mEq
ptima Adt eading: 103

2 (abn Dixide) - The 2 eve is eated t the espiaty exhange fabn dixide in the ngs and is pat f the bdies bffeing system.Geneay when sed with the the eetytes, it is a gd indiat faidsis and akainity.
Nma Adt ange: 22-32 mEq
ptima Adt eading: 27
Nma hidens ange - 20 - 28 mEq
ptima hidens eading: 24

AIM - invved in bne metabism, ptein absptin, fat tansfemsa ntatin, tansmissin f neve impses, bd tting andadia fntin. egated by paathyid.
Nma Adt ange: 8.5-10.3 mEqd
ptima Adt eading: 9.4

PHSPHS - Geneay invese with aim.
Nma Adt ange: 2.5 - 4.5 mEqd
ptima Adt eading: 3.5
Nma hidens ange: 3 - 6 mEqd
ptima hidens ange: 4.5

ANIN GAP (Sdim + Ptassim - 2 + hide) - An ineased measement isassiated with metabi aidsis de t the vepdtin f aids (a statef akainity is in effet). Deeased eves may indiate metabi akasisde t the vepdtin f akaids (a state f aidsis is in effet).
Nma Adt ange: 4 - 14 (aated)
ptima Adt eading: 9

Nma Adt ange: 2.3 - 3.3 (aated)
ptima Adt eading: 2.8
Nma hiden’s ange: 1.3 - 3.3 (aated)
ptima hiden’s eading: 2.3

Nma Adt ange: 26 - 38 (aated)
ptima Adt eading: 32

شكرا للمعلومات الرائعه والطرح المميز

Having type 2 diabetes appeas t give pst-menpasa wmen a 27% highe isk f deveping beast ane, ading t a new stdy. Whie the ink may be indiety assiated with being veweight, a knwn isk fat f bth diseases, the eseahes dn't e t that type 2 diabetes may affet beast ane isk diety

شكرا على الطرح المميز
بارك الله فيك

اللي عنده البي سي ار صفر
كم يكون معدل الاجسام المضادة
هيبتايتس سي فايروس