About Hbv

If y have hni hepatitis B vis infetin (HBV), y ae nt ane. Tday, appximatey 1.25 miin pepe in the nited States ae hniay infeted with HBV. The majity f infeted pepe fee heathy f thei entie ives and d nt demnstate any evidene f nging ive damage. the pepe pgess t eves f me sevee disease. Sme pepe timatey devep ive saing (ihsis), ive faie, ive ane. It is imptant that y take ae f ysef. And bease it is pssibe t spead HBV t thes, y have t knw hw t ptet y famiy, fiends, and thes fm this disease.
Hw y an take ae f ysef

Pepe wh have hni HBV infetin need ega mniting f thei ive nditin t detemine whethe thei disease is pgessing, whethe teatment is needed, whethe a ive ane is deveping. Make se y d the fwing:
* See y dt f evaatin f y ive's nditin ne twie a yea. etain bd tests need t be pefmed peidiay t mnit y ive's heath. Disss with y dt if y ae a andidate f antivia mediatin. These mediines ae given t etain pepe with hni ive disease.

* Disss with y dt abt getting peidi tasnds, apha-fetptein bd tests, the stdies t make se thee is n evidene f a deveping ive ane. Physiians may emmend diffeent shedes f tasnds and bd tests depending n the patient's age, sex, ethniity, age at whih the infetin was initiay aqied, famiy histy, HBeAg stats, and ive enzymes. say, tasnds and bd tests ae emmended evey six t 12 mnths.

* eview with y physiian amediatins y take. Even sme "ve-the-nte" mediatins an inje y ive.

* If y ae pegnant, te y physiian that y have hni HBV infetin. It is essentia that y baby be given hepatitis B immne gbin (HBIG) and stated n hepatitis B vaine within 12 hs f bith.

* Avid ahi beveages. Ah an damage y ive.
If y ive disease has pgessed...

If y ive disease pgesses, hee ae sme exta peatins y shd take:
* Get y yeay infenza vaine. Patients with sevee ive disease shd as eeive pnema pysahaide vaine.

* Get vainated against hepatitis A. Hepatitis A an fthe damage y ive.

* Dn't eat aw ystes. aw ystes may ay the bateia Vibi vnifis whih an ase a seis bd infetin in individas with ive disease. Appximatey 40% f these ases ae fata.Hw t ptet thes fm HBV infetin

Pepe an get HBV infetin fm y by ming in ntat with y bd, sem, semen, vagina fids. HBV has as been tansmitted by hman bites. Athgh HBV has been deteted in w nentatins in the bdy fids, inding teas, sweat, ine, fees, and beast mik, these fids have nt been assiated with tansmissin. Ftnatey, HBV is nt spead by sneezing ghing, fm asa ntat sh as hding hands. Hee ae sme imptant gideines f y t fw s that thes ae pteted:
* Te y sex patne(s) that y ae infeted with HBV. Y sex patne(s) mst see a physiian f hepatitis B bd testing. If, ading t the bd tests, y patne has neve had hepatitis B, he she shd be vainated. Afte the seies f thee shts is mpeted, y patne needs t etn t the dt f bd testing t make se the vaine pteted him he. se ndms nti y patne is pven t be pteted fm HBV.

* Make se a hsehd membes see thei physiians f hepatitis B testing and vainatin.

* Te y heath ae pvides that y ae infeted with HBV.

* ve a ts and pen ses with a bandage.

* Thw away sed pesna items sh as tisses mensta pads in a bag s thes wi nt be expsed t y bd.

* Wash y hands we afte thing y bd bdy fids.

* ean p y bd spis. Then eean the aea with beah stin (ne pat ega hsehd beah t 10 pats wate).

* D nt shae tthbshes, azs, needes f ea pieing, nai fies, ippes, nai sisss, washths, anything that may have me in ntat with y bd bdy fids.

* D nt shae fd that has been in y mth (e.g., hewing gm) and d nt pe-hew fd f babies.

* D nt shae syinges and needes.

* D nt dnate bd, pasma, bdy gans, tisse, spem.

* Knw that if smene is expsed t y bd—be it a famiy membe, a fiend, even a stange—peventive teatment is avaiabe f that pesn. If the expsed pesn eeives HBIG and stats the hepatitis B vaine seies within a few days, that pesn has an exeent hane f being pteted fm HBV!

* ean me abt hepatitis B s y an make the best deisins f ysef and pvide the best ptetin f y famiy and fiends

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