(( Additives Anticoagulants ))

1- Geen - ntains the ithim sat f hepain, an antiagant. As may ntain ammnim sdim sats f hepain.
2- Ppe avende - ntains EDTA. This is a stng antiagant and these tbes ae say sed f f bd nts and bd fims. an as be sed f bd banks.
3- Gey - These tbes ntain fide and xaate. Fide pevents enzymes in the bd fm wking, s a sbstate sh as gse wi nt be gaday sed p ding stage. xaate is an antiagant.
4- ight be - ntain a meased amnt f itate. itate is a evesibe antiagant, and these tbes ae sed f agatin assays. Bease the iqid itate dites the bd, it is imptant the tbe is f s the ditin is ppey anted f.
5- Dak Be - ntains the sdim sat f hepain, an antiagant. As an ntain EDTA as an additive have n additive. These tbes ae sed f tae meta anaysis.
6- Pink - Simia t ppe tbes (bth ntain EDTA) these ae sed f AB gping and ss-mathing.

7- ed - ntains n additives. Tests f antibdies and dgs ften eqie these.
8- ight yew - sed in HA phentyping. As ntains SPS, sed f bd tes.
9- ight Geen Tbe (PST): This tbe is sed f sem HGs and the tine hemisty tests. The tbe ntains ithim hepain as an antiagant.
10- Bwn Tbe: This tbe is sed f ytgeneti testing and the tine hemisty tests. The tbe ntains sdim hepain as an antiagant.
11- Bak Tbe (Va-Te): This tbe is sed f sed ates (ES). The tbe ntains sdim itate as the antiagant.
12- Gey Tbe: This tbe is pimay sed f gse testing. It ntains ptassim xaate with sdim fide as the antiagant.
13- Yew Tbe: This tbe is sed f etain efeene tests eqiing whe bd. It ntains AD (aid-itate-dextse) as the antiagant.


موضوع في غاية الأهمية ففيه شرح ميسر وبسيط عن محتويات الانابيب وفيما تستخدم

جزالك الله خير الجزاء

معلومات قيمه ولو في الامكان تفيدنا عن انابيب المستخدمة لbd gas

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