Allergies and Asthma

Aegies and Asthma

Asthma attaks (wsening f asthma symptms) an be tiggeed by aegies, whih an tempaiy inease the infammatin f the aiways in a sseptibe pesn.
What Is an Aegy?
Aegies ae the immne system's eatin when expsed t what is thewise a hamess sbstane, sh as pant pen, md anima hai, skin saiva. F pepe with aegies, the immne system teats these sbstanes, aed "aegens," as if they ae hamf, asing a disptin t nma bdy fntins.
What Aegies ase Asthma?
Inhaed Aegens. The mst imptant aegens f pepe with asthma appea t be thse that ae inhaed. Thse inde:

* Anima dande (skin, saiva)
* Dst mites
* kah paties
* Md
* PenMedia expets emmend that a pepe with asthma ty t identify pssibe inhaed aegens that they ae sensitive t.
Fd Aegies. Fd aegies aey ase asthma. Bt, the mst mmn fds assiated with aegi symptms ae:

* Eggs
* Mik
* Peants
* Sy
* Wheat
* Fish
* Shimp and the shefishFd pesevatives an as tigge asthma. Additives, sh as sdim bisfite, ptassim bisfite, sdim metabisfite, ptassim metabisfite, and sdim sfite, ae mmny sed in fd pessing pepaatin and an be fnd in fds sh as:

* Died fits vegetabes
* Ptates (pakaged and sme pepaed)
* Wine and bee
* Btted ime emn jie
* Shimp (fesh, fzen, pepaed)
* Piked fdsIn mst pepe, the sa symptms f fd aegy ae hives, ash, nasea, vmiting, and diahea. If y have a fd aegy that tigges an asthma attak, y wi ikey expeiene these aegy symptms, fwed by wheezing. And if nt aght qiky, anaphyaxis -- sweing f the that, tting ff the aiway -- may est.
If y sspet that etain fds may be tiggeing y asthma, disss this with y dt. Aegy skin testing an be dne t detemine if y ae aegi t these fds.
What D I D If I Have Aegies?
Ty nt t me int ntat with the sbstane y ae aegi t. Hee ae sme tips t hep y avid sme f the mst mmn aegens.
Dst Mites

* Enase piws, mattesses, and bx spings with aegen-pf, zippeed ves.
* Wash a bedding in ht wate ne a week.
* Nn-apeted fing is best. If y annt get id f y apeting, vam ften with a mti-aye, aegen-pf vam bag. Wea a mask whie vaming. If y hid has asthma, d nt vam whie he she is in the m. Pdts that eiminate dst mites fm apeting (sh as Aasan) an be phased. Y asthma ae pvide an give y infmatin abt these pdts.
* Avid tains and dapes. se pain windw shades instead f mini-binds. Washabe tains shd be washed in ht wate evey 2 t 4 weeks.
* Dst a sfaes with a damp th ften, inding ampshades and windwsis.
* Keep tte nde nt. Tys and bks shd be sted in ensed bksheves, dawes sets.
* epae taditina stffed animas with washabe stffed animas.
* Keep a thing in dawes and sets. Keep dawes and sets sed.
* ve ai dts with fites heeseth. hange these when sied.
* Piws and bedding shd nt ntain feathes.
* Keep ind hmidity w (25%-50%). se a dehmidifie.
* egay hange fites n heates and ai nditines.Md and Midew

* Ai t damp, hmid aeas feqenty. n a dehmidifie t keep hmidity between 25% and 50%.
* se ai nditines when pssibe.
* ean bathms egay sing pdts that ki and pevent md. se exhast fans t vent steam. D nt apet the bathm.
* Keep ind pants t f bedms.
* When painting, add md inhibit t paint t pevent md fm gwing.
* Avid ses f td mds, sh as wet eaves gaden debis.Insets. Many hmes and apatments have kahes and the insets. Sme pepe with asthma ae aegi t them. T nt these aegens in y hme:

* se ah baits taps.
* Inset spays an be sed, bt shd ny be spayed when n ne is at hme. Befe y y hid etns hme afte spaying, make se that y hme has been aied t f a pe f hs.Pens. Pens ae diffit t avid bease they annt be eiminated fm the atmsphee. Y an essen y y hid's expse t pens by:

* imiting y y hid's td ativities ding times f high pen, sh as eay mning.
* Keeping windws sed ding pen seasns.
* sing ai nditining if pssibe.Pet Dande

* It is best nt t wn any pets if y y hid is highy aegi.
* ng visits t fiends and famiy wh wn pets shd be avided. If y d visit, make se y y hid takes asthma mediines befe the visit. Expse t the pets shd be kept t a minimm when visiting.
* If y mst have a at dg in the hme, estit its iving aea. It shd nt be awed in y y hid's bedm at any time. If pssibe, keep the pet tside.
* Wash y pet weeky.
* emve as mh apeting as pssibe. Anima dande depsits in the apet and stays thee, even afte the pet is gne fm the hme.Aviding fd tigges an be haenging. It is imptant t aways ead fd abes and, when dining t, ask hw fds ae pepaed.
nside Aegy Shts. The send thing y an d is t tain y immne system t nt veeat. Dts d this by giving y aegy shts (as aed aegen immntheapy). An aegy sht is a sma amnt f the sbstane that ases y aegy. By giving epeated shts f the sbstane ve a peid f time, y immne system eventay stps asing the aegi eatin. Ask y dt if y ae a andidate f aegy shts.


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