Asthma Medications

Asthma Mediatins
Asthma is a hni (ifeng) disease that invves infammatin f the aiways speimpsed with eent episdes f imited aifw, ms pdtin, and gh.
Teatment fses n:

* Taking mediatins that nt infammatin and pevent hni symptms sh as ghing beathessness at night, in the eay mning, afte exetin (ng-tem nt mediatins)
* Pviding mediatins t teat asthma attaks when they (qik-eief mediatins)
* Aviding asthma tigges
* Mniting daiy asthma symptms in an asthma diay Thee ae tw genea types f asthma mediatins.

* Anti-infammaty dgs. This is the mst imptant type f theapy f mst pepe with asthma bease these dgs pevent asthma attaks n an nging basis. Steids, as aed "tisteids," ae an imptant type f anti-infammaty mediatin f pepe sffeing fm asthma. These dgs ede sweing and ms pdtin in the aiways. As a est, aiways ae ess sensitive and ess ikey t eat t tigges.
* Bnhdiats. These mediatins eieve the symptms f asthma by eaxing the mse bands that tighten and the aiways. This atin apidy pens the aiways, etting me ai me in and t f the ngs. As a est, beathing impves. Bnhdiats as hep ea ms fm the ngs. As the aiways pen, the ms mves me feey and an be ghed t me easiy.These dgs an be administeed in diffeent ways t hep nt asthma. Sessf teatment shd aw y t ive an ative and nma ife. If y asthma symptms ae nt in gd nt, y shd ntat y dt f advie.
NTE: Thee is a newe fm f asthma mediine that was eeased in Jne 2003. This dg, aed Xai, wks by inhibiting the aegi eatin that ften ases nstitin f the aiways. T date, its se has been imited.
ng Tem nt Mediatins: Teating the Infammatin
Dts nw egnize that asthma has tw main mpnents: aiway infammatin and ate bnhnstitin (nstitin f the aiways). eseah has shwn that peventing the infammatin is the key t peventing asthma attaks, hspitaizatins, and death fm asthma.
ng-tem nt mediatins ae taken daiy ve an extended peid f time t ahieve and maintain nt f pesistent asthma (asthma that ases symptms me than twie a week and feqent attaks that affet ativity).
The mst effetive ng-tem nt mediatins ae thse that stp aiway infammatin (anti-infammaty dgs), bt thee ae thes that ae ften sed ang with anti-infammaty dgs t enhane thei effet.
ng-tem nt mediatins inde:

* tisteids (The inhaed fm is the anti-infammaty dg f hie f pesistent asthma.)
* Mast e stabiizes (anti-infammaty dgs)
* ng ating beta-agnists (bnhdiats ften sed ang with an anti-infammaty dg)
* Thephyine (a bnhdiat sed ang with an anti-infammaty dg t pevent nighttime symptms)
* ektiene mdifies (an atenative t steids and mast e stabiizes)Qik-eief Mediatins: Stpping the Asthma Attak
These mediines ae sed t pvide pmpt eief f asthma attak symptms (gh, hest tightness, and wheezing -- a signs f aiway bnhnstitin).
They inde:

* Sht ating beta-agnists (bnhdiats that ae the dg f hie t eieve asthma attaks and pevent exeise-inded asthma symptms)
* Antihinegis (bnhdiats sed in additin t sht-ating beta-agnists when needed as an atenative t these dgs when needed)
* Systemi tisteids (an anti-infammaty dg sed in an emegeny t get apid nt f the disease whie initiating the teatments and t speed evey)ead me n bnhdiats and anti-infammaty dgs.
Inhaes, Nebizes, and Pis
Asthma mediatins an be eithe inhaed, sing a meteed dse inhae, dy pwde inhae, a nebize, taken ay, eithe in pi iqid fm.
Sme asthma mediatins an be taken tgethe. Thee ae sme inhaes that ntain a mbinatin f tw diffeent mediatins. These devies aw bth mediatins t be deiveed fm ne devie, shtening teatment times and deeasing the nmbe f inhaes needed t teat asthma symptms.
Ae Thee ve-the-nte Asthma Mediatins?
Yes. The mst mmn ve-the-nte asthma mediatins ae Pimatene Mist and Bnkaid. They bth wk ike a bnhdiat, eaxing the mses and the aiways. They pvide sht-tem eief (20-30 mintes), bt d nt nt asthma symptms pevent asthma attaks. Pepe with high bd pesse, diabetes, thyid disease, heat disease shd nt take Pimatene Mist Bnkaid.
nftnatey, many pepe misse vese these mediatins. They ae nt meant f ng-tem se, yet sme pepe se them evey day t eieve asthma symptms. Bease they d nt nt asthma, pepe wh take them may nt be eeiving ppe teatment f thei asthma.
If y ae sing an ve-the-nte asthma mediatin bt ae expeiening feqent asthma symptms, tak t y dt. And if y ae taking pesibed asthma mediatins bt ae sing ve-the-nte mediatins asinay, te y dt this as we. Y d nt want t be taking me mediine than y need.
an Aegy Shts Be sed t Teat Asthma?
Sme eent stdies have shwn that when y give aegy shts t hiden with aegies, nt ny d thei aegy symptms impve, bt they ae as ess ikey t devep asthma. As, sine many ases f asthma ae tiggeed by aegies, it makes sense that if y nt the aegies, y wi have fewe asthma attaks.
Ask y dt if y ae a andidate f aegy shts.
Wi I Aways Have t Take Asthma Mediines?
Hw ften y need t take y asthma mediatin depends n hw sevee y asthma is and hw feqenty y have symptms. F exampe, if y asthma symptms ny ding the time f the yea when y aegies at p, then y may ny have t take mediatins t nt y symptms ding that time. Hweve, this is smewhat nsa, and mst pepe with asthma need t take mediatins daiy.
Mediatin Gideines
Asthma mediatins ae the fndatin f gd asthma nt. ean a y an abt y mediatins. Knw what mediatins ae inded in y asthma atin pan, when these mediatins shd be taken, thei expeted ests, and what t d when they fai. Hee ae sme genea gideines t keep in mind:

* efe t y asthma atin pan when deiding hw when t se mediatins. This pan is designed s y ahieve the best pssibe asthma nt. Make se y ndestand and an fw the pan.
* Wash y hands pi t pepaing taking mediatins.
* Take y time. Dbe-hek the name and dsage f a y mediatins befe sing them.
* Keep y mediatins sted ading t the insttins given with the pesiptin.
* hek iqid mediatins ften. If they have hanged fmed ystas, thw them away and get new nes.
* Neve n t f mediatins. a y phamay dt's ffie at east 48 hs befe nning t. Knw y phamay phne nmbe, pesiptin nmbes, and mediatin names and dses s that y an easiy a f efis.
* Infm y dt abt any the mediatins y ae taking. Sme mediatins an affet the atins f thes when taken tgethe.
* Mst asthma mediatins ae vey safe. Hweve, side effets an and vay depending n the mediatin and dse. Ask y dt phamaist t desibe mediatin side effets. ept any nsa sevee side effets t y dt immediatey. THANK Y VEY MH