CBC (complete blood count)


B is a vey mmn test that sed t be deed n evey pesn ding his he yeay physia. it is sed tiney t seen f, hep diagnse, and t mnit a vaiety f nditins. Many patients wi have baseine B tests t hep detemine thei genea heath stats. Many nditins wi est in ineases deeases in the e ppatins. Sme f these nditins may eqie teatment, whie thes wi esve n thei wn. Sme diseases, sh as ane (and hemtheapy teatment), an affet bne maw pdtin f es, ineasing the pdtin f ne e at the expense f thes deeasing vea e pdtin. Sme mediatins an deease WB nts, and sme vitamin and minea defiienies an ase anemia.

White Bd es (WB): White bd es, smetimes efeed t as ekytes in media iteate, ae pded by the immne system t hep defend the bdy against infetin. They ae fmed in the bne maw and eithe ente the bd migate t key gans, sh as the speen, ymph ndes, gt. Thee ae sevea diffeent types f white bd es.
ed Bd es (B): ed bd es, smetimes efeed t as eythytes, ae espnsibe f deiveing xygen thght the bdy. Thee ae ts f them in a singe miiite f bd – between 3.6 t 6.1 miin.
Hemgbin (HGB) Hematit (HT): Bth Hemgbin & Hematit an hep the dt ean a bit me abt y ed bd es. Hemgbin is a ptein sed by ed bd es t distibte xygen t the tisses and es in the bdy. Hematit efes t the amnt f y bd that is pied by ed bd es the hematit shd be between 40% and 52%; f wmen, it shd be between 35% and 46%. A w hemgbin nmbe hematit peentage is gd indiats f anemia.
Mean psa Vme (MV): This test atay meases the size f ed bd es. age ed bd es may indiate anemia de t vitamin B12 fi aid defiieny; smae ed bd es may indiate anemia de t in defiieny.
Mean psa Hemgbin (MH :) This test meases the amnt f hemgbin in ed bd es. Bth hemgbin and hematit ae sed t aate this nmbe. w eves indiate anemia.
Mean psa Hemgbin nentatin (MH): as this test meases the amnt f hemgbin in ed bd es.
ed e Distibtin Width (DW): ed bd es an me in diffeent sizes. DW ks at the ange f these sizes in a bd sampe. If anemia is sspeted, based n the bd nts, DW test ests ae ften sed tgethe with MV ests t fige t what the ase f the anemia might be.
Pateets:Pateets ae tiny es pded by the bne maw t hep y bd t in the event f a t sape. A high nmbe might be seen in pepe with ane, a bd disease, hematid athitis. A deeased pateet nt is aed thmbytpenia. Thee ae a nmbe f pssibe ases f thmbytpenia, inding a disde f the immne system that ases antibdies pded by the speen t ki pateets (idipathi thmbytpenia ppa, ITP). This an be pbemati and ften waants immediate media ae. Anti-HIV dgs, patiay neside anages, an have a negative effet n the way the bne maw pdes pateets.
Mean Pateet Vme (MPV): This test meases the aveage vme (size) f y pateets. A highe-than-nma MPV has been shwn t be assiated with a geate isk f heat attaks and stke.
Diffeentia: The diffeentia is a beakdwn f the diffeent types f white bd es, as aed ekytes. Thee ae atay tw main types f white bd es: phagytes and ymphytes. Phagytes attak gems diety and ae pwef defenses against etain infetins. ymphytes, whih inde T-es, pay a age e in fighting hni infetins.
Netphis: Netphis shd ant f anywhee between 38% and 80% f the white bd e nt. The peentage is ften ineased ding a bateia infetin; a w nmbe an pt y at a geate isk f expeiening sikness fm a bateia infetin.
ymphytes: ymphytes, whih inde T-es, B-es, and nata kie (NK) es, shd ant f between 15% and 49% f the tta white bd e nt. Via infetins, sh as HIV, an eithe inease deease the tta peentage f ymphytes.
Mnytes: Mnytes ae a type f phagyte. These mate int maphages, imptant gem eating es. A w nmbe an pt y at a highe isk f getting sik fm an infetin, patiay thse ased by bateia.
Esinphis: A high nmbe f esnphis, a type f phagyte that pdes the anti-infammaty ptein histamine, an be seen in pepe with aegies paasiti infetins.
Basphis: These es ae espnsibe f nting infammatin and damage f tisses in the bdy, sh as ive infammatin de t hepatitis.

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in14;هو انا بس كنت عايز اعرف فكرتك في عرض الفحوصات اية ؟ هل هي انك تجيبي الموضوع عموما من باب اللي حابب يعرف تفاصيل الحاجة دي يبقي يدور عليها ولا انتي عايزة تعملي شبة مرجع عن Fd mibigy عموما مجهود مشكور والي الامام دائما د. شيرين ويكون تسلقك الي القمة سريعا in14;

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شكرا شكرا شكرا
ودى اقول اكثر بس الاقى الكلام خلص
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