Chronic kidney disease

besity inked T Hypepaathyidism In hni Kidney Disease
F patients with hni kidney disease (KD), the isk f eevated eves f paathyid hmne (PTH), hypepaathyidism—a
signifiant mpiatin that ineases the isk f adivasa pbems and death—ineases ang with bdy weight, epts a stdy
in the Septembe inia Jna f the Ameian Siety f Nephgy.
"We knew that in pepe with nma kidney fntin besity eads t impaiment in vitamin D metabism and eevated PTH eves, bt
this phenmenn was neve stdied in patients with KD," mments ead ath D saba P. Kvesdy, f Saem VA Media ente, in
Saem, Va. "Sine bth besity and hypepaathyidism ae vey mpex pbems in KD, estabishing an assiatin between the tw is
imptant bease f ptentia pgnsti and theapeti impiatins."
The stdy was based n a database f 496 .S. veteans with mdeate t sevee KD wh wee nt yet n diaysis. The database awed
the eseahes t test the assiatin between bdy weight and PTH eves, whie anting f a nmbe f pssibe nfnding
The ests shwed a signifiant assiatin between besity and hypepaathyidism—as bdy mass index ineased, s did PTH eves.
The eatinship between ineased PTH and bdy weight was naffeted by age, ae, diabetes, the fats.
A fthe anaysis was dne t detemine if the assiatin was pesent in a patients with KD jst etain sbgps. "Inteestingy,
we fnd that besity was ny assiated with highe PTH eves in patients wh as shwed signs f mantitin and infammatin,"
says D. Kvesdy. "This finding may be niqe t patients with KD. Besides pviding a pssibe expanatin f why PTH eves ae
highe in bese patients, it may as be imptant f pgnsti easns, sine mantitin and infammatin ae amng the maj
mpiatins espnsibe f p tmes in KD."
Paathyid hmne pays an imptant e in maintaining nma bne stte. When hypepaathyidism deveps, it an ead nt
ny t bne abnmaities bt as t ineased ates f adivasa disease and death. Athgh deeased kidney fntin is the
main easn f hypepaathyidism in KD, the fats an as affet PTH eves. D. Kvesdy expains, " ent theapeti
paties aimed at eting eevatins in PTH fs mainy n abnmaities eated by the deeased kidney fntin, and dn't fat
in these the mehanisms."
The stdy is the fist t shw that a highe bdy mass index is assiated with highe paathyid hmne eves in KD. The ests aise
the pssibiity that weight ss might hep t we PTH eves in patients with KD—, nvesey, that the teatments f
hypepaathyidism d ead t weight ss.
"We hpe the findings wi tigge fthe stdies in de t bette expain the easns ndeying ests, and t detemine if the
assiatin between besity and hypepaathyidism has impiatins f the teatment tmes f KD," D. Kvesdy ndes.
The stdy entited, “besity is Assiated with Senday Hypepaathyidism in Men with Mdeate and Sevee hni Kidney Disease”
wi be avaiabe nine at nde Media, 2007, beginning n Wednesday, Agst 8 at 8:00 PM and in pint in
the Septembe isse f the inia Jna f the Ameian Siety f Nephgy (JASN).
The ASN is a nt-f-pfit ganizatin f 10,000 physiians and sientists dediated t the stdy f nephgy and mmitted t
pviding a fm f the pmgatin f infmatin egading the atest eseah and inia findings n kidney diseases.

thanks at b


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