Daily aspirin therapy: Understand the benefits and risks

Daiy aspiin theapy may we y isk f heat attak and stke, bt daiy aspiin theapy isn't f eveyne. Is it ight f y?
Y shd nside daiy aspiin theapy ny if y've had a heat attak stke, y have a high isk f eithe. And then, ny take aspiin with y dt's appva. Athgh taking an asina aspiin tw is safe f mst adts t se f headahes, bdy ahes feve, daiy se f aspiin an have seis side effets, inding intena beeding.
Hw des aspiin pevent a heat attak stke?

Aspiin intefees with y bd's tting atin. When y beed, y bd's tting es, aed pateets, bid p at the site f y wnd. The pateets hep fm a pg that seas the pening in y bd vesse t stp beeding.
Bt this tting an as happen within the vesses that sppy y heat and bain with bd. If y bd vesses ae aeady nawed fm athesesis — the bidp f fatty depsits in y ateies — a fatty depsit in y vesse an bst. Then, a bd t an qiky fm and bk the atey. This pevents bd fw t the heat bain and ases a heat attak stke. Aspiin theapy edes the mping atin f pateets — pssiby peventing heat attak and stke.
Des daiy aspiin theapy diffe between men and wmen?

Aspiin an have diffeent effets between the sexes, and f wmen, amng age gps.
F men f a ages, aspiin an:

* Pevent a fist and send heat attak
* ede heat disease isk

F wmen ynge than 65, aspiin an:

* Pevent a fist stke
* Pevent a send heat attak
* ede heat disease isk

F wmen 65 and de, aspiin an:

* Pevent a fist and send heat attak
* Pevent a fist stke
* ede heat disease isk

The isk f beeding with daiy aspiin theapy, hweve, is abt the same in bth sexes.
Shd y take a daiy aspiin?

Whethe y need daiy aspiin theapy depends n y isk f heat disease and stke. isk fats f a heat attak stke inde:

* Smking tba
* High bd pesse — a systi pesse f 140 miimetes f mey (mm Hg) highe a diasti pesse f 90 mm Hg highe
* Tta heste eve f 240 miigams pe deiite (mgd) — 6.22 miimes pe ite (mm) — highe
* w-density ipptein ("bad") heste eve f 130 mgd (3.37 mm) highe
* ak f exeise
* Diabetes
* Stess
* Having me than tw ahi dinks a day f men, ne dink a day f wmen
* Famiy histy f a stke heat attak

If y've had a heat attak stke, hanes ae y dt has taked t y abt taking aspiin t pevent a send ene.
If y have stng isk fats, bt have nt had a heat attak stke, y may as benefit fm taking an aspiin evey day. Fist, y' want t disss with y dt whethe y have any nditins that make taking aspiin danges f y.
Shd y avid daiy aspiin theapy if y have anthe heath nditin?

Y shdn't take a daiy aspiin if y have sme heath nditins that d inease y isk f beeding the mpiatins. These nditins inde:

* A beeding tting disde (beeding easiy)
* Asthma
* Stmah es
* Heat faie

It's as imptant t te y dt what the mediatins sppements y might be taking, even if it's jst ibpfen (Advi, Mtin, thes). Taking aspiin and ibpfen tgethe edes the benefiia effets f the aspiin. Taking aspiin with the antiagants, sh as wafain (madin), d geaty inease y hane f beeding.
What's the best dse f aspiin t take?

Thee's n nifm dse f aspiin y shd take t get the benefits f daiy aspiin theapy. Y and y dt wi disss what dse is ight f y. Vey w dses f aspiin — 75 miigams (mg), whih is ess than a standad baby aspiin — an be effetive. Y dt may pesibe a daiy dse anywhee fm 81 mg — the amnt in a baby aspiin — t 325 mg (ega stength).
What happens if y stp taking aspiin evey day?

Y might be spised t ean that stpping daiy aspiin theapy an have a ebnd effet that may inease y isk f heat attak stke. If y've been n daiy aspiin theapy and want t stp, it's imptant t tak t y dt befe making any hanges. Sddeny stpping daiy aspiin theapy d have a ebnd effet that may tigge a bd t.

an y take aspiin if y egay take ibpfen f anthe nditin?

Bth aspiin and ibpfen ede the tting atin f bd pateets. ega ibpfen se an inease y beeding isk.
If y need ny a singe dse f ibpfen, take it eight hs befe 30 mintes afte the aspiin. If y need t take ibpfen me ften, tak t y dt abt mediatin atenatives that wn't intefee with daiy aspiin theapy.
What ae the pssibe side effets f daiy aspiin theapy?

Side effets and mpiatins f taking aspiin inde:

* Hemhagi stke. Whie daiy aspiin an hep pevent a t-eated stke, it may inease y isk f a beeding stke (hemhagi stke).
* Gastintestina beeding. Daiy aspiin se ineases y isk f deveping a stmah e. And, if y have a beeding e, taking aspiin wi ase it t beed me, pehaps t a ife-theatening extent.
* Aegi eatin. If y'e aegi t aspiin, taking any amnt f aspiin an tigge a seis aegi eatin.
* inging in the eas (tinnits) and heaing ss. T mh aspiin (vedsing) an ase tinnits and eventa heaing ss in sme pepe.

If y'e taking aspiin and need a sgia pede denta wk, be se t te the sgen dentist that y take daiy aspiin and hw mh. thewise y isk exessive beeding ding sgey.
The Fd and Dg Administatin as wans that pepe wh egay take aspiin shd imit the amnt f ah they dink bease f its additina bd-thinning effets and ptentia t pset y stmah. If y take daiy aspiin theapy, y shd nt have me than ne dink a day if y'e a wman tw dinks a day if y'e a man.
What ae pssibe dg inteatins with daiy aspiin theapy?

If y'e aeady taking an antiagant sh as wafain (madin) f anthe nditin, mbining it with aspiin may geaty inease the isk f maj beeding mpiatins. Hweve, thee may be sme nditins f whih mbining a w dse f aspiin with wafain is apppiate (f exampe, with etain types f atifiia heat vaves f senday stke peventin), bt this theapy aways needs t be aefy disssed with y dt.
the mediatins and heba sppements as may inease y isk f beeding. Mediatins that an inteat with aspiin inde:

* Wafain (madin)
* Hepain
* Ibpfen (Advi, Mtin, thes), when taken egay
* tisteids
* Sme antidepessants (mipamine, paxetine, thes)

Taking sme dietay sppements an as inease y beeding isk. These inde:

* Danshen
* Dng qai
* Evening pimse i
* Ginkg
* mega-3 fatty aids (fish i)
* Pisan
* Wiw bak

If y take daiy aspiin, is it sti safe t take an aspiin ding a heat attak?

F mst pepe expeiening heat attak symptms, dts emmend hewing and swawing ne pain ega-stength aspiin tw t f baby aspiin. This emmendatin sti hds te if y ae n daiy aspiin theapy. hewing the aspiin speeds p the absptin pess and minimizes any deay in the benefiia effets f aspiin.
If y have etain beeding disdes, y shdn't take an aspiin ding a heat attak.
Dn't take aspiin if y think y'e having a stke, bease nt a stkes ae ased by bd ts; sme ae ased by pted bd vesses. Taking aspiin d make a beeding stke me sevee.
Shd y take a ated aspiin?

Entei-ated aspiin is designed t pass thgh y stmah and nt disintegate nti it eahes y intestines. It's gente n the stmah and may be apppiate f sme pepe wh take a daiy aspiin, espeiay in thse with a histy f gastitis es.
Hweve, it takes nge f y bdy t absb entei-ated aspiin, and it desn't appea t ffe signifiant ptetin against beeding in y stmah and intestines. Me stdies ae needed t bette ndestand the diffeenes between pain aspiin and entei-ated aspiin. If y have qestins nens abt the type f aspiin y take, ask y dt t detemine the best ptin f y.
What is speaspiin?

Speaspiin efes t a newe ass f dgs that ae avaiabe as an atenative sppement t aspiin. These mediatins ae aed pateet aggegatin inhibits and ede the isk f bd ts. Thgh they have simia effets as aspiin, they wk by a sighty diffeent atin. This ass f dgs indes pidge (Pavix), eptifibatide (Integiin) and thes. These mediatins may be sed:

* Ang with aspiin, t ede the isk f anthe heat attak stke in pepe wh have had ne
* Ding a heat attak t-eated stke
* Befe and afte angipasty and stent paement, t hep ede pede-eated bd ts
* T teat bked ateies in y ams and egs (peiphea atey disease)

Speaspiin may be an ptin if y ae esistant t aspiin (meaning y dn't get the t-peventing benefits), ae aegi t aspiin an't teate its side effets. The mbinatin f aspiin and pidge (Pavix) is emmended ny f pepe wh have speifi heat bd vesse nditins. If y ae enty taking Pavix and aspiin bt haven't had a heat attak stke, dn't stp taking it sddeny. Tak t y dt fist.


Pavix and Aspiin ae indiated f patients wh have heat disease t edse isk f m.i stke f at east ne yea .

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My appeiatin and espet