Dental Health: Abscessed Tooth

Absessed Tth

* What ae the symptms f an absessed tth?
* Hw is an absessed tth diagnsed?
* Hw is an absessed tth teated?
* an an absessed tth be pevented?
An absessed tth is a painf infetin at the t f a tth between the gm and a tth. It's mst mmny ased by sevee tth deay. the ases f tth absess ae tama t the tth, sh as when it is bken hipped, and gingivitis gm disease.
These pbems an ase penings in the tth ename, whih aws bateia t infet the ente f the tth (aed the pp). The infetin may as spead fm the t f the tth t the bnes sppting the tth.

What ae the symptms f an absessed tth?

A tthahe that is sevee and ntins and ests in gnawing thbbing pain shap shting pain ae mmn symptms f an absessed tth. the symptms may inde:
What des an absessed tth k ike?

* Feve
* Pain when hewing
* Sensitivity f the teeth t ht d
* Bitte taste in the mth
* F sme t the beath
* Swen nek gands
* Genea dismft, neasiness, i feeing
* edness and sweing f the gms
* Swen aea f the ppe we jaw
* An pen, daining se n the side f the gm
If the t f the tth dies as a est f infetin, the tthahe may stp. Hweve, this desn't mean the infetin has heaed; the infetin emains ative and ntines t spead and desty tisse. Theefe, if y expeiene any f the abve isted symptms, it is imptant t see a dentist even if the pain sbsides.

Hw is an absessed tth diagnsed?

Y dentist wi pbe y teeth with a denta instment. If y have an absessed tth, y wi fee pain when the tth is tapped by y dentist's pbe. Y dentist wi as ask y if y pain ineases when y bite dwn when y se y mth tighty. In additin, y dentist may sspet an absessed tth bease y gms may be swen and ed.
Y dentist may as take X-ays t k f esin f the bne and the absess.

Hw is an absessed tth teated?

Stategies t eiminate the infetin, peseve the tth, and pevent mpiatins ae the gas f teatment.
T eiminate infetin, the absess may need t be dained. Ahieving dainage may be dne thgh the tth by a pede knwn as a t ana. t ana sgey may as be emmended t emve any diseased t tisse afte the infetin has sbsided. Then, a wn may be paed ve the tth.
The tth may as be extated, awing dainage thgh the sket.
Finay, a thid way t dain the absess wd be by inisin int the swen gm tisse.
Antibitis ae pesibed t hep fight the infetin. T eieve the pain and dismft assiated with an absessed tth, wam sat-wate inses and ve-the-nte pain-eding mediatin ike ibpfen (Advi Mtin) an be sed.

an an absessed tth be pevented?

Fwing gd a hygiene paties an ede the isk f deveping a tth absess. As, if y teeth expeiene tama (f exampe, beme sened hipped), seek pmpt denta attentin.

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