


Epi =pn Dems = pepe gy = siene

the siene whih deas the stdy f the disease in the ppatin.
( stdying it's ene and distibtin )

any hazads affeting individa eithe infetis nn infetis asing impaiing his vita fntin.

Infetin = miganism (m.)
Nninfetin =pisns

gp f individas have the same mmn haateistis fnd in speifi egin (in ne aity).

ses f epidemigy:
1- t knw the igin(asative) agent f disease.
2-t knw the disease ene ,it's feqenies and distibtin amng the ppatin.
3-t pt nt and pevent meases f mbating (nt) that disease in this affetive ppatin.

Thee main diagnsti disipines:
1-dignsis: t knw the inia symptms thw the inia examinatin. (inia pite)
2-pathgy: (f nfimatin the disease) speimen ae examined in the ab t knw the main ase.
3-epidemigy: igin, feqeny ,ene, distibtin, n. f pepe in the affeted aea and peid f time.

Thee ae 2 things heping in the dignsis f the disease:
1)intensive fw p:
-T knw taing bak the fist sik individa ; t knw the igin f the disease.
Afte that y mst pt sme nt peventin mease (pgam) t pevent the spead f the disease amng ppatin.

infmatin f atin t knw the heathy stats f the ppatin eithe affeted nn-affeted.

A ) Ative ''teatment"(hemtheapy, vaine…) :
intefee with the affeted ppatin by mediatin , vainatin teatment).

B ) Passive "edatin":
sveiane team shd inspete the nn affeted ppatin in same aity at inteva peid f time, gives them eafets (ete), and edat them abt the expeted disease in thei aity t pevent the infetin with disease.

Hw an et sveiane data:
2-d. inis
3-eseah abs (instittes).
*these paes d pvide me a anaytia data abt the disease ene in a ppatin