
v The Bs nstitte the agest nmbe f es in the bd
v Binave diss
v N nes
v ntain Hemgbin
1. Shape
- It is nd binave pse in side view, knwn as a dmb be shape be shape.
- Thebinave shape pvides a age sfae aea f gas exhanges.
- In the hman it is nd nn-neated bt it is va in shape and nn-neated in the ame’s bd and va neated in the bd f bids
- Sh pses may aese tgethe by thei side fming the eax appeaane.
2. Size
- Diamete: 7.5 mimetes with a ange between (6-8m).
- Thikness: 1.9 mins.
3. nt
- The nma nt f the ed bd pse is aways dne in ne bi miimete f bd.
# In the mae it is abt 5-5.5 miin 1 m
# In the femae it is abt 4.5 miins 1 m.
- The ed bd es nt is dne by speia appaats aed heamytmete by the atmated methds.
- Fesh bd when speaded appea yewish geen in bt thik dp f bd appea ed in de t ndensatin f age nmbe f the .B.. ve eah the.
- The f the bd is de t the ed pigment hemgbin whih appea deepe in the peiphea pat f the pse and pae in its enta pat de t eded thikness f the pse.
-The nma is aed Nmhmi.
5. Stte
- Eythytes have fexibe e membanes, whih ntain ipids, pteins and abhydates.
- The membane peiphea pteins (spetins) ae espnsibe f the shape f the eythyte and hep in thei fexibiity n passing thgh apiaies.
- Eythytes ntain haemgbin 33%, wate 66% and sme enzymes needed f gse metabism. Haemgbin is a njgated ptein fmed f gbin and haematin.
- By EM, eythytes ae highy eetn dense de t thei in ntent.
- Haemgbin an mbine with 2 ® xyhaemgbin 2 ® abaminhaemgbin.
(These mbinatins ae evesibe.)
- Haemgbin may mbine with ® abxyhaemgbin
(whih is ievesibe.)
6. Fate
- Nmay, the ife span f hman eythytes is 120 days.
- Wn t eythytes ae emved fm the iatin by maphages f the speen and bne maw.
- Haemgbin is destted t its nstitents; gbin and haematin.
- Haematin is fthey bken int haemsidin (whih is esed t fm haemgbin in the ive ) and haematidin ( biibin ) whih is exeted in bie.