Estrogen loss leads to...

Estgen ss inked t besity

SAN ANTNI, Ag. 9 (PI) -- .S. sientists have fnd the
ss f estgen in de ats ests in ineased weight, bd gse and bd pesse.
That finding sggests estgen defiieny in aging wman might ase metabi hanges assiated with besity, diabetes and high bd pesse.
D. des Ftepiani f the nivesity f Texas Heath Siene ente at San Antni and eages stdied de intat ats, as we as tw gps f ats whse vaies had been emved. Amng the ats with n vaies, ny ne gp was given estgen, whie the the gp emained estgen depeted.
ats with n vaies wh did nt eeive estgen sffeed signifianty highe bd pesse, gained me weight and had mh highe bd gse eves than ats fm the the tw gps. ats whse vaies wee emved and wh wee given epaement estgen had nne f the i effets.
The findings wee pesented this week in Astin, Texas, ding a meeting f The Ameian Physigia Siety.
pyight 2007 by nited Pess Intenatina. A ights eseved.
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