For Medical Students

Staging f n ane, see tabe stages f ainmas. Sigmid neft fexeia pifeating ainma f the sigmid n. The stensis an´t be passed by the spe. Key- shape ainma f the eft fexe. The tm basis is eated. etmight fexeSevey stensing eta ainma exphyti in nate. Thee is absent mtiity in this intestina segment. The tm ist exphyti and sevey stensing. Spefiia nesis is visibe n the tm (we edge f the pite). Tansvese nia pifeating and stensing ainma f the tansvese n. Histgy eveas a tabea ainma.

Nma hangigam with a ean biiay dt and a ni dista pat. The intahepati dts ae tende and shw a tee- ike peiphea banhing.

Biiay dt stnesMtipe hge nement in the mmn bie dt. Mve the mse´s aw nt the image t the stnes.
Stne stk bew the hepati fk f it´s hge dimensins. In the dista pat f the biiay dt an infated extatin ban an be seen. Mve the mse´s aw nt the image t the stne in ed and the ban in be.

Baett´s epithem - ng segmentIn this ase the epitheea metapasia extends abt ve 7 m in the we pat f the esphags. Any metapasia abve 3,5 m in ength is aed ng segment Baet´s eshags. ike in Sht-Baett`s Esphags finge-ike aeas f metapasia ae t be seen.
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