green tea and cancer

Geen tea may hep gad against ane

TSN, Ag. 10 (PI) -- A geen tea nentate may hep sme pepe bst thei metabi defense against txins apabe f asing ane, finds a nivesity f Aizna stdy.
The stdy f 42 pepe nsmed geen tea nentate -- geen tea atehins in amnts eqa t that fnd in 8 t 16 ps f geen tea -- whih ineases the pdtin f enzymes, whih beng t the gtathine S-tansfease, GST, famiy.
GST enzymes ae beieved t be ia t the bdy's defense against ane-asing hemias and the txins and the GST enzymes nvet knwn aingens t nn-txi hemias, expained ead investigat, H.H. Shey hw, f the nivesity f Aizna, in Tsn.
Heathy vntees wee asked t abstain fm nsming any tea tea-eated pdts f f weeks and then bd was dawn and baseine GST enzyme eves wee detemined. Afte taking the geen tea nentate f f weeks, a send bd test was taken.
F thse with high medim GST eves itte vaiatin ed, bt f thse with w eves f GST sme expeiened an p t 80 peent inease mpaed t baseine GST ativity, the stdy in the ane Epidemigy, Bimakes & Peventin finds.
pyight 2007 by nited Pess Intenatina. A ights eseved.


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