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Hi,,I need t knw and find t

'what ae the affet f day ae n yng hiden'


an y pease edfae1; hep me with any psyhgia infmatin


Thank y

'what ae the affet f day ae n yng hiden'

Deiding whethe t send hiden t day ae t have ne paent stay hme with the hiden is an individa matte. What is best f ne famiy may nt be the best f anthe famiy. Hweve, paents ae depending me and me n f-time day ae f thei hiden. hsing the ae that's ight f bth paents and thei hiden is nt an easy task. Many things mst be nsideed befe a patia type f day ae is hsen. Paents mst nside st, atin, sevies pvided and the speifi needs f thei hiden befe a patia type f day ae is hsen.
Thee have been many stdies king at hw day ae affets yng hiden. In eent yeas, sme pfessinas thght that hiden paed in day ae didn't devep as we physiay, emtinay, inteetay as hiden wh emained at hme with ne paent.
Thee is n nsive evidene that day ae, in and f itsef, has a negative effet n hiden's sia, pesnaity, inteeta gwth. In fat, eent stdies have fnd that gd, high-qaity day ae an have sme psitive effets n hiden and thei wking mthes.*Wking mthes vs. stay at hme mthes. Thee is n diffeene between the sh ahievement, IQ test ses, and sia, emtina, and angage devepment f hiden with wking mthes and hiden whse mthes d nt wk tside f the hme.*Stay-at-hme mthes ept having jst as many pbems with thei hiden as wking mthes.*Qaity time. A eent eseah stdy sggests that many wking paents ften spend jst as mh time diety inteating with thei hiden as paents in famiies in whih ny ne paent wks.*High-qaity, we-ganized day ae an pmte the we-being f bth hiden and thei wking mthes.
The ntvesy ntines. Hweve, mst pfessinas nw beieve that high-qaity day ae in and f itsef des nt negativey affet hiden's inteeta, sia, emtina devepment. athe, fats sh as the famiy envinment and the qaity f day ae have a mh geate effet n hiden's we-being.
Types f Day ae
Thee ae many diffeent types f day ae. The st and sevies pvided diffe fm ne t anthe. Hee is an veview f sme f the mst feqenty sed types f f-time day ae.
In-Hme ae
This type f hid ae is nsideed t be ne f the best types f ae f hiden nde thee yeas d. A aegive is hied t take ae f hiden in the hiden's hmes. Sme aegives wk ding the day ny, and sme ive in. Sme d ight hsekeeping and sme dn't. Sitatins vay, depending n the needs f the paents and thei hiden.Advantages f In-Hme ae
*hiden emain in famiia sndings.
*Paents pesnay hse thei hiden's aegive.
*hiden ae nt expsed t the inesses f the hiden.
*If sik, hiden an be aed f at hme.
*ae is ften avaiabe n evenings and weekends. Hs ae fexibe.
*Many aegives wi d ight hsewk in additin t hid ae dties.
*N tansptatin is neessay.
*hiden have the mpete attentin f the aegive.
*Thee is an pptnity f hiden t devep se eatinships with thei aegive.
Disadvantages f In-Hme ae
*It is ne f the mst expensive types f hid ae.
*If the aegive is nabe t me t wk qits sddeny, thee is n bakp aegive.
*It may be vey psetting t hiden if thei aegive qits sddeny.
*Thee is a ss f pivay if the aegive ives in.
*It is smetimes diffit t find a mpetent aegive. It may as be diffit t jdge if hiden ae eeiving adeqate ae.
*As hiden get de, they may nt eeive the inteatin with the hiden that they need f adeqate sia devepment.
Famiy Day ae
This type f day ae is the mst widey sed type f day ae. Famiy day ae is best desibed as ae given by a paent (say a mthe) wh stays hme with he wn hiden and takes ae f the hiden t sppement he inme. This type f ae is say pvided in the aegive's hme. ften the pvide is a eative, fiend, neighb.Advantages f Famiy Day ae
*It's affdabe. It's ne f the east expensive types f day ae.
*Sik hiden ae say aed f.
*Thee is a we adthid ati. Theefe, hiden eeive me attentin than with the types f day ae. This may as aw paents t have a se eatinship with the aegive.
*hiden ae expsed t the hiden f diffeent ages.
*Thee is ess expse t iness.
*hiden ae aed f in a wam, hme-ike envinment.
*The hs ae say fexibe.
Disadvantages f Famiy Day ae
*ften this type f ae is niensed. This means it is nt spevised by a gvenment ageny. If the ente is niensed, paents may nt be abe t aim dayae sts n inme tax.
*It may be diffit t detemine the qaity f ae hiden ae eeiving.
*Tansptatin is eqied.
*It an be nstabe. If the pvide bemes i takes time ff, thee is n immediate bakp pvide. As, the pvide may disntine the aangement witht ntie. This d eave paents witht a day ae aangement f thei hiden.
*The pvide say has itte taining in hid ae and hid devepment. His he hid eaing phisphy may diffe fm the paents f the hiden being aed f.
Gp Day ae
This type f day ae is say ganized t ae f age nmbes f hiden. hiden ae gped ading t age and aed f tgethe. This type f day ae say pvides speiay panned pgams. It is say staffed by pepe tained t wk with yng hiden. Thee ae many diffeent types f gp day ae:*Pivate Day ae. These entes ae pivatey wned and peated. Sine they peate as a bsiness, they have t pvide the sevies that paents want. If they dn't, they pbaby wn't stay in bsiness. They ften pvide inteesting, stimating ativities, and they hie staff tained t ae f hiden.*Wkpae Day ae. These entes ae pvided by empyes. They ae say at east patiay fnded by the empye. The st f paents is say we than the types f gp day ae. This aangement aws paents t visit thei hiden ding the day. Paents ae as abe t mmte with thei hiden. Hweve, spae is ften imited. Paents say have t wait f spae t beme avaiabe.*peative Day ae. This type f day ae say invves a gp f paents wh hie staff t ae f thei hiden. Paents detemine what sevies ae t be pvided, and wh t hie. This type f hid ae aws paents t be invved in the administatin f thei hiden's ae.*Nn-Pfit Day ae. This type f day ae is avaiabe f many w inme famiies. These entes ae say fnded by gvenmenta agenies and pivate dnatins. Many nn-pfit hid ae ganizatins as ffe pgams f adts and paents.*hain entes. This type f day ae is apidy gwing in this nty. hain entes say ffe standadized pgams and im f hiden. They ae ften itiized f being pfit-iented and me nened with gwth and expansin than pviding qaity ae.
Advantages f Gp Day ae
*It's dependabe. The hs f peatin ae ega. Thee ae say evening and weekend hs, t.
*Staff is say tained in hid ae and hid devepment.
*Many diffeent tys and ativities ae say pvided.
*hiden spend time with hiden f the same age.
*Pgams ae say we ganized and stted.
*Gp day ae mst be iensed and, theefe, mst meet etain gvenment eqiements. iensed day ae pvides ae mnited by gvenment agenies.
Disadvantages f Gp Day ae
*ae is ess individaized.
*Staff tnve may be high.
*Thee is a highe staffhid ati.
*The hs ae ess fexibe than the types f hid ae.
*The st an be faiy high.
*hiden ae expsed t me iness and ae at geate isk f devepment f infetins.
*Sik hiden ae say nt awed t attend.
*Tansptatin is eqied.

Things t nside When king f Day ae
*st. Paents shd shp and t detemine the ange f sts f the type f ae they'e king f. Pies vay fm pvide t pvide. Paents shdn't aways assme that me expensive ae is bette. st is nt the way t detemine qaity f sevies.*The hiden. Paents shd nside what type f day ae thei hiden wi pefe. D they wk we in age gps, d they need individaized attentin? Ae they in need f sia inteatin? If thee is me than ne hid in the famiy, wi they bth be abe t attend the same day ae?*atin. If paents ae nsideing ae tside f the hme, they shd take its atin int ant. Is it se t hme t the ffie? Hw ng wi the mmte take?*The aegive(s). What ae the individa haateistis f the aegives being nsideed? Ae they wam and affetinate? D they ike hiden? Hw d they get ang with hiden? D they seem vewked fstated?*The Paents. Paents mst nside what type f hid ae wi wk the best f them. It is imptant that the aangements paents make ae satisfaty t bth themseves and thei hiden. Paents shd neve sette f hid ae they'e nt happy with.
What hiden Shd eeive Fm Day ae
*Gd Physia ae. hiden's physia and stdia needs shd be met thgh day ae. The day ae ente hme shd be ean and safe. Steps taken t ense the safety f hiden shd be bvis. F exampe, thee shd be safety pgs in a eetia tets, and a abinets and dawes shd have hid-pf athes. hiden shd eeive adeqate meas and shd be awed adeqate time t est.*ne t ne ntat with adt(s). Even if thee ae the hiden in the day ae sitatin, a hiden shd eeive feqent individa attentin (and affetin!) fm thei aegive(s).*An inteesting and stimating envinment. Thee shd be ativities geaed t diffeent hiden's eves f devepment. Thee shd be penty f things t d. Thee shd as be penty f m, inds and t, f hiden t pay.*A Peditabe Envinment. hiden need t knw what t expet fm a dayae sitatin. ega shedes and nsisteny ae vey imptant.
Hw t Stat the Seah*Aw engh time. Finding the ight dayae an take time. Paents shd aw at east tw mnths f the seah.*Netwk. Paents shd tak t as many pepe and ganizatins as they an. Sme exampes ae pediatiians, fiends, eatives, hhes, nsey shs, baby sitting sevies, hspitas, newspapes, nanny ganizatins, empyes, et. It is as a gd idea f paents t ntat the ageny that egates dayae in thei state.*Visit. Paents shd visit as many day aes as they pssiby an. They shd dp in nannned and hek t the faiities f size, teahe t hid ati, atmsphee, paent invvement, types f ativities, age sepaatin, est time, and sanitatin. Paents shd ty t get a genea fee f the faiity. They shd ask qestins, and shdn't eave nti they get the answes they need.*Inteview. Paents shd tak t the pesnne at the day ae faiities they'e nsideing. Ae they fiendy? Hw d they get ang with hiden? What's thei genea md and attitde? If paents ae nsideing in-hme ae, they shd ndt fma inteviews with eah appiant they'e nsideing.*DN'T SETTE. If paents ae nhappy with the day ae they'e nsideing, they shdn't sette f it. athe, they shd keep king nti they find the aangement that's ight f them. hiden ae peis, and, f se, paents want t find them the best ae pssibe.
Witten by Kisten Zten and Nihas ng

تمنياتي لكي بالتوفيق اختي الاميره. باحث باثيولوجي تخصص طب بشري
التعديل الأخير بواسطة المشرف:

ani-kp;Thank yani-kp;

fwe;باحث باثيولوجيfwe;

Thank y vey vey vey mh

اهلا وسهلا اختي هبة الله يوفقج انشالله.


Day ae Isses

With the nmbe f hiden in day ae, it shd be vey eassing t paents that eent stdies have shwn that if in a gd day ae envinment, hiden an thive and ntine t gw and devep apppiatey. It is theefe vey imptant t hse a day ae that pvides y hid with a heathy and safe envinment. The fwing advie wi hep y t find the ight hiden's day ae.
Waning: Be se that day ae wkes knw t pt y hid t seep n his bak and nt his side and espeiay nt his stmah. Thee is sti a high ate f SIDS in babies and infants in day ae, and it is thght that this is bease day ae wkes ae sti ptting hiden t seep n thei stmah. This ineases the isk f SIDS in infants, espeiay if they ae sed t seeping n thei baks. The Bak T Seep ampaign has geaty heped t deease the ate f SIDS in babies and infants.

Types f Day ae

Thee ae a vaiety f ptins avaiabe if y eqie smene t hep ae f y hiden. Y may hse in-hme ae, in whih the ae give mes t y hme. This ffes the benefit f y hid having individa attentin and emaining in the mft f y hme, bt keep in mind that in-hme aegives ae niensed, ae nspevised f mh f the day and may be expensive. hek efeenes vey aefy when hsing smene t ae f y hid in y hme.
Anthe type f hid ae has a aegive wathing y hid in thei hme. Famiy hid ae pvides shd be iensed, say ny ae f a sma nmbe f hiden and ae say heape than fma day ae entes. The qaity f famiy hid ae pvides vaies geaty, s be se t hek efeenes aefy and tak with the paents f the hiden that ae in this pesn's ae and wh have eenty eft.
Day ae entes ae a ppa atenative t hme ae. These ae fma ae entes that as mst be iensed and may be f-pfit nnpfit and assiated with a hh the ganizatin. The disadvantage f day ae entes is that they say have highe gp sizes and highe hid t ae give atis, s y hid wi be expsed t me inesses and wi nt eeive individaized attentin.

hsing a Day ae

ne y have deided whih type f day ae envinment t pae y hid in, y wi have t deide whih day ae t pae him in. emembe that the diffeent types f day ae a have thei wn advantages and disadvantages and y shd hse the ne that y fee the mst mftabe with. Sme things y shd k f inde:

* hse a day ae that is iensed.
* hek the efeenes f day ae pvides. F in hme ae pvides, hek thei efeenes fm the past five yeas and tak with pevis empyes. If hsing a day ae ente famiy hid ae pvide, tak with the paents wh have pevisy been ae enty nde thei ae.
* What ae the day ae entes hiing qaifiatins f day ae pvides? D they eqie any hid devepment expeiene?
* What is the tnve ate f aegives? Feqent tnve is nt gd f y hid and may indiate that thee is a pbem with the day ae ente.
* ny hse a day ae that aws y t make nsheded visits.

* Make se that gp sizes (hw many hiden ae in y hid's m) and hid t staff atis (hw many hiden des eah aegive k afte) aen't t age. Y hid shd as be gped with hiden f simia ages. ptima sizes depend n y hid's age and inde:

* <2ys: 6 hiden with 3:1 hid t staff ati
* 2-2 12ys: 8 hiden with 4:1 hid t staff ati
* 2 12 - 3ys: 10 hiden with 5:1 hid t staff ati
* 3ys: 14 hiden with 7:1 hid t staff ati
* 4-6ys: 16 hiden with 8:1 hid t staff ati

* The day ae shd have piies in pae n infetin nt, exsin iteia f sik hiden, and stit immnizatin eqiements f hiden and day ae pvides. Is a piy in pae t ntify paents if y hid is expsed t smene with a ntagis iness?
* Visit the day ae and make se that it is hidpf (k f smke detets and fie extingishes, ves n eetia tets, ks n abinets, tempeate f ht wate, et.), ean, has sepaate aeas f hanging diapes and pepaing fd, and that the hiden ae aways sey spevised. D day ae pvides enage feqent hand washing and have a stit envinmenta sanitatin pgam (tine eaning f tys and disinfeting f kithen and bathm sfaes)?
* Is y hid pvided with age apppiate tys?
* Ask abt the day ae ente's gas (wi they hep y hid t gw and devep at thei wn pae) and daiy shede f a typia day. Is this shede nsistent eah day (bette) ae hiden nt given a ega tine (me diffit f mst hiden)?
* Des the day ae have a pan in pae f emegenies and d a pvides knw basi fist aid?
* Hw d they dea with mmn behavi pbems, sh as hitting biting?
* D they fw the Bak T Seep emmendatins f the Ameian Aademy f Pediatis, d they aw infants t seep n thei stmahs?
* Is a stit n smking piy in pae?
* As make se that the day ae pvides psitin n behavi management and disipine agee with y wn.
* Ae day ae pvides abe t appy ae if y hid has any speia needs (giving mediatin, et)?
* Des the day ae pvide feedbak eah day abt y hid's behavi, diet and seep pattens?
* ne y hse a day ae, ntine t sey mnit hw y hid is adapting t being in anthe pesns ae.

Making the Tansitin t Day ae

Making the tansitin fm aing f y hid f time t mving him int a day ae an be vey diffit, bth f y and y hid. It is as diffit t knw the ptima age at whih t make the tansitin. de hiden have stnge immne systems and ae bette abe t hande being expsed t infetins, bt have me pbems with sepaatin anxiety. Ynge hiden make the tansitin easie, bt ae me ikey t ath ppe espiaty infetins and the inesses.
Wheneve y hse t stat day ae, y shd ty and make the tansitin gaday. It is espeiay imptant that ynge hiden be swy intded t a new aegive. If pssibe, visit the day ae with y hid f an h tw at a time befe y have t eave him ane thee f the day.

