help please..!!!

an y hep me t find the answe f these qestins:
1)desibe the mehanism by whih nma fid egatin in the bdy s?

2)what is nsideed t be exessive thist and inatin in an adt?

3)ist and biefy desibe the f types f diabetes insipids

4)what is the fist test shd be dne t \ DI??what is the type f speimen shd be sed?? what is the t ff f this test??

5)hw is pititay insipids diagnsed??

6)in what way is diabetes insipids simia t diabetes meits?? in what ways d they diffe??

7)hw des the mehanism by whih diesis s with diabetes insipids diffe fm that whih s in diabetes meits??

8)hw des diabetes insipids mpae with a nditin aed syndme f inapppiate anti-dieti hmne (SIADH)??

9)what the nditins ests in pyia and pydipsia??

10)what is DDAVP and hw is it administeed??

11)why shd a pesn wh has pititay diabetes insipids and des nt fee neasnaby innveniened by the symptms take teatment??

12)why is ADH as knwn as vaspessin??

13)what is the difeent between smaity and smaity??

14)what is thw fma that is sed t aate the smaity??

15)what is wate depiviatin test??

16)desibe the teatment f DI??

17)what is the pgnsis f nteated DI??

thanks atBandage_1

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