Helping Others Develop Their Potential

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

اسمحوا لي أن أتشارك معكم مقال قرأته فأعجبني ووددت أن تعم الفائدة للجميع.

الموضوع عن مساعدة الآخرين لتطوير قدراتهم, وبما أننا في مجال تعليم التمريض فقد يفيدنا الموضوع في صميم عملنا حيث

تطرق الكاتب إلى كيفية اكتشاف قدرات الآخرين ومساعدتهم على رؤيتها وتطويرها.. لاأريد أن أطيل عليكم وسأترككم مع المقال.

Heping thes Devep Thei Ptentia

Mst f s find seves in a psitin t hep thes ahieve me f thei ptentia than we eaize. Se, as eades, speviss, and paents we an see seves in that psitin; bt the fat is that a f s ae niqey qaified t hep at east ne the pesn in ives eah thei ptentia. I beieve it is pat f ppse in ife t seve thes in this way – t enage and sppt pepe we ae abt in beming thei best seves.

Many bks (sme f whih sit n my bkases) have been witten abt ahing and heping pepe devep thei skis. This atie wn ’ t be a definitive ist, bt it wi shae my pespetive n the essentia ingedients in heping thes eah thei ptentia.

Hep Them See

The fist step in deveping the ptentia in thes is f the “ thes ” t egnize that they have ptentia and t knw f themseves what it is! We ’ ve aeady taked abt his bt y an ’ t fget it – it is a itia step. ga shd be t hep them get whee they want t g – even if thei visin is sighty diffeent fm s.

Ptentia is abt passin. If pepe dn ’ t have passin f the fte they see, they ae mh ess ikey t get thee (and ikey it isn ’ t the ight fte!)

Be Them Fsed

Many yeas ag I had a manage wh saw geat things in my fte. He was vey spptive f heping me eah his visin. Whie I wi aways be gatef t him f seeing ptentia in me, I ntine t shake my head at his appah. He neve wanted t knw what I saw f mysef and my fte, instead, he assmed I wd want t beme what he saw f me. Even when I tied t expain t him that visins didn ’ t math, he fsed n pviding me pptnities and sppt that wee ight f his visin, nt mine.

emembe that y ae heping pepe eah thei ptentia, heping them disve thei agenda and gas. This is nt a patfm f y t exet y infene based n y beief in them y visin f them..

Yes, if y ae a spevis manage y may have ganizatina gas y hpe this pesn an ahieve. Be pfnt abt thse gas, and k f the mathes with the pesn ’ s passins and niqe abiities. Pehaps thee is a pefet fit, maybe the best thing y an d f eveyne is hep the pesn mve int a new diffeent e inside tside f the ganizatin.
T ty seve thes in this way we mst keep this pess mpetey abt them, and nt best jdgment, agenda visin f them.
Ask Qestins
As a devepe f ptentia e is t daw the answes fm thes. T ften we want t shae wisdm and advie. We wi be me effetive when we spend ess time taking and me time asking and istening. Ask pepe qestins abt thei passins, thei ideas egading thei geatest aeas f ptentia, and abt the the aeas in this atie.
Ask qestins witht bias and qestins that enage the the pesn t think. Then be patient and keep y mth sht afte y ask. Y ny jb then is t isten.

Hep Them Set Gas
A f s knw the vae f ga setting, bt many f s dn ’ t d it vey we vey nsistenty n wn. We an gide and enage pepe t set them. We an hep them define and aify these gas thgh the qestins we ask. Hep pepe desibe thei ent sitatin then set gas that wi steth them fm thei ent eaity twads thei ptentia.
se y qestining skis thght this pess and enage pepe t wite thei gas dwn.
Hep Them Identify ptins and pptnities
As a pat f the ga setting pess, pepe shd begin t identify sme ptins t hep them eah the ga. Hee is whee y an begin t pvide me diet advie. Pehaps y have expeiene that y an shae t hep them identify appahes they an se. Pehaps if y ae in the e f a spevis, y an ffe speifi taining eaning expeienes t hep them.
At east as imptant thgh, is that y ae nw in a niqe psitin t hep them in the fte bease y knw thei gas and thei visin. As time ges by y wi be beme awae f sitatins, ses, etes, bks, pepe and a manne f the things that wi hep that pesn advane twads thei gas. Make se y shae thse ideas and pptnities with them.
Pvide Sppt
If we want t hep pepe eah thei ptentia, we knw they need sppt. They need enagement, advie and even feedbak.
Y expeted me t mentin feedbak, and it is vey imptant. Smetimes thgh, pepe have me feedbak than they want need. What they ae ften aking is enagement. Be a pesn wh is spptive, inteested and enaging and y wi pvide geat vae t thes.
Be a Mde
Want t hep thes eah thei ptentia? The mst imptant thing y an d is be n that same path f ysef. Mde the behavis y ae enaging in them. Have y wn devepment gas. Be a wiing and eage eane. Be pen and fexibe t new pptnities ysef.
Y wi have mh geate infene and mh me sess in deveping thes if y ae seis abt deveping ysef fist.
Taken individay eah f the sggestins abve an be a pwef aid t y in heping thes eah thei ptentia. Taken tgethe they wi astnd bth y and thse y ae heping. The best way t appy these ideas is t get stated. Identify at east ne f these sggestins that y wi impement tday.
Getting stated is ften the tghest step. Seeing the sess that mes with atin wi enage y t ntine. Ding it (athe than jst shaking y head and ageeing with these ideas) wi be bth gatifying and ife hanging - t thse y ae heping and t y t!
Fw these steps and y ae n y way t neashing the massive ptentia in thes.

Kevin Eikenbey