HIV Testing

a mee, pded by the B-es f the immne system, that attahes t a speifi infetis invade, eithe a) inativating the invade b) fagging it f desttin by the immne es.
test-enzyme-inked immnsbent assay; a test that detets HIV antibdies.
Hman Immndefiieny Vis; the vis that ases AIDS. "Immndefiieny" efes t a weakened, defiient, immne system.
Westen Bt test
a test that detets HIV antibdies.
The bdy des nt natay have HIV antibdies. Antibdies ae ny pded in the pesene f an infetin. Hene, if HIV antibdies d exist, it is a sign that HIV has invaded the bdy. Bth the EISA test and the Westen Bt test detet HIV infetin by deteting the pesene f HIV antibdies.
Bth f these tests ey n the fat that HIV and HIV antibdies bind tgethe. The binding site n the sfae f HIV is ptein aed an antigen. Thee is an aea n the sfae f HIV antibdies int whih HIV antigens fit, ike a key fits int a k.
The EISA Test:-
Antibdies ae fnd in sem that has been sepaated fm the ed bd es. Ding an EISA test, this sem is paed in a tiny we ntaining a pasti bead ated with the pteins f HIV. Amng these pteins ae antigens. If thee ae any HIV antibdies in the sem, they wi bind t the HIV antigens n the bead. An indiating sbstane is then added whih wi tn yew if any binding has taken pae. This mti-aye pess an be visaized as in the diagam t the eft.
If the test is negative, and the patient may have been expsed t HIV, it is wise t test again in six mnths. The negative est may simpy mean that antibdies have nt yet been pded. If the test is psitive, it is epeated. If the send test is psitive, the Westen Bt test is pefmed.
The Westen Bt Test:-
In this test, the pteins f HIV ae aid t vetiay, fm agest t smaest, n a stip f fim. Sem is added and any existing HIV antibdies wi bind t the HIV antigens. A detetin enzyme is then added, whih athes n t the antibdies. Finay, a hemia is added that hanges when it mes int ntat with the ptein-antibdy-enzyme ayes. This mti-aye pess is simia t that f the EISA test. Hweve, the fina est is a niqe seies f shaded bands, ike the exampe .
This pite indes a psitive nt, a negative nt, an indeteminate Westen Bt test, and a psitive Westen Bt test.
Intepetatin f the Westen Bt an be mpiated, bt a gd e f thmb is the "3 band e": If thee me bands appea, thee is sid evidene that antibdies t HIV have been deteted. If ne tw bands appea, the test is nsideed indeteminate. If a patient with an indeteminate test has engaged in high isk behavi, anthe test shd be ndted in six mnths.
Additina Westen Bt Fats:-
Thee ae many bands in a stng psitive test bease, tehniay, any pteins that ae feign t the bdy ae antigens. These pteins d nt neessaiy have t be n the tside f the vis. As a est, thee ae atay sevea types f HIV antibdies, eah tageting a diffeent HIV ptein. The me advaned an infetin, the me types f HIV antibdies exist and the me bands that appea.
Sme bands ae dake than thes bease sme pteins ae me abndant in the vis. Hene, ding the test, me antibdies stik t that ptin f the stip.)
Why have tw tests?
If the Westen Bt is negative, des that mean the EISA tests wee pefmed inety? Nt at a. The pbem is that sme pteins fnd in HIV ae simia t pteins fnd in the infetis agents. As a est, jst bease smething in the sem binds t a ptein fm HIV des nt neessaiy mean that HIV is pesent. F this easn, the Westen Bt is me aate than the EISA test bease it an indiate what, exaty, is binding t what. Hweve, the EISA test is easie and ess expensive and an detet infetin eaie. In mbinatin, the tw tests make a gd team.
هذه صور كل الtestمرقمه من 1الي4
1- Antibdies and antigens.
2-EISA Test :-
3- Westen Bt Test:-
4- Sampe Westen Bt Test:-



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