Hiv1 & Hiv2 Pcr / Elisa


HIV- NA and HIV DNA P tests ae diffeent. The diffeene is in the nmbe f via paties they ae abe t detet. The HIV P sensitivity imit pe individa sampe is appximatey 50-2000 piesm ading t the diffeent methdgies sed.
* This test detets ate infetin pi t senvesin. It des s by pefming HIV-P test in assiatin t the HIV-EISA antibdies test. The P tests is appved by the FDA ny f pepe with AIDS and taking mediatins bt has beme ppa as as a diagnsti t. That is the easn why we assiate a fee HIV EISA antibdies.

* Eaie diagnsis eads t eaie efea f apppiate ae and pesevatin f heath.

* If the test is negative the pesn is amst 100% se t be negative f the pesene f HIV1 vises.

* A eent stdy has shwn that this test is abe t detet the pesene f HIV vis 6 t 42 days pi t a psitive HIV-EISA antibdies test and is nsive 28 days fm expse.

* HIV - P stands f HIV- Pymease hain eatinand isas knwn as Via ad testing bease it ks f the pesene f the Immn Defiieny Vis in y bd.ntay t the HIV-Eisa Antibdies test the HIV-P is the diet measement f the amnt f HIV paties pesent in the bd. The Pymease hain eatin (P) tehngy ampifies even the smaest amnt f Vis patie miins f time, and sine this test identifies and meases the geneti mateia (DNA) esting fm the vis infetin, is as knwn as Nei Aid test.

ممكن ترجمة يا الغالي fwn1;

eent stdy has shwn that this test is abe t detet the pesene f HIV vis 6 t 42 days pi t a psitive HIV-
هو يتكلم عن فحص الدي ان اي والري ان اي ويقول ان من خلال الدراسة اثبت انه يكتشف الاصابه من العدوي من 6 الي 42 يوم

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