HPV vaccine

The HPV vaine ptets against infetin by etain stains f the hman papima vis (HPV) that an ase evia ane and genita wats.
HPV speads msty thgh sexa ntat. Amst a evia anes ae ased by HPV. HPV vainatin is expeted t pevent abt 70% f evia ane ases.

HPV is a mmn vis that is spead thgh sexa intese. Thee ae many diffeent types f HPV, and many d nt ase pbems. Hweve, etain types f HPV an ead t evia ane (and genita wats).
Tw vaines ae enty avaiabe t pevent evia ane in gis and yng wmen. These vaines d nt teat evia ane, hweve.
The vaines ae aed Gadasi and evaix.

* Bth f the vaines ptet against HPV-16 and HPV-18, the tw types f HPV that ase mst ases f evia ane.
* Gadasi as ptets against HPV-6 and HPV-11, whih ase mst ases f genita wats.
* The vaines d nt ptet against a types f evia ane-asing HPV.

Gadasi is appved f:

* Femaes age 9-26 t ptet against evia ane and pevent genita wats
* Maes age 9 - 26 t pevent genita wats

evaix is appved f:

* Femaes age 10 – 26 t hep ptet against evia ane
* evaix des nt ptet against genita wats
* evaix has nt been appved f se in bys men

tine HPV immnizatin is emmended f 11- and 12-yea-d gis. The vaine is given in 3 shts ve a 6-mnth peid. (The send and thid dses ae given 2 and 6 mnths afte the fist dse.)
ne band f vaine an be sbstitted f anthe in the 3-dse seies. The HPV vaine an be given at the same time as the vaines.
Gis as yng as 9 an eeive the vaine if thei dt emmends it.
Gis and wmen ages 13 - 26 wh have nt been pevisy immnized wh have nt mpeted the f vaine seies shd get vainated t ath p n missed dses. (Nte: Sme gps d nt emmend wmen between 19 and 26 eeive ath-p dses f this vaine. Tak with y pvide if y ae this age gp.)
tine se f the HPV vaine in bys and men is nt emmended. Hweve, a heath ae pvide may sti deide t se it n a speifi patient.
Pegnant wmen shd nt eeive this vaine.
The mst mmn side effets ae fainting, dizziness, nasea, headahe, and skin eatins at the site whee the sht was given.
The HPV vaine des nt ptet against a types f HPV that ead t evia ane. Gis and wmen shd sti eeive ega seening (Pap tests) t k f any eay signs f evia ane.
The HPV vaine des nt ptet against the sexay tansmitted infetins.

* Y aen't se whethe y y hid shd eeive the HPV vaine
* Y y hid deveps mpiatins sevee symptms afte getting an HPV vaine
* Y have the qestins nens abt the HPV vaine

pdate Date: 1182010

entes f Disease nt and Peventin (D).


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