Introduction to Cellular Adaptation

Intdtin t ea Adaptatin

es ae the stta and fntina nits f tisses and gans. They ae apabe f adjsting thei stte and fntins in espnse t vais physigia and pathgia nditins. This apabiity is aed ea adaptatin.

ea adaptatins inde:

* Atphy--shinkage f es
* Hypetphy--inease in the size f es whih ests in enagement f the gans
* Hypepasia--ineased nmbe f es in an gan tisse
* Metapasia--tansfmatin epaement f ne adt e type with anthe .
e Injy

If the es fai t adapt nde stess, they ndeg etain hanges aed e injy. The affeted es may eve fm the injy (evesibe) may die (ievesibe).
ases f e Injy

* xygen depivatin (anxia)
* physia agents
* hemia agents
* infetins agents
* immngi eatins
* geneti defets
* ntitina imbaanes

Mphgy f e Injy


* ea sweing and vaes fmatin (Hydpi hanges)
* hanges at this stage ae bette appeiated by the EM that may shw bebbing f the pasma membane, sweing f mithndia and diatatin f E
* Fatty hanges
The hanges ae pded by enzymati digestin f dead ea eements, denatnatin f pteins and atysis (by yssma enzymes).

* ytpasm - ineased esinphiia

Nes - nnspeifi beakdwn f DNA eading t pyknsis (shinkage), kayysis (fading) and kayhexis (fagmentatin).

hni e Injy
Nn-etha injy may ase sbea hanges sme f whih ae haateistiay seen in etain pathgi nditins. The fwing ae exampes f sme f these hanges:

* hanges in mithndia seen in vais nditins in sme f whih thee is an inease in the nmbe f mithndia with vais mphgia abnmaities.
* ytskeeta hanges.

e Death

Death f es s in tw ways:-

* Nesis--(ievesibe injy) hanges pded by enzymati digestin f dead ea eements
* Apptsis--vita pess that heps eiminate nwanted es--an intenay pgammed seies f events effeted by dediated gene pdts .
Mehanisms f e Death:-
Mehanisms f e death ased by diffeent agents may vay. Hweve, etain bihemia events ae seen in the pess f e nesis:

* ATP depetin
* ss f aim hmestasis and fee ytsi aim
* Fee adias: spexide anins, Hydxy adias, hydgen pexide
* Defetive membane pemeabiity
* Mithndia damage
* ytskeeta damage
Type f Nesis In Tisses gans:-
As a est f e death the tisses gans dispay etain maspi hanges:

* agative nesis: the tine f the dead es ae maintained and the tisse is smewhat fim. Exampe: myadia infatin
* iqifative nesis: the dead es ndeg disintegatin and affeted tisse is iqified. Exampe: eeba infatin.
* ases nesis: a fm f agative nesis (heese-ike). Exampe: tbesis esins.
* Fat nesis: enzymati digestin f fat. Exampe: nesis f fat by paneati enzymes.
* Gangens nesis: Nesis (senday t ishemia) say with speimpsed infetin. Exampe: nesis f dista imbs, say ft and tes in diabetes.
This pess heps t eiminate nwanted es by an intenay pgammed seies f events effeted by dediated gene pdts.

* Ding devepment f emva f exess es ding embygenesis
* T maintain e ppatin in tisses with high tnve f es, sh as skin, bwes.
* T eiminate immne es afte ytkine depetin, and ateative T-es in deveping thyms.
* T emve damaged es by vis
* T eiminate es with DNA damage by adiatin, yttxi agents .
* Hmne-dependent invtin - Endmetim, vay, beasts .
* e death in tms.
Mphgy f Apptsis:-

* Shinkage f es
* ndensatin f nea hmatin peipheay nde nea membane
* Fmatin f apptti bdies by fagmentatin f the es and nei. The fagments emain membane-bnd and ntain e ganees with witht nea fagments.
* Phagytsis f apptti bdies by adjaent heathy es phagytes.
* nike nesis, apptsis is nt ampanied by infammaty eatin .
Mehanisms f Apptsis:-
Apptsis an be inded by vais fats nde bth physigia and pathgia nditins: It is an enegy-dependent asade f mea events whih inde ptein eavage by a gp f enzymes (aspases), ptein ss-inking, DNA beakdwn. Apptsis is egated by a age famiy f genes sme f whih ae inhibity (b-2) and sme ae stimaty .
Apptsis ges thgh sevea mpex phases. T pt it simpy, abnma mithndia membane pemeabiity is a ia event whih aws esape f ythme- int the ysts whih, in tn, ativates pteyti enzymes (aspases) eading t the exetin f the pess. The fina phase is the emva f dead e fagments by phagytsis witht infammaty eatins.


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