Introduction to Manual Muscle Testing and Rating Scale

Intdtin t Mana Mse Testing and ating Sae
Mana Mse Testing
* When pefming mse tests, be se t evaate f asymmety f the mse gps (i.e. atphy n ne side and nt the the) and andmaks pi t testing.
Gading Sae: (Danie & Wthingham 1995)
ating mse tests is a ski that takes a ng time t ean and pefm with eiabiity. It is imptant t ean hw mh esistane a “nma” mse an teate t knw when a mse is nt pefming t its ptentia. A tests mst be pefmed biateay and the naffeted side shd be tested fist. This is ia bease the teste an then get an aate idea f hw mh esistane the naffeted side an teate and what wd be nsideed nma f the patient.
The sae bew is mpised f bth sbjetive and bjetive fats. The sbjetive is the examine knwing hw mh esistane t give and hw mh esistane the patient an teate. The bjetive fats inde: if the patient an mpete the avaiabe ange f mtin, mve against gavity, and if heshe an hd this psitin. A f these fats make aay in ating a mse test diffit, bt with patie inta-teste e an be kept at a minimm.

Mana Mse Test Sae:
Gade 5: Patient an hd the psitin against maximm esistane and thgh mpete
ange f mtin.
Gade 4: Patient an hd the psitin against stng t mdeate esistane,
has f ange f mtin.
Gade 3: Patient an teate n esistane bt an pefm the mvement thgh the
f ange f mtin.
Gade 2: Patient has a patia ange f mtin in the gavity eiminated psitin.
Gade 1: The msemses an be papated whie the patient is pefming the atin
in the gavity eiminated psitin.
Gade 0: N ntatie ativity an be fet in the gavity eiminated psitin.
التعديل الأخير بواسطة المشرف:


a nie sbjet

thanx at 3ai


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