Medical Breakthrough : HIV

Dg 'stps HIV's enty t es'
A new HIV dg shws pmising ests in pepe f whm the teatments n nge wk, a stdy sggests.

Pfize's Maavi - whih bks HIV's enty t immne system es - is ne f a nmbe f dgs being deveped f this gp f patients.
A stdy fnd twie as many pepe n the dg had ndetetabe vis eves mpaed t pepe n standad dgs.
A K expet said the devepment f Maavi, detaied at a S nfeene, was pmising.
Teatment need
The dg ats as a bk t the 5 eept whih is the "dway" whih HIV ses t get int D4-T-es.
HIV theapies have, f s ng, fsed n pepe needing dgs f thei initia teatment
Mihae ate, Natina Aids Mana

The 24-week safety stdy epted t the nfeene n etvises and pptnisti Infetins in s Angees ked at 1,000 patients.
A wee taking thei standad mediatins, bt haf wee as given Maavi whie the est wee given the dmmy - paeb - vesin.
A qate f thse in the paeb am f the stdy wee fnd t have ndetetabe via ads at the end f the stdy, mpaed with amst dbe that nmbe in the gp taking Maavi - between 41-48% depending n the dsage they wee given.
Thse taking the dg as had a highe D4 nt.
Mihae ate, an HIV expet fm the K's Natina Aids Mana (Aidsmap) said the dg was the fist in a new ass t eah this stage f eseah.
He said thee was anthe gp f dgs, ed by Mek's ategavi whih ae as tageted at this gp f patients, bt whih stp HIV integating int es.
"HIV theapies have, f s ng, fsed n pepe needing dgs f thei initia teatment," said M ate.
"Bt thee is a hge and gwing nmbe f pepe wh've faied n fist and send-ine theapies, wh need the dgs ate n."

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