(MRSA) عدوى سببها بكتيريا Staphylococcus aureus

هذه أول مشاركه وأتمنى أن تعم الفائدة للجميع 0000000000000
مع تمنياتي للجميع في هذا المنتدى الرائع
باللتوفيق في الدارين

Methiiin-esistant Staphys aes (MSA) infetin is ased by Staphys aes bateia — ften aed "staph." Deades ag, a stain f staph emeged in hspitas that was esistant t the bad-spetm antibitis mmny sed t teat it. Dbbed methiiin-esistant Staphys aes (MSA), it was ne f the fist gems t twit a bt the mst pwef dgs. MSA infetin an be fata.
Staph bateia ae nmay fnd n the skin in the nse f abt ne-thid f the ppatin. If y have staph n y skin in y nse bt aen't sik, y ae said t be "nized" bt nt infeted with MSA. Heathy pepe an be nized with MSA and have n i effets. Hweve, they an pass the gem t thes.
Staph bateia ae geneay hamess ness they ente the bdy thgh a t the wnd, and even then they ften ase ny min skin pbems in heathy pepe. Bt in de adts and pepe wh ae i have weakened immne systems, dinay staph infetins an ase seis iness.
In the 1990s, a type f MSA began shwing p in the wide mmnity. Tday, that fm f staph, knwn as mmnity-assiated MSA, A-MSA, is espnsibe f many seis skin and sft tisse infetins and f a seis fm f pnemnia.

Signs and symptms

Staph infetins, inding MSA, geneay stat as sma ed bmps that esembe pimpes, bis spide bites. These an qiky tn int deep, painf absesses that eqie sgia daining. Smetimes the bateia emain nfined t the skin. Bt they an as bw deep int the bdy, asing ptentiay ife-theatening infetins in bnes, jints, sgia wnds, the bdsteam, heat vaves and ngs.

Athgh the sviva tatis f bateia ntibte t antibiti esistane, hmans bea mst f the espnsibiity f the pbem. eading ases f antibiti esistane inde:
§ nneessay antibiti se in hmans. ike the spebgs, MSA is the est f deades f exessive and nneessay antibiti se. F yeas, antibitis have been pesibed f ds, f and the via infetins that dn't espnd t these dgs, as we as f simpe bateia infetins that nmay ea n thei wn.
§ Antibitis in fd and wate. Pesiptin dgs aen't the ny se f antibitis. In the nited States, antibitis an be fnd in beef atte, pigs and hikens. The same antibitis then find thei way int mniipa wate systems when the nff fm feedts ntaminates steams and gndwate. tine feeding f antibitis t animas is banned in the Epean nin and many the indstiaized nties. Antibitis given in the ppe dses t animas wh ae sik dn't appea t pde esistant bateia.
§ Gem mtatin. Even when antibitis ae sed apppiatey, they ntibte t the ise f dg-esistant bateia bease they dn't desty evey gem they taget. Bateia ive n an evtinay fast tak, s gems that svive teatment with ne antibiti sn ean t esist thes. And bease bateia mtate mh me qiky than new dgs an be pded, sme gems end p esistant t jst abt eveything. That's why ny a handf f dgs ae nw effetive against mst fms f staph.

isk fats
Bease hspita and mmnity stains f MSA geneay in diffeent settings, the isk fats f the tw stains diffe.
isk fats f hspita-aqied (HA) MSA inde:
§ A ent eent hspitaizatin. MSA emains a nen in hspitas, whee it an attak thse mst vneabe — de adts and pepe with weakened immne systems, bns, sgia wnds seis ndeying heath pbems. A 2007 ept fm the Assiatin f Pfessinas in Infetin nt and Epidemigy estimates that 1.2 miin hspita patients ae infeted with MSA eah yea in the nited States. They as estimate anthe 423,000 ae nized with it.
§ esiding in a ng-tem ae faiity. MSA is fa me pevaent in these faiities than it is in hspitas. aies f MSA have the abiity t spead it, even if they'e nt sik themseves.
§ Invasive devies. Pepe wh ae n diaysis, ae atheteized, have feeding tbes the invasive devies ae at highe isk.
§ eent antibiti se. Teatment with fqinnes (ipfxain, fxain evfxain) ephaspin antibitis an inease the isk f HA-MSA.
These ae the main isk fats f mmnity-aqied (A) MSA:
§ Yng age. A-MSA an be patiay danges in hiden. ften enteing the bdy thgh a t sape, MSA an qiky ase a wide spead infetin. hiden may be sseptibe bease thei immne systems aen't fy deveped they dn't yet have antibdies t mmn gems. hiden and yng adts ae as mh me ikey t devep danges fms f pnemnia than de pepe ae.
§ Patiipating in ntat spts. A-MSA has ept int bth amate and pfessina spts teams. The bateia spead easiy thgh ts and abasins and skin-t-skin ntat.
§ Shaing twes atheti eqipment. Athgh few tbeaks have been epted in pbi gyms, A-MSA has spead amng athetes shaing azs, twes, nifms eqipment.
§ Having a weakened immne system. Pepe with weakened immne systems, inding thse iving with HIVAIDS, ae me ikey t have sevee A-MSA infetins.
§ iving in wded nsanitay nditins. tbeaks f A-MSA have ed in miitay taining amps and in Ameian and Epean pisns.
§ Assiatin with heath ae wkes. Pepe wh ae in se ntat with heath ae wkes ae at ineased isk f seis staph infetins.

When t seek media advie
Keep an eye n min skin pbems — pimpes, inset bites, ts and sapes — espeiay in hiden. If wnds beme infeted, see y dt. Ask t have any skin infetin tested f MSA befe stating antibiti theapy. Dgs that teat dinay staph aen't effetive against MSA, and thei se d ead t seis iness and me esistant bateia.

Seening and diagnsis
Dts diagnse MSA by heking a tisse sampe nasa seetins f signs f dg-esistant bateia. The sampe is sent t a ab whee it's paed in a dish f ntients that enage bateia gwth (te). Bt bease it takes abt 48 hs f the bateia t gw, newe tests that an detet staph DNA in a matte f hs ae nw beming me widey avaiabe.
In the hspita, y may be tested f MSA if y shw signs f infetin if y ae tansfeed int a hspita fm anthe heathae setting whee MSA is knwn t be pesent. Y may as be tested if y have had a pevis histy f MSA.

Bth hspita and mmnity assiated stains f MSA sti espnd t etain mediatins. In hspitas and ae faiities, dts geneay ey n the antibiti vanmyin t teat esistant gems. A-MSA may be teated with vanmyin the antibitis that have pved effetive against patia stains. Athgh vanmyin saves ives, it may gw esistant as we; sme hspitas ae aeady seeing tbeaks f vanmyin-esistant MSA. T hep ede that theat, dts may dain an absess ased by MSA athe than teat the infetin with dgs.

Hspitas ae fighting bak against MSA infetin by sing sveiane systems that tak bateia tbeaks and by investing in pdts sh as antibiti-ated athetes and gves that eease disinfetants.
Sti, the best way t pevent the spead f gems is f heath ae wkes t wash thei hands feqenty, t ppey disinfet hspita sfaes and t take the peatins sh as weaing a mask when wking with pepe with weakened immne systems.
In the hspita, pepe wh ae infeted nized with MSA ae paed in isatin t pevent the spead f MSA t the patients and heathae wkes.Visits and heathae wkes aing f isated patients may be eqied t wea ptetive gaments and mst fw stit handwashing pedes.
What y an d in the hspita
Hee's what y an d t ptet ysef, famiy membes fiends fm hspita-aqied infetins.
§ Ask a hspita staff t wash thei hands se an ah-based hand sanitize befe thing y — evey time.
§ Wash y wn hands feqenty.
§ Make se that intavens tbes and athetes ae inseted nde steie nditins, f exampe, the pesn inseting them weas a mask and steiizes y skin fist.
What y an d in y mmnity
Pteting ysef fm MSA in y mmnity — whih might be jst abt anywhee — may seem danting, bt these mmn-sense peatins an hep ede y isk:
§ Wash y hands. aef hand washing emains y best defense against gems. Sb hands bisky f at east 15 sends, then dy them with a dispsabe twe and se anthe twe t tn ff the faet. ay a sma btte f hand sanitize ntaining at east 62 peent ah f times when y dn't have aess t sap and wate.
§ Keep pesna items pesna. Avid shaing pesna items sh as twes, sheets, azs, thing and atheti eqipment. MSA speads n ntaminated bjets as we as thgh diet ntat.
§ Keep wnds veed. Keep ts and abasins ean and veed with steie, dy bandages nti they hea. The ps fm infeted ses may ntain MSA, and keeping wnds veed wi hep keep the bateia fm speading.
§ Shwe afte atheti games paties. Shwe immediatey afte eah game patie. se sap and wate. Dn't shae twes.
§ Sit t atheti games paties if y have a nening infetin. If y have a wnd that's daining appeas infeted — f exampe is ed, swen, wam t the th tende — nside sitting t atheti games paties nti the wnd has heaed.
§ Sanitize inens. If y have a t se, wash twes and bed inens in a washing mahine set t the "ht" wate setting (with added beah, if pssibe) and dy them in a ht dye. Wash gym and atheti thes afte eah weaing.
§ Get tested. If y have a skin infetin that eqies teatment, ask y dt if y shd be tested f MSA. Dts may pesibe dgs that aen't effetive against antibiti-esistant staph, whih deays teatment and eates me esistant gems. Testing speifiay f MSA may get y the speifi antibiti y need t effetivey teat y infetin.
§ se antibitis apppiatey. When y'e pesibed an antibiti, take a f the dses, even if the infetin is getting bette. Dn't stp nti y dt tes y t stp. Dn't shae antibitis with thes save nfinished antibitis f anthe time. Inapppiate se f antibitis, inding nt taking a f y pesiptin and vese, ntibtes t esistane. If y infetin isn't impving afte a few days f taking an antibiti, ntat y dt.

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